Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 939: lighter

Du Lin actually brought a lot of bits and pieces, such as some small jewelry, such as gem buttons, this kind of thing is very common. Although each seamstress uses his best credit to ensure that the clothes he sew will not have any problems, but sometimes there are some small leaks. For example, when he is participating in an event, he suddenly finds that his clothes have fewer buttons What should I do if I get one?

Most nobles have an indescribable mental illness and are very ill. They will not consider what an identified gentleman or woman would do in places where others cannot see. They would not pay much attention to the private lives of these people, including social issues such as moral conditions. Under the premise of their own interests, they hold an indifferent attitude towards the lives of others. But there is another situation, even if there is no entanglement of interests, they will be very concerned and concerned, and that is whether this gentleman or lady has done something detrimental to himself.

This inexplicable mentality of watching other people's jokes has triggered countless wars between nobles in history, perhaps just because one button is missing from someone's clothes or someone has some dust on their shoes. Then they started laughing and were willing to share their findings-voila, that guy had a button on his clothes. It was ridiculous. You know that he is an aristocrat. !!

Then the war broke out.

All a group of neuroses!

So in order to avoid these problems to the greatest extent, nobles usually put one or two gem buttons in the pockets or bags of formal social occasions. These gem buttons can play a big role when necessary. Du Lin also had such buttons in his pocket, or two.

But giving the princess jewel buckle ... seems not so good, he touched his pocket and found out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

If the princess is not a princess but a prince, a cigarette may be a good gift. Du Lin will also say that he will light the first fire of life for the prince, but it is a girl, a princess, and he does It's too rude.

Finally, among wallets, coins, gem buttons, cigarettes and lighters, Doolin chose lighters. It was a purely hand-made sapphire mirror lighter. The market price ... wrong. There is no market price for this gadget. It is a completely customized product. It cost 1,300 dollars in Du Lin. Although it is expensive, it is very comfortable to use.

He checked the lighter, stood in the corner, wiped it with a napkin, and put it in his pocket with satisfaction.

When the birthday party went to the gift-giving section, guests started to present gifts from large to small according to the title. Magus was of course the first. He gave the princess a very fine handmade swan feather pen. There is a foot of pure white swan feather lying in a red velvet box. The large red velvet cloth sets off the whiteness of the feather. The golden nib and a small signature on the wing are the origin of this swan feather pen. Made the best notes.

This is a hand-made product by a master. It sells for about one hundred yuan and is not very practical. It is very qualified as a gift, and its original purpose is to give gifts.

"I give you this pen ...", Magus put the gift box in the princess's hand, "I hope that Her Royal Highness will find her true self in the ocean of knowledge, and discover all the secrets of exploring this world. Knowledge is the ladder of human progress, and it will make people more perfect, which is what I expect. "

Her Royal Highness pretended to be very surprised and took the gift box from Magus, and her face was deeply moved. "The Prime Minister, thank you very much for your gift. I like it very much and I will definitely remember yours. advice,"

Very moving picture, but Du Lin couldn't feel the moving things. If someone sent him a pen on his most important day to tell him to study hard, he wouldn't laugh so happily, it was fake at first glance.

After waiting for more than thirty or forty people to give a gift, Magus gently touched Doolin with his elbow and whispered, "It's your turn."

"Me? Am I the last one?" As soon as Du Lin saw this sentence, he saw Magus' expression and knew that he had said something stupid. He didn't wait for Magus to say anything, and his high-minded princess went forward. . He is a man brought by Magus, and also a young man in the aristocracy circle. He is not as good as the real big aristocrats in the past. Almost all are counts of the marquis, but compared to the count or baron. Still have to be stronger. Regardless of giving Magus his face or the opportunity he had won himself, in short, he ranked himself between the earl and the viscount to present his own gift.

He walked under the princess's palace, and a scent of milk smelt. He had a momentary nagging, then took out his lighter from his pocket and passed it.

The palace was quiet, and even Her Royal Highness looked at the lighter in Du Lin's hand somehow, and took it after a pause of about a second or two. Some aristocrats around have begun whispering, and they don't care who you are. They are unbridled in seeing similar jokes and are more like a tradition. Perhaps the first root cause to laugh at other aristocrats is to serve the political purpose many years ago, but today, the aristocracy's ridicule of the aristocracy has become a tradition of nothing.

Magus was looking forward to Du Lin's next performance. He knew that Du Lin had brought a book in, and saw that Du Lin sneaked the book into the trash. He wanted to see how Du Lin turned the situation around. come.

"Is this ... a lighter?" Her Royal Highness evaluated the delicate little things in her hands with a less certain tone, and some nobles even laughed.

Du Lin was very calm, and there was no shake in his eyes. He nodded gently and said with a smile, "Yes, this is a lighter ..." His voice gradually became louder, and he turned his eyes on those He was joking about his aristocracy, and raised his eyebrows, revealing a subtle expression of provocation, "But it is not a lighter!", Du Lin took out the lighter from His Royal Highness's hand and took a light flick. The sound of the cabin lid has a special charm, which spreads slowly and slowly disappears into people's ears. Those who are joking at him and those who are whispering have closed their mouths and are watching him.

He rubbed his thumb, and a flame appeared on the lighter. He chuckled and turned to look at His Royal Highness. "This is a flame. Your Royal Highness, it is a lighter, but it is not exactly a lighter. I believe you And all the ladies and gentlemen here have a wealth of knowledge, knowing that human development begins with the first artificially created flame, and it is the flame that ignites the long and bright dawn of civilization. "

"I give you a lighter, in the hope that you can have your own dawn after your adulthood, personally light up your future life, and point the right direction for the maze of life full of temptation."

Under Du Lin's remarks, no one could laugh anymore. Although it was just a lighter, it was just like Du Lin said, but not exactly a lighter. Magus shook his head with a smile, this little **** His wit, expressiveness, and contagiousness are really terrible. His greatest strength is his confidence. He is confident that he can solve all these problems, and he must also pass on this confidence to others. Perhaps this is why he always succeeds, because he convinces everyone of what he believes.

Du Lin continued, "Flame represents light and purity, it is like you, there is no trace of impurities. God once sent down the flames to clean the world, and I, today, send you this little flame, hope It can wipe out the darkness for you, clean up the evil, and protect your future life ... ", he put the lid back on, then put the lighter in the palm of the princess, and held her palm tightly to hold her tightly. That lighter, "If my beautiful blessings are incomprehensible and ridiculed, I hope you don't care about those foolish people's jealousy of wisdom, goodness belongs to you, Your Royal Highness!"

"Is it ...?" Her Royal Highness looked at her inexplicably lighter. The full touch of her palms and the temperature left on the lighter gave her an inexplicable sense of security. She nodded hard. "This is my today Receive the best gift! "

Du Lin was slightly behind ~ ~ My pleasure, Your Highness! "

Then he took two steps back, turned to Magus, stood beside Magus, and there was some applause when he came around, whether it was to support Her Royal Highness, after all, she said that this is the best she received today. The gift is still a compliment to Du Lin's response just now. In short, if you must choose some outstanding characters tonight, then Du Lin will definitely be one of them.

"It's a wonderful performance. Honestly I've been moved by you. Is this what you think?" Magus found that Doolin always gave him some novel performances, just like those words just now, using flames To metaphorize civilization, and to protect the thoughts of Her Royal Highness with flames, this is definitely not something that ordinary people can think of at one and a half. Perhaps someone said something similar, but not everything is suitable for today's occasion, he gave Du Lin a point in his heart. If the full score is one hundred points, he gives Du Lin ninety-nine points, and one less point is for his pride, because he is the one who can get one hundred points.

Du Lin glanced over at Magus, and he laughed twice. "I don't know. When I stood there, when I was facing the surroundings, I said what I wanted to say most, most Sincere words. "

"If for any reason, this is the will of the gods, and of course you can translate it to mean God."

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