Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 941: make trouble

"Noisy?", The new president of the Workers' Union couldn't help laughing, "No, no, I mean they want to go on strike or march?" Attitude, took the initiative to leave the union and took away those who are capable of the union, specializing in serving Du Lin and other western capitalists.

This group has now formed a labor service company, which is an alternative form of workers' union, but it is more commercialized and capitalized. They have a certain number of jobs in their hands and only share resources with their members. Through a more justified contract, they can earn "head money" from Du Lin and other entrepreneurs while legally and reasonably exploiting the workers' groups in their hands. . It stands to reason that such an enterprise, which is far inferior to the workers' union, has no future development, but the opposite is true.

The development momentum of this labor service company is still very good. The most important point is that they can ensure that the interests of workers are not further exploited by entrepreneurs, and they are willing to train senior technical personnel. This is the biggest difference between them and the workers' union.

After knowing Du Lin and more corporate capitalists, the previous chairman awakened his capital talent. He realized that the society's requirements for technical jobs would only get higher and higher, and the gap would become bigger and bigger. After all, the times are advancing, science and technology are advancing, and the technical content of some jobs is constantly improving.

In fact, this has long been an omen. From the early repetitive labor, there is no old-fashioned textile machine with pure technical content, to the large-scale inherited high-tech textile machine, it is not only boring labor, but also technically The requirements have also set rigid standards.

Therefore, the purpose of this company is to join the club and come first to train. They will conduct targeted employment skills training according to the personal intentions of members. This is a legitimate and reasonable first cut of workers, but the workers have no objection. I'm also happy to pay "go to school" first, and then talk about employment.

Under this business philosophy, the labor service companies in the western region are getting bigger and bigger, especially for high-skilled jobs. This made the senior level of the workers' union feel very disgraceful, especially that **** always advertised that he was left alone by the high-level executives to leave the workers' union to do it alone, and did a good job. This is simply discrediting the workers' union.

The chairman who was originally stationed in the west was the son of a high-level official. Now, in order to compete, they have assigned a new role, which is more capable and more intelligent. It has been almost two years since I came to the west, and the workers' union has been in business again, and it is not bad.

At this time, he heard that some workers' associations were going to make troubles. The first thought was that the brains of these people were being dogged?

This is the west. This is no other place. The capitalists can be forced to compromise through marches and strikes. This is the west. The bloodshed broke out in the last parade in the west. Whether those behind-the-scenes conspiracies or simply wanted to give the workers in the parade a look, they actually hired gunmen to shoot at the crowd. This is just a joke. Of terror.

If we don't talk about the immense danger that a march strike may produce, the current western region is flooded with immigrant workers alone, which is enough to make the march strike a joke. Originally, those capitalists wanted to hire more cheap labor, because the pressure of the workers' unions could not dismiss all local workers. Now that they have taken the initiative to stop working, can the capitalists wake up in the middle of the night with a smile?

Salary will always be the biggest expense for large and small enterprises, and even some medium-sized enterprises. If a factory with a thousand people can reduce the salary by ten yuan, it will simply generate an extra 10,000 yuan in net profit. This is the temptation that many capitalists cannot refuse. At the same time, this is why it is said that exploitation of laborers is the most important means for capitalists to accumulate capital in the early stage, because it is simple, because it is convenient, because it earns more, and it does not break the law.

Moreover, this is the west. One person lives here. His name is Du Lin!

"Push the group of people to help them find a job first, and they will not be troubled when they have a job. In addition, I will organize a file of the recent events and I will use it later.", New The chairman thought that it was time to visit Mr. Du Lin, the king of the west. He is the capitalist with the strongest power in the west and the largest employer.

Millions of workers are working in his farm, ranch, and factory. Once the parade strikes are implicated in Dulin's enterprise, it will inevitably become a big trouble. And he thinks that there are so many things happening in the west, it is impossible for Du Lin to know nothing. If he knows, but there is no action, does it mean that some things that he may not know are fermenting, so he needs to talk to Du Lin more. Communicate.

In fact, similar things often happen during this time. The phenomenon of migrant workers robbing their own workers is no longer a rare minority. In order to ensure that they can live in the empire for two years and obtain an resident certificate, They are willing to suffer, as long as they can reach the food and clothing line and stay. They do not need any enjoyment at all. In addition to finding a place to live for them, the problem of food and clothing is left. As for the other expenses, they simply do not exist.

Such an attitude of self-discipline and abstinence turned migrant workers into the most perfect workers in the mouth of capitalists who were willing to be exploited and oppressed. They violated the rights and interests of imperial workers because the law has enough protections for the working class. Including it, this made the two sides empty.

One is willing to fight, the other is willing to suffer, if there is no new law and policy, there is really no good way. After all, it is impossible to let those profitable capitalists completely give up the greed for benefits and turn them into law-abiding entrepreneurs, right?

The president soon set aside this matter, but he ignored another thing. There is no problem with the first stroke, the second stroke, or even the third stroke, but these grievances have always accumulated and did not erupt, which does not mean that they really do not exist. There will always be a stinger who resists the power of "pressing" and then breaks through the lies.

Facing the disposition of the workers' union, the stubborn little man stood up and opposed it directly. He was not tall and had short hair. Since he was a child, he has been doing heavy physical work to make his body five short, but strong. He slaps his hands on the table, causing everything on the table to jump up, and all the staff who came to deal with it are startled.

He stood at the table, leaning forward, giving a surprising aggression. The slightly bouncing facial muscles made him look from thick to slightly sloppy, "You shit-like bureaucracy will only Perfunctory, now is not as simple as finding a job, understand? This is a fight, it is a fight! "He turned red and waved his fists, and the spittle star splashed across the table. There were only disappointment and boundless anger in his stare eyes. He twisted his face and spit out a smear, turned and walked towards the outside of the house, and said, "Your way is not good, then use our way, here is the west ! "

The staff did not know what his last sentence meant. Now the management of the workers' union is basically transferred from other places. The working class they once faced could not be as unreasonable as these people. . Especially the working class in the south, what is it to be fired? As long as you give them another job, they can take the initiative to persuade themselves as if they were okay. They were fired just for a new journey. How can anyone here be so brutal?

"What are you going to do?", The workers who were fired together outside the headquarters of the Workers' Union couldn't help asking, "I'm as angry as you, but I don't know what to do, maybe we should listen to them."

The man gave the guy a sideways glance, his eyes filled with contempt and disdain, "Listen to them? Those bureaucrats will not kill them, but they will kill us. As for what to do ...", he groaned for a moment, and finally Give the decision to the muscles, "Like the one we discussed before, let the idiots know where they are going!" In fact, in the final analysis, what really made him reluctant to stop was the manager's humiliation to him. .

He felt like he was being fooled like a stupid beep, and then foolishly revealed his personal dignity and determination to defend them ~ ~ but did not expect that the other party would not only fart and **** on his neck, **** No matter what, he actually urinates. The humiliation dripping from his head made him unable to deal with the matter calmly, someone had to pay the price!

He quickly convened a group of people, all of whom had lost their original jobs because of immigrant workers, and have not found a suitable job to this day. When the first person who stood up found them and declared that they would make a noise, they immediately got a response from them.

You know, this is the west. The west is not afraid of the earth.

Westerners have never known what it means to be inquisitive. As long as they think this is inappropriate, then they will resist, and the bullet will give them justice and justice!

Of course, they will not be completely mindless to do anything without consequences, that is really stupid to be able to do it.

"We don't kill anyone, we just want them to understand that this is the west of the Empire, not their west."

Someone asked, "So what are you going to do? Trouble with the immigrants or trouble with the factories?"

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