Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 962: Platform

Doolin stayed in Tener for several days. On the fourth afternoon, the celebrities in Tener City received invitations from Mason to invite them to dinner together.

After all, Tennell is not a big city, the market is limited, and it can't cultivate any celebrities who can move the empire. Even if it does, it will not stay in this small place, so the number of people will naturally not be so large. When Du Lin didn't leave Tener then, there were only twenty or thirty figures with heads and faces from all walks of life. Some of them were like wild dogs like Peter and Godol who had their fangs removed and locked in a cage. No climate.

After so many years of development, not only did the number of upper classes in the city not increase, but there were signs of decrease. The change in the foreign policy of the Empire has also caused some problems for Tener's pillar industries, especially after the establishment of the special zone. Part of the trade has begun to move away from the Special Economic Zone, and it may be necessary to increase transportation costs. However, various preferential tax exemption and tax rebate policies, on the other hand, can give more concessions to the import and export of some commodities.

Coupled with the gradual decline of the private alcohol industry and some other gray industries, the population of remote and backward areas has moved to developed areas. This city is more prosperous than the cities in the middle and south, and it is somewhat dim.

There were still some people who wanted to decline Mason's phone call, but when they heard that Doolin would also participate, all of them said that they had time and wanted to be able to attend such a banquet.

Doolin is a big man going out of Tener City, plus he is going to run for the governor of the west, this is definitely a huge temptation for these people. No one will disapprove that his social circle is too wide and his connections are too strong. If he can have a relationship with Du Linpan, maybe he can use his energy to achieve a career.

In the evening, Doolin packed the hotel opposite the town hall. This hotel was once a hotel run by the former mayor Peter Mistress. It was overcrowded every day. People knew that Peter ’s family had some problems. He preferred this mistress and stayed there often. The mistress spends the night here, which gives these people some opportunities, even if it is just a normal meal, maybe they can be familiar.

The woman disappeared mysteriously after Peter was assassinated. There is a saying that she left Tener with some money left by Peter, found an honest man in a foreign city, set up a family, and survived. Ordinary life. At that time, there were some gangs to collect clues, not for that woman, but for the money in her bank. Unfortunately, nothing was obtained in the end.

After Peter's mistress disappeared, the hotel was re-subcontracted to another businessman by the City Hall. After the refurbishment and opening, the business performance was average, but not too bad, as long as it was not a loss, it could be regarded as a facade.

This time when Doolin wanted to contract this hotel, the hotel manager also stated that Doolin did not need to pay for it, and they were willing to provide the place for free. At Du Lin's step, he was no longer thinking about how to take advantage of others. He had to consider how not to take advantage of others. He finally gave a lot of money.

Many luxury cars parked outside the hotel at night also added a lot to the hotel. Most of the pedestrians passing by will be curious to look at it and want to see what happened. It will actually bring together the thunderous big men in Tener City. But these people are doomed to know what is happening here today.

Classes are always cold and ruthless walls. There is no reason to say that insufficient levels are insufficient levels!

There are still more than 20 minutes before the start of the dinner. The people Mason invited have actually arrived. Now Mason and Dulin are not the humble little characters of the past. If these people still step on the door, they will enter the door. That is to show Du Lin's face. Everyone knows that Dulin is not a good person, but a cruel person. It is the most foolish thing to provoke this kind of guy who is dying for human life. Moreover, with Dulin's current status and identity, it is not his turn.

While everyone was gathering in the lounge before dinner had started, Du Lin appeared, and there was also a very temperamental woman beside him. Some people's eyes flickered and they looked away, others held their eyes. With constant curiosity, she constantly looked at the woman, as if she had seen it somewhere.

"Ladies and gentlemen, good evening." Du Lin smiled and nodded his greetings. Someone immediately greeted him. He smiled and greeted everyone. Some people knew him and some were very strange. He let it go slightly. At some distance, I introduced the female partner around me. "Tonight I have the honor to invite a very special guest to have dinner with us. The lady beside me, Mrs. Vivian."

At the same time as he said this, those who didn't understand suddenly came to their senses, and the look of these people towards Mason also changed. They are very clear about Mason's election campaign. They and Mason have maintained a good relationship without any problems, but the problem is that this city is within the sphere of influence of the old party, and there are corresponding rules at each step. If you want to be promoted, it is not impossible, but you must come up with something that will convince everyone, otherwise you must obey the rules of the game.

The old party does not advocate free competition like the new party. The stubborn and stubborn system allows everyone to follow every step, but many people like this system because it is more competitive than free competition. smaller.

You have achieved the few points required for promotion, then you can be promoted, you don't need to compete with other people for the quota, without the struggle between you and me, giving people the illusion that I will be able to achieve as long as I work hard, there will always be people who like it This one.

Vivian, as the daughter of the last governor, has influence enough to cover the entire state of Cannes, even higher levels. The governor and governor are not a concept. In the rotten old society, the governor meant that the military and political power was seized and there was not a sufficiently strong background and background. Don't even think about being able to do this. This is enough to say that it is the senior level of the old party.

When the old governor was buried, even the leader of the old party, Kubar, personally sent a call to pay tribute to the memory of the old governor, which is enough to illustrate the fame of the governor.

Vivienne is currently the only direct descendant of the Governor-General to remain in the world, and is one of the most famous and appealing minority among feminist fighters, and has publicly stated that she will run for the mayor of Theodore, even if not Most people who have followed this news have heard of it. At this time, there were some subtle changes in Mason's eyes. With Du Lin's financial support and Vivian's support as the icon of the old party, Mason's chances of successfully running for parliamentarians or mayors would be extremely high. Skyrocketing.

People who were originally erratic also began to weigh the pros and cons. Before dinner, some people became appetite. A huge change in the rule of a city also means that the structure of the entire city may change. If it cannot keep up, it will inevitably be eliminated. This is terrible!

As the inviter of this dinner, Mason and Du Lin and Vivienne walked constantly in the lounge, and talked with each invitee cordially, summed up two words in thousands of words, and supported Mason, Support Vivienne.

After the dinner, Du Lin left Mason to greet the celebrities, and he and Vivienne found a more private place, such as the Delier Art Museum to talk about other things.

This time inviting Vivienne to come over to stand for Mason, Du Lin didn't do nothing. Vivienne herself is in a relatively sensitive period. At this time, actively creating political interference or influence is not a good thing for her to participate in the election. This will make people feel that this woman is too strong and difficult to get along with, and has not become the mayor of Theodore, and started to work in some cities below, which will inevitably create artificial obstacles in the election.

Therefore, this time Vivian's appearance, there is also the work of Du Lin behind.

"Actually the situation is not clear ...", Vivienne asked Delier to send him some drinks and fruits and drove him out. He hadn't seen this girl gun for a few years. ~ A little bit normal, but this made Du Lin not recognize it for the first time. He returned to God at this time and looked at Vivian. Vivian took a sip of red wine while holding the wine glass, paused for a moment, and continued, "Some minor troubles are not considered troubles. The biggest trouble now lies with the state government. Attitude, you know, the governor is from the New Party. "

Kanas is not the firmest ballot for any party. Four cities support the reform of the New Party and three cities support the old party. The current governor of the last general election got a few key votes with a slight advantage. Sit On the throne of the governor. Some people have always questioned that the New Party has cheated during the counting process. Otherwise, how could the old party be defeated by a few votes, and whether the governor's power is fair and just has been controversial.

In addition, after the governor took office, he vigorously launched a political offensive to weaken the influence of the old party in Cannes. It has already achieved initial results. If the mayor of Aldo, the capital city of the state, is taken down by the old party, this There is no doubt that it was a slap in the governor's face.

It was the biggest negation of his eight years of work, so Vivian's campaign was not so smooth. This is also the main reason for her to visit abroad. Looking for help from the outside to break the current puppet, give her a chance to sit on that. position.

"So, what do I need to do?" Du Lin glanced at Dover next to Vivian. There were eight petals of apples lying on the plate in his hand, and he wanted to reach for half of them, and then he stuffed them one by one. Here, some arms were awkwardly retracted.

Vivian's eyes twitched a bit, she wanted to take it, but Du Lin stretched out her hand and waited politely. I never expected all the Buddhas to eat ...

After a little thought, she said, "I need you to support my campaign, from the top, and more!"

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