Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 933: Surprise

On Saturday morning, the entire westerner knew that Du Lin was about to participate in the general election two years later, but Du Lin did not disclose which state he would participate in as the governor of the election, which left many suspense.

After the death of Mennon, a large number of grassroots political forces in the west fell into a vacuum. With the compromise between the New Party and the Old Party, both sides sent a large number of officials to fill the grassroots in the west, but the governor has not changed. The governors of the three western states have one member of the old party and two members of the new party. Originally there were only two states in the west, but a large number of middle classes wanted to get rid of the impression of being a countryman in a backward region. Two states turned into three states, and these middle classes were closer to the empire's territory, although they were still westerners.

They claim to be Central or Southern, and are unwilling to admit that they are Westerners, although they are indeed Westerners and cannot change this fact for a short time.

Durin and Hersman think that the new state is not a suitable state for election because there are too many middle classes. These middle classes can launch a referendum in order to get rid of their impression, and their own positions will be even more Favor the old party. The "elite society" proposed by the old party over the past few years is very popular with the middle class. The so-called elite society is, to put it plainly, an alternative class restoration. The idea of ​​pulling the mainstay middle class of society alone into an elite class has made many middle classes ecstatic.

Advocated by the old party, many middle classes are dissatisfied with the current social environment. They consider themselves to contribute more to society and the country than others, but they have not enjoyed special treatment. They are no different from ordinary people who can earn only 50 or 60 yuan a month. They need recognition from the whole society, not just to describe them by the middle class, they also need respect.

In the idea proposed by the old party, the elite as a society should enjoy better treatment and more benefits. They account for about 10% to 20% of the total population of this country, but their contribution to this country exceeds 70% of the population. They represent the most important part of a country's power and should have Different from the bottom of society.

This coincides with most middle-class families. Many middle-class families are supporting the old party, donating various funds and expenses for them, and spontaneously protecting the old party's interests.

After Du Lin took the lead in implementing the household registration system in Otis, the old party has been planning a new household registration system and a hierarchical and hierarchical social household registration system. They have also established a social point system to improve the level of household registration.

Ordinary people have a certain aversion to this, but not everyone dislikes the old party's set of remarks. Some self-proclaimed people always think that they can soon enter the middle class and become different from ordinary people. Elite level. There are not a few people who hold this idea. The popularity of education and the emergence of various vocational schools have given a lot of opportunities to the people at the bottom of society, and they have given them a step to the higher level. After these people have spent the hardest time studying with their efforts several times more than others, and have spent their youth on their studies, they have achieved varying degrees of success.

But this success, in addition to being able to be reflected in wealth, does not better reflect what distinguishes oneself from others. For example, a middle-class man with an annual income of 2,000 yuan eats in a restaurant, and the table around him may be the bottom of the society with an annual income of only a few hundred yuan. This shows how different he is. Pioneer? What they need are privileges, special treatment, and something completely separate from the bottom society!

The New Party and the Old Party are essentially different in philosophy. The New Party's political program and ruling ideas are more inclined to compete freely. They will not target certain people, nor will they deliberately suppress some people. The start is a life. Smooth, how to develop next, and to what extent, it depends on individual ability. This is a very good environment for some truly capable people. A society similar to the law of the jungle screens out a group of unqualified people as the grassroots of the society under the increasing competitiveness, and some capable people evolve into The middle and upper levels of society.

Although absolute fairness cannot be achieved, it is at least relatively fair, because everyone has the opportunity and everyone is the same as each other. No one is destined to succeed, and no one is destined to fail.

The old party's program and management methods are different. The old party changed its class to a new dress, packed it, and pushed it to the front. Many people were confused by the new clothes and couldn't see the things behind the new clothes. The social upgrading system is the set that the old party is most adept at. At the time, Tennell was implementing this system. They emphasize fairness. Everyone starts from nothing, and touches it. As long as they have made corresponding contributions to the society, they will inevitably receive corresponding feedback.

According to the idea of ​​the old party, everyone has a ladder in front of them. As long as everyone follows the social system, they can continue on the ladder, continuously improve their status in society, and have more benefits and privileges. But in fact, these people set up a few small levels artificially and were not discovered. In order for an ordinary person to become a middle-to-high-level society, in addition to their own efforts, they also need to make enough connections.

So how do you get to know some people who can get promotion opportunities if you have no ordinary people?

The answer is simple, benefit delivery!

During Doolin's stay in Tener City, there were several other people who could really go up the stairs and cross the threshold. They were all so-called "tycoons".

It can be found from people like Godol and Woodwood that they develop in the prescribed environment according to the requirements of the Old Party, and each stage will change a form, but the essence will not change. They gain the recognition of upper-level people by transmitting benefits, and then give them a key to open the door to promotion, thereby gaining social status. They have become the "sacrifice" of this social system, and at the same time are vested interests, which is precisely the way that those who support the old party most agree.

In other words, under the social system operated by the old party, lower-level society must obey the higher-level society, otherwise there is no way out and a dead end. Too often, individual abilities have no value in the promotion of the social level. As long as you know the key person, you can make a breakthrough in social hierarchy.

The old party ’s governance philosophy cannot be regarded as too backward in view of the entire world. It does not even make people feel that there are too many problems. After all, the empire has come out of feudal rule for more than two decades. For the citizens of the feudal system, they are still in the conflict and contradiction between the old and new systems. The new party's emphasis on personal abilities recognizes that the old party's relationship with social development has its own advocates. Even if the royal family has abdicated for more than two decades, is there someone who misses the days when they were ruled by the royal family or by the nobility?

The culture accepted by the main social population is the biggest distinction between the new party and the old party.

Most of the young people born after the new party took power do not like the old party's set of things, but the middle class and high-level society in today's society are the beneficiaries of the old system. They are more willing to support the idea of ​​maintaining the old party. . If the royal family can be restored, they are probably the most determined advocates.

Avoiding middle class and older states is Hersman's suggestion to Doolin. In these states, it is not easy to defeat the old party unless Doolin can provide more than the old party and The New Party has a more advanced and advanced social system. Otherwise, there will not be many people supporting him.

On the contrary, Hersman thinks that the latter two states are actually more suitable for the Doolin campaign. The reason is simple. The other two states have not many middle classes. Most of them are the bottom of society, farmers, miners or whatever. Most of these people are Du Lin's employees. At the same time, they are on the edge of the empire's territory. Neither the way to obtain information nor the recognition of the empire is enough. The closed social environment puts the social ecology here in a slightly barbaric situation. To put it in a slightly arrogant word, these people are a group of people with weak national consciousness. They have not received any education and are barbaric. Western society makes these people value their own interests, and as long as there are enough benefits, they will not mind who they vote for.

Hersman is also very clear ~ ~ The governor is only a springboard for Du Lin. He cannot stay in the west for a lifetime. Just to make the people here live a better life, he will definitely go towards the empire. The central government does not matter which state is selected, what is important is that it must be able to be selected.

There was no objection to Doosan's plan, as Hersman thought, all he needed was a governorship.

After he announced that he would participate in the election, Du Lin left the west soon. He needs to record several programs for broadcasting. At least, let people know what benefits and changes will be made by choosing Du Lin. This is also one of the plans that Hersman has formulated for Doolin, and start to promote as soon as possible in favor of the next plan.

It was also at this time that Saint Luo suffered a surprise attack.

An army that crossed the primordial forest and suddenly appeared on the periphery of Saint-Lotus unexpectedly attacked Saint-Lotus. As a member of the fifth city chain, Saint-Lotus apparently did not deploy any defense measures. The emperor's main force was still in the third city chain and For the EFF tug-of-war, who could have imagined that an army would cross a virgin forest with a diameter of more than 200 kilometers and directly attack the rear?

At the moment a bombardment sounded, the whole city was in chaos.

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