Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 940: Origination

"Why fire me?", A worker reached out and threw a sweat towel around his neck onto a valuable desk, and those stains and sweat splashed everywhere.

The boss sitting behind the desk tiptoed, and the chair with the caster slid back a little distance, widening the gap between each other. He glanced down at the expensive clothes, and there were no stains on them, which made him relax a little.

The price of this dress is more than two hundred dollars, and every dry cleaning makes him very distressed, because professional maintenance dry cleaning costs one dollar each time. If you can avoid stains, it is best not to stain.

He then looked up at the workers, and behind them looked like a blonde secretary who had done something wrong and looked down. He is the manager of this factory and no one can enter this office without his permission.

But it is clear that the former employee did not comply with such regulations, and he must have broken in.

Of course he didn't plan to call the security guard, that would only exacerbate the problem. In this big era, the managers of every small and medium-sized enterprise are experts in dealing with problems, and those who are not well educated often choose to use violent means like fists to solve the problem.

Lose once, lose twice, and become smarter the third time.

He looked at the former employee and opened his mouth to the secretary. "Send us two cups of coffee, and close the door by the way." Then a smile came out of his face, and he asked the former employee in front of him to sit down. Please sit down. I do n’t know what happened or where the problem is. Do n’t rush and let us make things clear, and then I will give you an answer. ”He chose the most appropriate one. Ways, the process of narrating the problem calms the emotional employee, and then becomes more rational, which provides the necessary elements to solve the problem.

With the employee's narration, the manager understood what was happening. In short, the worker was fired. The person in charge of the work arrangement did not clarify the problem to him and directly told him that he was fired by the company. You can pack up and leave.

This made the worker very annoyed, because he worked for this company for two years, this is not a short-term job. According to the current agreement between the workers' union and the entrepreneurs, after two years of work, the company will give workers more benefits and better treatment. He thought the company had cleaned him up for these things.

But after the manager explained, he learned that he was fired not only by himself, but also by others. The main reason is that due to the war, many raw materials are facing shortages, and companies have to choose to let some workers temporarily leave their jobs.

Then the manager told the worker that he chose him because he learned from his family situation that he is much better now than other workers. He will not live on the street or have no meal if he loses his job temporarily. Eat, the same company is willing to write the best comments for him on his resume, and actively help him find the next job.

As soon as he heard these situations, the worker's expression was much relieved. He nodded and sighed, "You make sense, sir. I know that many colleagues have very bad family situations ... I was also reluctant, but it was the best option, and I supported the company's approach. If ... "at this time, some embarrassed expressions appeared on his face," If possible, when the war ended, the company Things are getting better, and I want to come back to work. "

"Yes, I will!" The manager said in a very firm tone, "As long as our situation improves, we will definitely hire you back. After all, you have made outstanding contributions to the company and are also very skilled workers. This is very important for our production. "Having said that, after thinking about it, he took ten dollars out of his pocket, took the initiative to stand around the table, walked to the worker's side, and stuffed the money into his pocket. "This is my guilt and apology for the company's inability to take care of all of you, and you must accept it."

The workers suddenly became furious, stood up sharply, and threw money to the ground. "What are you doing? You are humiliating me. Although I am just an ordinary working class, I have dignity ..."

Looking at the back of the worker, the manager gave a smirk, bent down and picked up the ten dollars on the ground, and played it. The crisp voice made him drunk.

While shaking his head, he asked the secretary to find the little head responsible for the work of the workers, intending to impart a little experience.

In fact, the reason for dismissing these workers was not what the manager said, but simply because they found some cheaper workers, those migrant workers. According to the current standards of the Imperial Ministry of Social Services, the guaranteed monthly salary of the working class in the west is 47 yuan and 65 cents, which is seven yuan less than the guaranteed minimum wage of southern workers and 15 yuan in some industries. Mainly because the price level in the west is lower than in the south, this standard was developed with the assistance of workers' unions.

At the same time, these two-year workers have reached the first year of working-age benefits. If these workers continue to be hired, not only will they be given more benefits, such as half-year medical examinations, paid holidays, etc. In terms of wages and salaries, it is increased by 5% every year. At the end of each year, a bonus is needed. The company decides how much the bonus is, at least one dollar.

When factories and enterprises use these skilled workers again, the cost will start to increase sharply, so the mobility of workers in small and micro enterprises is very strong, and few of them can work in a certain enterprise for a long time. Only those skilled workers who know how to deal with grievances and understand interpersonal relationships can become “old and new” iconic people who stay in the company and enjoy various minimum standards of benefits.

Of course, this is not to say that all companies will do this. Some medium-sized and large enterprises are just the opposite of these small and micro enterprises. They are willing to improve the treatment of workers and retain these skilled workers. A skilled worker's increased profits for the company far exceed the wealth they get from the company, which is actually a phenomenon or problem of the company itself.

This phenomenon is more common in companies that lack profitability, have low product manufacturing technology requirements, and have a large number of jobs that are duplicated. Because new workers do not need any skills to enter the job, they may just stand by the assembly line numbly and do what anyone can do. There is not much difference between new and old employees.

Those big companies are different ~ ~ They have enough profits, and at the same time produce goods with a certain technical threshold, not all workers can get started as soon as they enter the factory, so they need and have sufficient capital to retain proficiency work. In the final analysis, the difference between the two polarizations lies in the issue of business management.

But in the end, the problems of the enterprise itself make workers pay, after all, workers are really vulnerable groups.

If this thing ends here, then it really ends here, but a little accident happened.

When the worker was looking for a new job at the workers' union, several of the workers who were fired with him were making a noise. He had just walked for a minute and joined the noise group.

After they were fired, the company hired a large number of migrant workers. As we all know, migrant workers have lower salaries and fewer needs. In other words, because of the existence of migrant workers, they lost their original jobs?

Those outsiders who look down on them are actually embezzling their jobs!

How can this be accepted!

Must be troublesome!

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