Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 950: benefit

There is room for gain, but how can it be tolerated?

Du Lin is not always paying, he also has a lot of gains, some of which he will never see in his own efforts, such as some resources in the hands of Magus.

Some dizzy middle class who are blown by the Empire's dream always think that as long as they work hard and continue to be promoted, they will one day be able to become the top character of the tower, but this is actually impossible. Whether or not the ladder leading to the top of the tower is in the hands of a small group of people has nothing to do with hard work or hard work. This is not a gulf that hard work can bridge.

The New Party organization in the west will provide necessary assistance for Doolin's election, such as building momentum, such as the current governor can nominate for Doolin, which is a big killer.

In the current system rules, the nomination of the predecessor is a very important indicator, and it can even be said to be a continuation of political life.

When an official reaches the age of promotion or retirement in the post in which he is responsible, his successor may not maintain a high degree of consistency with his predecessor in terms of political agenda and governance philosophy. This is for the interest groups in the management scope. Is a terrible thing.

The predecessor highly cooperated with the harvest of social wealth by the capitalists, and the latter strongly opposed the excessive interference of the capitalists in the distribution of social wealth. The polarized political program is likely to allow the current benefit-giver to spit out the benefits swallowed in the past. Reallocating social resources is not what those people want to see.

Then, in order to avoid some unknown risks, local interest groups or investors will gather the size of their own companies within the last one or two years of the term of office of the governing party, and then start to wait and see. This will seriously affect the speed of local economic development. Lag, or even decline.

In order to avoid this situation, the best way is for the predecessor to nominate a candidate who he thinks is suitable. The political program and governance philosophy are quite different. It can be regarded as the continuation of political life and the heir. Interest groups in society then know how to make choices.

Most of the votes in a region are concentrated in various entrepreneurs. They control the majority of voters' choices, because these votes ultimately involve the interests of the company itself, and the interests of the company are also the interests of employees. The Cabinet has repeatedly asked not to interfere with the freedom of voters to vote, but the effect is just that.

This also keeps the political forces of the New Party and the Old Party from changing too much. Unless someone chooses to betray, it is impossible to make a large-scale change in political position.

If the governor nominates Durin, it will have a very positive effect on the next election of Durin, and no matter what the goal plan will be after Durin takes office, at least those entrepreneurs know who to vote for in the next round of voting As for some of the problems that are not on the stage, it's just the tip.

Although it is just a nomination, the effect is extraordinary, and this is something that we can't do.

Just as Horston treated his little secretary, it would have been better to nominate Ernst as the next mayor of Ilion. If he did, Ernst's campaign success rate would increase infinitely. He himself was very familiar with the entire social and economic structure of Irian, and he had a good relationship with various enterprises and capitalists. However, Horston did not intend to do so, which immediately caused Ernst to leave.

This is what a person can't do with hard work alone, but if Ernst has a strong backer, it's just a sentence.

Before Durin left, Magus and Durin talked about a problem, a social issue.

A large number of immigrants flooded into the empire, especially after the financial tsunami and empire invasion in the Federation, more people chose to immigrate to the empire. In this environment, the composition of immigration in the society has gradually increased, and some small things have appeared in various places. The friction is currently the most in the west.

"I've paid attention to some of your problems these days. How do you plan to resolve the contradictions between the locals and immigrants?", Magus stood up and walked a few steps for a while. He was not suitable at his age. Sitting for a long time, the relentlessness of the years is vividly reflected in the old gentleman.

He used to be able to handle government affairs without sleeping overnight, but now he sits a little longer and will feel uncomfortable.

Du Lin has always maintained a variety of sitting postures. He is the best moment in life. People often use this phrase to describe the period from 30 to 40 years of age. During this period, experience and experience have been obtained. After making great progress, it is also a time when human energy and physical strength are relatively full. But Du Lin is different. He does not lack experience. Since he was an adult, every minute and every second is his best time.

He lit a cigarette, took a breath, and slowly spit it out. "Let's deal with it after the conflict intensifies. If the contradiction between the locals and immigrants does not let it erupt completely, it will be extinguished as soon as it emerges. These problems will always be extinguished. Nothing can be resolved. Monkeys will feel sad because of similar deaths and stay away from the place where humans gather. Driving them will only make them hate. This is my plan. "

Magus thought for a while and said, "You better be sure that things don't go beyond your control and turn this into a negative social phenomenon." Although he was warning Doolin, Magus agreed. Doolin's approach.

As Du Lin said, contradictions broke out incompletely, and relying on tinkering to extinguish the signs is not the best solution. Of course, this does not apply to all things, but only for some incidents ~ ~ hatred between locals and immigrants Without a huge outbreak and bringing some serious consequences, hatred will be in two groups Over time, a big bang broke out that was completely out of control.

At that time, the damage to the entire society may be even more serious. It is better to detonate these problems within a controllable range, and then calmly clean up and pull out some things as a warning to the whole society.

Seeing that Du Lin had mature ideas, Magus smiled and hammered his own waist with a backhand. "Well, it's getting late, you can go back to rest ...", he didn't finish his words, hesitated for a moment, "You come here in two days, and there are some things to discuss with you."

Decided to draw Du Lin and let him develop in the direction he had set for him, then it was necessary to smooth Du Lin's hair, which was very clear to him. You can't let others work for you with hate or boredom. You have to make him feel guilty. Only then can the employee exert more motivation.

To this end, Magus decided to bring a new draft to the Imperial Parliament, a bill on granting equal status to all ethnic groups in the Empire!

In the past, Equality only talked about his mouth. Now he is willing to legislate not only for Du Lin, but also for the entire empire!

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