Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 958: Mind

Soon Mrs. Kesma appeared in Du Lin's sight to save this stalemate. She wiped her hands on the apron and ran to Du Lin to look carefully, patting his 300 After leaving some slight marks on the sixty piece of clothes, he took his hand and pulled him into the room.

"What's the matter, talk after dinner."

This is the first time that Du Lin has eaten at home in the past two years. He has been running outside for the past two years, and he did not return to alfalfa town even during the Chinese New Year. Mr. Kesma used to say a few words to let him come back for Chinese New Year, but now he won't say it. Even if he says Du Lin, he may not be able to return.

Sitting at the table, the whole family was there, except Mason and Merlin, but one more Buddha, a little strange feeling. He glanced at the two children and looked at Alyssa again, and decided not to speak, but to eat.

On the way, Mr. Kesma wanted to say something, but was glared back by Mrs. Kesma, and had to give up.

After eating, the women were packing up the table, and Mr. Kesma and Du Lin went to Mr. Kesma's room. For the old gentleman, he was disdainful of the things that the aristocracy had in the study.

"Why marry the daughter of a noble?" Mr. Kesma took out a bunch of dried tobacco from the tobacco ribbon around his waist and stuffed it into the pipe, lit the fire, took two breaths, and asked, " I have fought with the aristocracy for more than ten years, but now you are going to marry the daughter of the aristocracy, which makes people laugh at me. The father is a hero, but the son has become a running dog ... "For the children who ridiculed themselves, Mr. Kesma Never soft-spoken.

Du Lin threw his clothes on the bed, unbuttoned the cufflinks and pushed open the window. He sat on the window sill and lit a cigarette. He smiled and replied, "I will not be a noble running dog, but the times are different. Some The road is inaccessible. You have proven that this road is inaccessible for more than ten years, so why should I take more time to repeat the failure? "He retorted," Is it just because we can't let You're ashamed, so am I going to repeat the failure? Just because I'm your son? "

Mr. Kesma's brows were raised, and his hands were itchy. Perhaps it was because he was brought up by Du Lin's two little bastards, or maybe he was a lot older, and now he doesn't like to be rough anymore. He took a few puffs of cigarettes and gave Du Lin a glance, which meant to let him continue.

"Do you think that if one day people call me 'the Prime Minister', will it be more effective than yours?" This is the first time Doolin has spoken out to Mr. Kesma, and he never told Ke Mr. Sma himself wants to be the ruler of this empire, and even telling Kevin that he wants to be prime minister has a certain joke. At present, only a few people know this idea, such as Dufo.

Every boy, or man, rarely speaks out when facing his father. In the psychology of each child, no matter what his father does, what kind of achievement or no achievement, he will be a child. Heroes in mind.

Faced with the greatest heroes in their lives, even if the children have a magnificent dream, it is difficult to say, maybe they think their ideals are not great because of worship, but when they start to say what they want to express in their hearts, I will become motivated, and I want to say my ideals and pursuits in front of the most important and greatest people in my life, show my wonderful life, and hope to be recognized.

Du Lin straightened his spine and stood up forward. He took a few steps back and forth, walking and saying, "Give people happiness and let people have the right to live freely. There is no oppression and no exploitation. What can be done, but I will still do it seriously and work for this impossible goal, but this is definitely not to destroy. Destruction can not bring progress to civilization, it can only bring destruction and make society more barbaric, History has proven it. "

"Being the Prime Minister is only my first step. I have many things to do, as well as greater ambitions and ideals, but no matter which one I want to achieve, I need a stable foundation. This foundation is the mainstream society. stand by."

"Marriage with the daughter of the noble will allow me to overcome the most difficult to overcome at present, save me years and decades of hard work, and have more time to prepare to change the world."

"The times are different. Fathers, people may be afraid of violence, but they will not submit to the rule brought by violence. They will be afraid, but they will also hate. When hatred ferments to a certain degree, it will erupt."

"I don't know if you have heard a word ~ ​​ ~ The strongest castles will always fall from the inside. They built castles that can't be captured by various means, so what I do now, Just mix in. "

"They thought they could control me and turned me into an obedient dog, but I will eventually let them understand that the wolf will never become a dog, and the wolf is going to eat people."

"This may be a difficult choice for you, but it is the best choice at the moment. I hope you can trust me and watch the world change a little bit to get as close as possible to our ideal!"

Mr. Kesma thought for a moment, and replied with a smile, "If it was 20 or 30 years ago, I would have killed you ...", Doolin shrugged his shoulders. He knew that Mr. Kesma also said He didn't finish, "But now I'm old, but you've grown strong!" He said and fell into silence, and after a while he raised his head slightly and hummed softly, "I Try to believe that your choice is the best way. If one day you make me discover that you have become a noble running dog, I will kill you and bury you behind the house. "

"In the end I will write on your tombstone, this is a dog's grave."

Du Lin licked his lips with a smile. "What about you?"

"Me? What's wrong with me?", Mr. Kesma was a little confused, and then ranted, snarling at the bedroom door, "Get out, immediately!"


Soon, Du Lin learned from Mrs. Kesma's mouth why his two sons would call themselves "assholes". The biggest hero was Mr. Kesma, who always pointed at the pictures of Due Lin and told the two A little bastard, this is their father, a big bastard, or the kind of bad pus, which left a deep impression on the young children's hearts, the kind of horror.

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