Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 963: A few people know the secrets

I heard you're getting engaged with Ophelia? "Wei Wei'an turned her head and asked another question.

It is no secret that Du Lin wants to marry the Timamont family in the aristocratic circle. Some aristocrats have already begun to prepare the ceremony to deal with the engagement ceremony and the next wedding. In fact, many nobles do not recognize Du Lin's status. In fact, more or less secretly, they must affirm Du Lin's ability. Without any background, they can run their own business in such a large situation. This is the case for some nobles. Things that cannot be done.

If he can stabilize the current situation and ensure that his industry is not in trouble, a new nobleman will be born at most one or two hundred years later.

Such an excellent young man is married to the most powerful family in the current empire, and their gift list cannot be anything as valuable as the royal family. They must be able to show their own courage, and at the same time have a prominent relationship between the two sides. Respect, including Vivian, are preparing the gift list in this regard.

Du Lin nodded his head. He glanced at the Buddha who was peeling the apple again, and felt that he wanted to get something to eat from him.

Vivian was hesitant, and she glanced at the Buddha before she said softly, "I shouldn't have told you this now, but you will know soon. At a higher level, the new party and the old party The demarcation line is not so clear, but the further down, the more serious the confrontation between the two sides, do you understand what I mean? "

"Of course!" Du Lin took a sip of the unpeeled apple, crisp and delicious, which made his throat a lot more comfortable. He drank some wine in the evening, and his mouth was dry. This just relieved his discomfort. After swallowing the flesh in his mouth, he said, "Control!"

Vivian's eyes lighted up and she laughed. Many people said that Du Lin was a lucky lady who was a lucky goddess, but she thought all of this was Du Lin's own ability. Who would have thought that the sharp opposition between the new and old parties actually caused this situation to deepen the control of all aspects of society.

If it wasn't for the old governor who told her some secrets before she died, she might not have understood this truth in her life!

Grassroots members of both parties are anxious to fight together. In some state parliaments, members of the new and old parties are often exposed to rough fights, and there have even been ridiculous events that have turned into bipartisan parliamentary interruptions to the parliamentary process. But who can clearly see that the purpose of the aristocratic system to divide the two parties intolerable is not simply to fight for power but to gain more reliable control over the entire empire society.

The two camps consist of a society with a distinctly different attitude, that is, each citizen is allocated to the two camps according to their "attributes". After having a common "enemy", they will have cohesion with the enemy, plus With the necessary guidance and release, some problems that originally existed in society were solved.

This is a terrible "conspiracy." If no one knows the story, no one may discover the mystery.

Du Lin knew that because he had determined to be engaged with the girl, he found out from Magus's reversed attitude towards him. In some daily chats, some things that had been closed to him also missed a gap. He was keen Realizing that the top of the new party and the top of the old party may not necessarily have a clear-cut confrontational attitude, but the grass-roots side is like a silly dog ​​playing each other's minds. It is a big problem to say that no one is guiding them.

If anyone deliberately guides the whole society to produce this kind of change and create this kind of opposition and contradiction, what is their purpose?

Quite simply, ordered opposition is more suitable for the requirements and development of the times than disordered chaos. Under the promotion of internal competitiveness under certain circumstances, it will be more suitable for accelerating the overall evolution of society than family harmony. In addition, in the world of his dreams, he has also read a book, which also has similar views on party struggles, which made him realize that this empire is not as simple as people think, but rather complicated!

The Buddha who finished the apple watching looked at the bite of the apple in Du Lin's hands, and the wine glass that Vivian kept raising, and ate the apple again. He just found out that Du Lin was too late to get the apples on his plate, so he cut another one, but now ... Alas, he sighed in silence. Why are these people with good brains so incomprehensible?

Still apples are delicious!

Regardless of what Dufo thought at this time, Du Lin ’s understanding of the whole society gave Vivian an incentive to continue to deepen the topic. “If someone can say hello, let the governor not interfere in my election in Theodore Work, I believe the resistance will be much smaller. You know, sometimes such a key person can make me a lot of effort in vain, or it may be a policy. "

Du Lin is very clear. He did this in Otis at the beginning. He obeyed him and gave them preferential policies. If he was unwilling to cooperate, he made them bankrupt by making local policies and regulations. He groaned for a moment and said, " I can't guarantee this, but I will bring it up with His Excellency Magus. It will also require you to use some contacts yourself. "

"Of course, let's talk about another thing ..." With the guarantee of Du Lin, Vivian was relieved a lot. She was not worried about the old party. Although the Governor-General has passed away for several years, her connections can remain. It is not completely exhausted. Colleagues who can survive the turbulent political upheaval and can also be good friends are real good friends and trustworthy people. Today, these people reached out and helped the old friend's daughter. In the future, Vivian will give them enough rewards. Anyone will have a day. If Vivian is rejected today, then others may reject their descendants. This is not Clear choice.

Du Lin nodded, and Vivian said another thing, "I hope you can support me financially."

"How much do you want?"

"It's not a question of money ...", Vivian shook the wine glass in her hand, and the dark red exuding a fragrant liquid hung slowly on the wall of the glass, like a red curtain, she watched for a while before turning to continue Looking at Du Lin, "There are still many discriminations and prejudices against women in our society, and we find that the biggest persecution against women is the imbalance of the right to work, or you can understand it as the problem of family financial freedom."

"Many families are women who take their children to do housework at home, and the husband goes out to work, so the husband, who is the only source of income in the family, naturally has absolute control over the family's finances. In this case, women's rights are obviously affected Extremely terrible harm, they must obey the dominance of men and lose their rights. "

"Many factories are also biased against gender in recruiting workers. This is an ugly phenomenon, but it is not easy to change all of this. Looking to the future, we must start now."

"If you can, I hope you can invest in three to five factories in Theodore, specifically for hiring female employees, liberating family women's financial freedom, balancing status power among family members, and liberating some family women in the family. Status. "

Vivian said that she was very serious, and she was about to radiate divine light. That kind of compassion, like the Virgin as described in the church Bible, was about to shine. She stunned afterwards, and smiled a little awkwardly, "Sorry, I'm a little too excited."

Du Lin smiled and said it was okay, "I can understand your mood and great mission, yes, I can understand." You can understand the fart, Du Lin is a masculine and pragmatic spokesperson, For him to be useful is to have status. What is useless is the dominated class.

He touched his chin, and nodded for a while, "This is no problem at all, there are some industries that are also very suitable for women to work, but you should also understand that if the benefits generated by the factory cannot afford the costs of the factory, serious problems will occur. Losing money, I won't let it drive forever. "

"I understand that if the factory is really closed for this reason, there is no way."

With these two unwritten deals, Mason's road to election can basically ensure that there are no problems. Once Mason becomes the mayor ~ ~ this means the second place in the Kesma family. The appearance of a politician is a good thing. He even wants to operate his brothers and sisters. For a family to continue to grow, it must firmly control the country's supreme power and the right to speak. There is no more reliable way to maintain this excess of power than from hand to hand.

It seems that Vivian and Dufo still have something to say. Du Lin left the room by going out to smoke. After closing the door, Vivian went to the sofa and pressed her leg on Dufo's leg. Her eyes were silky, she stretched out her hand to push her body firmly, and even if the shot wasn't even frowning, the Buddha was pushed down on the sofa. She licked **** red lips and shouted "Little wolf dog" , Followed by full house spring.

Outside the room, Delir was unconsciously looked at by Du Lin. At that time, Du Lin's memory of beating him was deeply engraved in his mind. Until now, he still had a faint pain in his head. With Du Lin for so many years, Killing so many people always gives a terrible impression.

Du Lin beckoned, Delil nodded and ran forward, shouting "Mr. Du Lin".

Seeing now that the man-shaped dog has been changed into a man's formal dress, Delir, who also cleans his hair and nails, seems to be a little handsome. What does Mrs. Wei An have to do? "

One of the guys suddenly became normal, so there must be a woman who played a huge role. Delier as Vivian's assistant, some things may not be impossible.

As soon as this could happen, Du Lin didn't mind clearing out a potential trouble for Dover.

After hearing this sentence, Delir's face was scarred, he almost knelt down, his eyes filled with tears, "You can't slander me ..."

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