Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 957: Have a taste

"I think ..." Dufo smiled helplessly, "It must have been a wrong decision to send him over!"

He knew very well what Vivian wanted his child to be like. It was a state never attained by Buddha. He needed to be as polite and humorous as a perfect gentleman, at any time. Any place can maintain its own manner, not a child with a muddy face and bare feet running wild in the countryside.

But ... looking at the happy smile on his son's face that has never been revealed, maybe Du Lin was right that he couldn't help his child too much, so this child needs to enjoy the innocence and happy childhood. At that time, give it all to him and give him the right to be happy!

I thought it was a lot of comfort here, of course, he didn't know that the children's bodies and faces were cow feces, otherwise he might not think so.

As for why Du Lin was able to know at a glance that those things were cow shit, it was because he was familiar with it, as to why it was another matter.

There were a few young people behind the children. Although they were chasing, they were not fierce or serious. Their faces were more helpless, and their chase was more like a helpless and powerless "crueling." ".

After the two approached, Fred, who was running wildly, stopped suddenly, his joyful expression remained on his face, his eyes suddenly became a little confused, and he saw all the Buddhas. As soon as he thought of what he was like, a feeling of "breaking trouble" quickly spread in his body, lowering his head uneasily, and stopping.

The two children glanced back at Fred, and then looked at the two people who were approaching gradually. After looking at each other, they quickly ran over the house and yelled, "Run, **** is back, **** is back. ... "

Those who didn't have a smile on their faces laughed at the sound of the buddha. They laughed and leaned back together. He looked at Du Lin and smiled, and said, "I think they might say you."

Du Lin lighted up a fright, he wanted to know why he became a bastard, and then discussed with two children, as a child, how to respect their father, of course, Mr. Kesma taught him a lot Things, such as whip, stick, belt or even leather shoes, in short, if you want to poke people, you can see those perfect appliances everywhere.

The young men who were chasing several children also stopped and looked at it from a distance. Du Lin walked over and asked, "Why chase them?"

The young men asked inconclusively, "Are you durin?" Dulin nodded, and the young men turned around and ran away, leaving only the dumb Durin.

He may have forgotten that the three brothers were not a good thing when he was a kid. Mason stole other people ’s bread and often fought with others. Mei Lin peeked at the widow every day to take a bath. Whatever, there will be a copy of him. People say that Mason and Merlin are clearly bad, only Du Lin is stuffy.

In addition, the boundary stones in the farmland of Mr. Kesma's family are always blown away by the wind for a few meters. The three brothers have become terrible synonymous in countless battles. The children of the Layton family are not nearby, and they dare not face Du Lin alone. They were chasing Du Lin's son just now, what if Du Lin knew the truth and beat them?

He shrugged and walked slowly towards the house. Every time he came back here, he always felt that time was getting slower.

On the other side, Buddha stepped in front of Fred and squatted down. He asked the child to look up at him. Before he said anything, Fred apologized and said sorry.

Originally, I wanted to talk about Fred's Dufod suddenly felt like a needle stick, and some twitching pains in his heart. He didn't know how Vivian educated the children, but obviously this way of education is No, he shouldn't apologize. Vivian needs to be apologized.

"Look at me ..." Dufo took out his handkerchief and began to clean the cow dung on Fred's face. He gently wiped and asked, "Why apologize to me?"

Fred's eyes were a little timid, and his head dropped again. "Because I didn't keep my appearance, I got all ... cow dung."

Dufo's face looked ugly, and his hands were stained with pale green stains. There were some grass roots that were not completely digested. He greeted the two little **** in the Du Lin family and took a deep breath. Thrown on the ground, and then said, "You should not apologize, because you did nothing wrong!"

Fred suddenly looked up and looked at Dufo with unbelievable eyes. Dufo smiled and rubbed the child's soft hair. "Everyone should have a happy, unhappy childhood. Heard that sentence. "Innocence and joy are the power of children." No matter what you do, as long as it doesn't hurt other people and what you do makes you happy, then you don't need to apologize. "

Fred didn't know how to tell whether Dover was right or not ~ ~ He hesitated, "But mother she ..."

"She's not here!" Du Fu stood up, somewhat disgusted but still gritted his teeth and took the child's hand full of cow dung, and walked towards Du Lin's house. "At least here, you should be happy ! "

Soon all Buddhas knew why all three of them were cow dung. Mr. Little Xma, the older child came up with a new idea this morning, to feed other people ’s cows with laxatives, and then take these The cow's narrowed eyes are closed to see if they can pull out the **** by their own ability ... Well, this is a story full of flavors. The Buddha who knew the truth almost didn't hold back and laughed. He just warned Fred not to participate in dangerous games, and the rest didn't matter.

As soon as Du Lin walked to the door of the house, he saw Mr. Kesma. Mr. Kesma was holding the pipe that he did n’t know how many years he had used. Mr. Du Lin sent back some cigarettes. Giving up, he is still used to the tobacco leaves and flavors he grows.

At this moment he stood on the steps and glanced at Du Lin, snorted coldly, "You know how to come back."

The two **** were hiding behind Mr. Kesma, each holding one leg, looking curiously at Du Lin.

In the clothes often worn by peasants and women, Alyssa wore a headscarf, a straw basket in her hand, and leaned against the doorpost on the corridor outside the door. She smiled and looked at Du Lin. Ran out in one breath.

Du Lin nodded, said hello, and looked at Mr. Kesma, "Why do they call me a bastard?"

"Because you're an asshole, understand?"


Mr. Kesma raised his chin slightly and looked at Du Lin with contempt.

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