Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 969: charitable

I looked at the statue, raised my wrist and looked at the watch. At the end of the auction, there are still a dozen auction items at most. Du Lin has not participated in the auction so far, and has not expressed his dedication and love for the society. That is incorrect. Of course, he can also take pictures of the back, and he flipped through the album. Most of the back are art and paintings.

In recent years, after the rapid economic recovery of the empire, the prices of various artworks began to increase rapidly. In the past, the works of second-class artists that could only sell three to five hundred yuan can now be sold for thousands. Naturally, these second-class artists have also changed their shape. Become a first-rate artist.

The art market has already begun to appear chaotic. Compared with those inexplicable paintings, this statue looks pleasing to the eye. He raised the sign in his hand and turned it over.

The young auctioneer immediately exclaimed in an exaggerated tone, exaggerating a little exaggeratedly, "Oh wow, Mr. Du Lin produced 2,000 yuan, this is really a heavy bomb, such a big increase in the book It ’s very rare at this charity auction! ”It ’s not a big deal to change from more than one thousand dollars to two thousand dollars directly, but the way the auctioneer has said gives people a sense of Du Linzhen. Dignity, rich money, really feel like a horse.

When a rich man does something, others will only look up to him, but when there is such a distinguished person in a group of rich people that stands out, it is inevitable that someone will try it, especially this time the price increase is still stepping on someone's face and shouting Go up.

The cardinal sat quietly watching the auction, and he was really excited. These things that are not very important in the church inventory can sell so much money. After returning, you can consider cleaning up a few large warehouses. Now, maybe you can find something unimportant.

After being encouraged by the auctioneer to stir up the flames, but no one has refuted Du Lin's face, this is also one of the biggest features of the charity auction-a high price increase means that the person who has the price has a strong desire for the auction item Desire, most of this happens in bidders bidding on their own items.

For example, if you send an accessory worth one thousand pieces to participate in the photo shoot, when the item arrives, the owner of the item will call the price of two thousand or three thousand pieces to indicate that the thing is mine, and I donate more now Buy this thing several times the price. Don't grab it with me. This is my beloved thing, and my face is beautiful.

Of course, there are exceptions sometimes. There is no shortage of people in the world who have unique ideas and like to break the rules. Most of the time, upstarts are the representative of this kind. Take several times or even ten times the price and give it to the original owner, or leave it alone. In fact, their outcry is not entirely to destroy this rule or like this thing very often. The master's scene, but they don't know, not only will it not have any good effect, but it will make people feel that they are rude.

But this item is excluded, because people in the church did n’t bargain, others were relatively free to shout, but Du Lin still showed his will, others looked at Du Lin with a smile and closed their mouths. Congratulations in advance for obtaining this statue.

After three falling hammers, the statue belonged to Du Lin.

There were not many disturbances until all the goods were auctioned off, and Du Lin was on the stage with the cardinal and two noble representatives. After the charity auction, there was a charity fundraising, otherwise Du Lin Why don't you donate hundreds of millions of real estate to the city hall in front of so many celebrities, and how can you show that you are an outstanding young entrepreneur with a sense of social responsibility?

After two modest concessions, the microphone was handed to Du Lin. He smiled and nodded his thanks to the cardinals and representatives of the aristocracy, and took a step forward. "Thank you very much for taking the time to participate in this charity event. Thank you ... ... ", after a while of applause due here, he seemed to think of something interesting, and suddenly smiled," I know everyone from my background ... "This sentence made people realize why he laughed, He also laughed heartily, "Yes, I am the son of a farmer, I never shy away, because I don't think this is a shame, and I will be proud of it, I will tell Everyone, I am the son of a farmer! "

"When I was young, I had tasted poverty, I had experienced the rancidity of despair, and I knew deeply that in a corner of this society that was not being noticed, there was a group of people who needed help in death. The same black despair slowly decayed. "

"They need our help, maybe just a few bucks to save a father, a mother, or even a family."

He took a deep breath and spit it out again, his tone also deepened. "The sun cannot reach them. No one can help them. They can only fall into the abyss in despair and rot in the corners of society. "He paused for a moment, brewed the atmosphere, and suddenly the tone became as intense as a volcanic eruption," But we can! "

"The sun cannot warm them, we can!"

"Faith can't fill them, we can!"

"As long as we give a helping hand, we can save countless families in this society, let them deviate from the most miserable trajectory in life, let them get a new life, and be able to bathe in the warm sunshine again!"

"This helping hand is called charity!"

"Everyone has the right to live, others can't give them, we give them!"

"Today, the contribution of each of us is not meaningless. This is not for you to have a decent topic when chatting, because we are indeed doing good deeds. We have helped others. This should not be a kind of negotiation. It's an insult to charity, it should be a pride! "

"I have helped more people out of their predicament in the way I can. I can see the tears on their faces when they are redeemed, and I can see their bright smiles as they move to a new life. This is a great power. It is a great force that deeply shakes the entire human race! "

"Some stupid people say that charity is a kind of hypocrisy. I despise them. I despise them. In this world, there are no more noble people, because we help others without asking for returns, because we are kind and kind Have awe in life! "

"If you want to understand how to be a person, you must first understand how to fear life!"

"This is what we have been doing and will continue to do!"

Du Lin said there was a slight panting here. He was roaring and roaring almost all the way, and the entire lawn was silent. Only his voice continued to spread and was taken further by the wind. He paused for a moment, and his voice calmed down again. He showed a smile again. The dazzling smile was really like a flashing smile. "I donate a million dollars here in my own name. The money is used to help everyone in need, and I will form a charitable foundation, invest 10 million dollars, and spend 50% of my income on charity. "

"I may not be able to help everyone who needs me, but I will do everything I can to help everyone I can help them, I am not noble, nor pure, I am only for the peace of mind and for life Awe! "

He slightly bowed down to salute everyone, "Thank you, thank you for being patient and listening to me, and thank everyone who cared for their care for the disadvantaged, you are all angels."

When Du Lin stepped back, everyone stood up to applaud him. What he said may not have much skill, but it was enough to shock people. The endless applause is the best comment on what he said.

The reporters on the side are all crazy and record what Du Lin said just now on the notebook ~ ~ The magnesium light repeatedly lights up continuously, all reporters know that tomorrow's news will burst!

With Du Lin's remarks, the cardinal decided to shut up after sliding his throat twice, and then handed the microphone to the two representatives of the nobles. The two representatives of the nobles kept a decent smile and looked at each other. At a glance, no more words were spoken to resonate, they just followed Du Lin silently, and one person donated 500,000.

With this opening, all the people who participated in this charity event were generously donated, a little less than 1,000 yuan, as many as tens of thousands, which made the cardinals laugh and couldn't shut up. This time it really made a lot Send it. As for what Du Lin said a little bit earlier about the question of faith ... Is that a problem?

is it?



of course not!

After everyone raised money, and it was about to end, Du Lin came to power again and announced a news personally.

"I will be recently engaged to Miss Ophelia Timamont. This invitation can also be used as an invitation to the engagement ceremony to participate in my engagement ceremony. In addition, thank God for bringing my dear Ophelia to By my side, I will donate 30% of the property in Otis ... "

The next day, almost all the newspapers reported what Du Lin said during the fundraising after the charity auction. In one sentence, plus the arms that Du Lin was waving to the sky in the photo, and his eyes were angry, the newspapers were sold out instantly. .

People once again extracted the phrase "socially responsible capitalist" from memory, and countless words of praise were not thrown on Du Lin, even Magus was shocked.

Looking at several photos with almost the same content in the newspaper, Magus rubbed his temples-this **** was itchy without news for a few days!

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