Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 951: new start

"When you hold the knife, others will be afraid of you. They will meet all your requirements, give you wealth, give you power, give you status."

"They will deceive you, trap you in a lie, gradually become numb, become friends with you, become brothers, until you forget how you became them."

"Then you will put down the knife in your hand, put down the knife in your heart, and you will become them and be swallowed by them."

"They won't kill you, that's too low-level, he will make you the real them, and work with them to guard against those with swords. Although you are still alive, you are no longer you!"

"So, people, you must not forget the original, you cannot forget your mission, you cannot forget your purpose, you cannot shake it!"

Du Lin looked at the old brothers in the room, sitting at the table with his legs up, playing with a light gold wooden handle letter knife. His expression was very serious, but when he looked up later, his face All of them turned into a smile, "So we can't put down the knife, we have to hide the knife and let them think we are them!"

"The community association remains unchanged. All core members will be transferred to the soon-to-be-established gods associations. I will give you the new constitution of the community association later and send it down."

The Hometown Association is the sharpest knife in Du Lin's hands and a knife that can kill people's hearts. This knife is vigilant by nobles, including Magus, who is vigilant against this knife. For the current world, you can worship a totem, a statue, a history, or even money, but you must not worship and fanatically believe in a living person.

The reason why the church has lived for so many years and has not been killed by the cabinet is not that the church has no power and no influence. According to the data released by the church at present, the influence of the church in the empire is still considerable. Many capitalists are believers in the church. After all, the church has a very large congregation, especially the bottom of the society. Joining the church will give people a good impression.

They still exist because God is dead, and worshipping a dead person has no value, other than restraining himself.

This is the biggest difference between normal religions and cults. Formal religion worships gods from the mythological age, or certain beliefs. In short, things are dead and empty, but cults worship a living person. .

The dead God is dead. There is no lust, but he has the largest faith. Those church leaders who use the name of faith to profit and manipulate the congregation cannot violate their own or previous doctrines. They can only persuade others. Deepen the positive and positive aspects. The power in their hands will be taken away by faith when necessary.

But living people are different. As long as people live, they have selfish desires, impulse, and irrational times. In this case, they will use their power to create something shocking, with horrific consequences.

Neither world is opposed to freedom of belief, but there is a premise to ensure that that belief is a "dead". [In fact, there are some rare cases that are not listed here]

Hometown Association is not a religious organization. When Du Lin established the Hometown Association, the application form was filled out. This is a social organization of mutual aid nature. Now it is time for it to truly play the role of social organization. As for the core members, they joined the gods associations that will be established later.

Magus promised that Doering would adopt legislation to affirm the equality of the empire's ethnic groups and beliefs, and use written records to confirm that both the Ogdin and the Guartes are citizens of the empire and have the right to enjoy the gifts of the empire. All their rights must also bear corresponding responsibilities, and they will let go of faith. All believers of their own faith are allowed to form religious organizations and build real cathedrals after registering with an upcoming religious bureau.

To fundamentally improve the social welfare treatment of non-mainstream races, this is also a way to let Du Lin put down his knife. Magus will not listen to him because Du Lin has become his niece-in-law. It will be more strict with him, but some things can be easily said and can be "explained in depth."

Du Lin was never a guy who would completely obey others. Woodman and Godor, the two idiots, told Du Lin with **** lessons. When he believed that he put down his murder knife and put on expensive clothes, he entered the palace The time to greet him will not be applause, it will only hang his rope, or imprison him forever.

Threat to others is also a manifestation of self-worth, except that this value is not liked by everyone. It is ridiculous and stupid to mistakenly think that you can throw away these things because you have set up a higher social class because of this unloved value.

Don't seek to hurt, but seek protection.

The reform of the Hometown Association will not be so obvious. On the surface, the Guarts are twisted into a rope, but it may not actually be. People are selfish, they have not been kicked into the mire, and they have stepped on their feet. They may not believe the identity of Durin Messiah. And more importantly, there are many descendants of traitors in the empire, such as Heidler. Their father or grandfather gained success in the empire by selling the overall interests of the Guartes. These people will not feel encouraged by the emergence of a durin who can lead a large number of Guartes. They will only be afraid, only Will worry.

What if the Guarts group rises again one day?

In the long history of the Guarts, only one faceless person survived, and the other fraudulent betrayers who had been judged by the gods died violently in the sun. They would not think that they must be the lucky person, then Obstructing Doolin and failing him is clearly the best way to serve these treasoners' current interests.

So in this regard, Doolin has many other ideas, especially he started to yell at those treasoners. Before, Doolin would not move them because the political environment of the empire needed them, and the politicians of the empire ... also It was the cabinet headed by Magus who needed these "typical" presences, and their presence told all Guarts that the empire was willing to accept them and allow them to rise to the top. This will greatly affect the sentiment of the guart community, which is definitely not a joke, even if they are all traitors.

The provincial ya people are actually the same. Some provincial ya people have become social celebrities and members of the high society. Their existence also serves as an example to tell the provincial ya people. As long as they work hard, the high society may not have their place.

But now it is different. Once Magus has legislation to ensure equality between races and freedom of belief, a series of changes will occur in the entire society. This change may not be so easy to show in the early stage, but as people try, the trend of racial integration will become more and more obvious.

When everyone's rights and obligations are the same, and no one will be treated unequally, what is the difference between the Guartes, the Provincial People, and the Ogdin?

Under such circumstances, the value of these examples is greatly reduced, and even some of them may be kicked out.

This is not a blatant violation of the new bill, but a manifestation of respect. Even the members of the race waiting to be merged will not only be angry, but will be louder!

Politics has never been clean or simple!

This is why Du Lin is ready to take action on these people. He is better than the official hands. For all ethnic groups, kicking these people down is a kind of acceptance and recognition. So why do the officials do it? This opportunity deepened his influence among the Guarts and made people confirm that he was the Messiah, because he punished those traitors!

"Dufo ...", Du Lin looked up and glanced at Dufo, who leaned on the door with an apple, and the latter waved his hand, Du Lin grinned and shook his head. "Heidler helped us a little, I am grateful for his fellow citizens in Tener City, including what we have done, so I will give him the greatest gift. Go and stare at him, I will send him to the trial seat in person, do not let him run away And don't let him die. "

"OK, boss!",

"Airlis ..."

With each time Du Lin is named, the treason once labeled as "successful" in some areas of society will be judged by the gods. Du Lin is not afraid that these things will cause too much trouble, and Magus will understand his Thought, cabinets and politicians will not be excessively targeted at ~ ~ While the Guarts hate these people, they are also disgusted by the mainstream empire society. Treason has never been an honor In fact, even if their actions helped the Odins to destroy the Kingdom of Guarth, the Empire would not like these betrayers, and would even hate them as much as the Guarts.

Of course, this is also one of the characteristics of politics. Personal likes and dislikes will not affect the implementation of the overall interest plan. People are happy to call this behavior mature.

After scheduling the next job, Du Lin picked up the phone and dialed the number on the west side. He contacted Natia and asked Natia to go to Otis to arrange for a grand donation for him. Ritual, he wants the whole world to know that he donated hundreds of millions of fortunes to the empire.

Arrangements are proceeding in an orderly manner, many of which are things that Hersman does not know. Of course, these do not need him to know. This kind of core things can never allow outsiders to participate.

Du Lin lit a cigarette, and the empty study was a little boring. When he walked to the window, the cigarette was in his mouth, and the moment he pushed the window with his hands, the fresh air poured in instantly, making him whole. Bathe in the sun. The dust floating slowly around his body was looming under the golden sun at this moment, and set out something else for Du Lin.

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