Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 968: Rossi

After Du Lin received several guests individually, the charity auction began.

Because Du Lin invited the church as a co-organizer this time, they provided a lot of valuable auction items for the auction. The church is probably one of the most well-preserved forces in the world for things like antiques. Even now, if some historians want to inquire more detailed historical data before the Great Destruction, they must go to the church headquarters in Sunset City, where there are still many relatively complete notes. The historical records carried by them are more than those circulated by the outside world. Countless times complete.

Not only these books, but also some antique relics. Among them there are many fine works and church backgrounds. At least the auctioned items will not be flattened by some discerning people.

Some people always think that charity auctions are deceiving money. It may be of some significance to make some of them. For example, socks worn by a historical celebrity or an ancient queen used by a well-known ancient queen. , But these things do not have any practical value, plus the final donation will not make everyone feel that this is truly spontaneous charity, more like a charity robbery of celebrities .

They just can't avoid it. The higher the level of society, the more they pay attention to and focus on charity. Not all high-level people are enthusiastic for good deeds, purely because of comments such as "willing to donate, enthusiastic and charitable" once they appear in court and appear in front of the jury. Those who do not have advanced degrees and knowledge reserves live in society The members of the lower jury will have a hazy feeling.

Perhaps the help they once received came from the "defendant". Even though the assistance he received many years ago did not come from this gentleman's pocket, he also helped many people who need help just like himself.

This may seem like a very naive or even impossible message, but it actually works. In several well-known cases, the word "charity" has really shaken multiple jury resolutions.

A person who is willing to do good things must not be a bad person.

This is the consensus of the society. Moreover, the charity donations can still be deducted to a certain extent, so why not donate the taxes that should have been given to the empire in exchange for a good reputation and an insurance?

Almost when everyone else came, the charity auction officially started. This is a unique auction, because there is no secluded auction hall, it is open-air, but an inexplicable atmosphere is spreading. The wonderful breath of nature and the pure white yarn, which symbolizes purity, have inspired some people's enthusiasm, so that starting from the first auction lot in the hot field, each item must be auctioned several times before it can be taken under.

"The next auction is a very special product ...", the young auctioneer who worked with Du Lin stood on the podium with a small hammer in his hand, and Du Lin's attention was on the person around him Body.

Harry, this guy didn't know where to get an invitation, ran in, and sat beside him.

Harry was a little low at this time, not as spirited as before, and for many years he had always been acting on the social and political stage as "the successor of Magus" and "the next leader of the New Party." With these two auras in his body, everyone will give him a high look. But sudden changes suddenly made Harry's dazzling political life cut off. While some people felt sorry, more people were gloating.

There is nothing happier than watching a political star burst suddenly. Even inside the New Party, there are many people watching Harry's joke. They treat themselves as the next Prime Minister and New Party leader all day. It was very high, and it was awful and comfortable to fall down.

"I need a little help ..." Harry whispered to Dulin, "The committee downgraded my rating, and there was no new arrangement for me, and it may take me a while to refrigerate. I don't want to make me the best Time wasted on shaping my sentiment, I have to find something to do. "

Du Lin looked at him without talking, and Harry looked away from his knees. "In return, I will try my best to help you gain the greatest advantage in the election. After all, I have been the governor and know better than you More, you should believe me. "

"So what do you need me to order for you?"

Harry was silent for a moment, and it seemed a bit difficult to talk about, but compared to the current problem, he felt that it was a stain or shame on his life, and he must also say it.

The great situation was destroyed because of some small things, and the family support for him has been reduced to a minimum. During this time, he sought Magus. Magus gave him no promises. Instead, he gave him a good rest for a few years. He fleshed out himself. He is very clear that he has been abandoned by Magus. If no new backer can be found to hold him out, his political life is likely to end there, so this is his last chance.

He took a deep breath and slammed in his chest before he said his request, "In return, I hope to be able to give me a position in the state government, assistant governor, or secretary."

Du Lin's brow flinched slightly, "You plan to run for the next mid-term election?"

"Uh ..., yes." Harry was a little surprised by Du Lin's sensitivity. Participating in the mid-term elections as an assistant governor or secretary and then becoming a mayor is the best way for many assistants and secretaries to step on the political stage. They have more The high-level experience in government administration is also very familiar with the cities in the state, and it has a good innate condition. As long as Du Lin has not publicly opposed him, even if he does not support it, he has a way to restart his political career. .

Behind every big aristocracy will be many friends who are interested in various investments, including political investments.

Du Lin took out a cigarette and lighted it, holding his arms for a moment and thinking, "I can't promise you right now. You know that there are some things that we don't want to do. We need to nod your Prime Minister. "

Harry was a little disappointed. In his impression, Doolin has always been the kind of person who has the courage to break the rules. He rarely submits to the rules made by others, but he is willing to obey the rules made by himself, but at this moment he actually becomes honest. It made Harry feel as if he had been targeted.

He smiled strongly. "Well, call me as soon as possible."

Du Lin nodded, "I will contact you as soon as I have the exact news, and don't forget the money."

Speaking of money, Harry's face became ugly again. After his dismissal, campaign funds were temporarily frozen. If he was determined to continue participating in the campaign for the prime minister of the empire, the money could still be used. The problem is that if he fails to run for the election, he loses the money, and at the same time he loses the post of governor. Those capitalists who took him to the sky on a weekday can swallow him alive.

Therefore, this money cannot be moved for the time being, and the temporary freeze will freeze it.

The problem is that Harry still owed a large sum of money to Du Lin, and if he was unable to recover, the family would not be able to use this money to pay back his personal debt. The larger the family, the more the rules are stricter, and Du Lin's last sentence really hit his dead end. When he asked Du Lin to borrow this money, the New Party Committee had not revealed his thoughts on how to deal with him. He felt that as long as he passed this difficult stage, it would be too simple to get the money out, even if When the Prime Minister cannot be his governor, a local policy is enough to make him more money from the capitalists.

He gave a deep glance at Du Lin, pouting his mouth and nodded strongly, "I will not forget." After speaking, he got up and bent over and left Du Lin's side, now he is not suitable at this time Excessive exposure in public, this time getting the invitation letter is also an invitation to the elders from a small noble who has an interest in the family.

Watching Harry leave, Du Lin turned his attention to the auction again. At this moment he began to look at the auction item carefully and turned the album. This is a collection from the church ~ ~ It is said to be the possession of the former Pope Rossi, a statue of the Father and God, with all kinds of magical abilities ... Of course, these are unverifiable, because no function has been confirmed so far. Most of them are recorded in the church's left hand notes, such as light.

It stands to reason that such a valuable thing should not be put up for auction. In fact, the people here, except those of the church, do not really understand this thing. This small-arm-sized statue has always been an inexplicable taboo. People in the early church discovered a secret by collating past documentary materials. The appearance of this statue is extremely described by Pope Rossi himself. similar!

Some records record that Pope Rossi is an apostle of God and an incarnation of God walking in the world, but the problem is that no one has a clear description of the appearance of God, so why is the Church of Rossi and the gods they believe so good? How similar? Some senior clergy believe that there may be an unknown history hidden inside, with amazing insider information.

Later, after the Tianzheng denomination overwhelmed the other denominations in the church, the Lord who honored Tianzheng was the true God and was the "successor" approved by the Father God. Lord, this is where the Church of the Lord of Heaven is today.

This statue is one of the few remaining things. It will inevitably cause some people to have some bad thoughts when placed in the church. Some people will always hold the "traditional" and not let go. With these reliances, the handful of people who jumped can no longer jump.

As for why it is not damaged ... no one dares to destroy anything related to Pope Rossi!

It was a suspicion, hurt, or even betrayal of faith, faith, history!

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