Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 970: method

"The problem over the west is a little more serious ..." Nomi was reporting to Du Lin over the phone. Her words were a bit alarmist, but this is also true.

Without the involvement of Doolin, the contradiction between immigrant labor and the local empire of the empire has been increasing, coupled with the high-profile lawsuits that are still dragging on. There is no conclusive conclusion, and the two groups burst out from time to time In the event of brawls, social order in the west has also deteriorated to some extent.

The state government hopes to resolve the conflict between the two groups peacefully and amicably as soon as possible, and reports these problems to the cabinet. They cannot resolve it by themselves, so they can only be expected to give an effective solution.

At present, the attention of the cabinet is not on the big thing in the west. Peace negotiations with the federal government are the focus. As for the west, the western state government should be committed to solving it by itself. Don't always think about letting the cabinet Here is a waste of energy.

"It will be the last trial in a few days. I heard that both sides are connected in private. I am very worried that if the results of the trial are not satisfactory to both parties, something may happen!"

After listening patiently, Du Lin groaned for a moment and told her not to worry about these issues.

In fact, the problems between immigrant workers and local workers have not completely exploded, causing tremendous destructive power, and the cabinet will not focus on these issues. Only after something happens will the cabinet take it seriously, and Du Lin will have more room to operate.

To the empire, immigrants are a new ethnic group. They are different from minority groups such as the Guarts and the Provincial People, and the empire is also a strange place and not so friendly to them. Before both sides fight to see the blood, Du Lin went to settle the matter, which will not bring him any benefit, let alone a positive influence. Only when something goes wrong and is a big thing, can he show Doolin's ability and get the necessary favoritism.

After hanging up the phone, Du Lin returned to the study. Magus looked up, and then he started to look through the documents again, without any intention to ask him anything.

After returning from the city of Otis, Magus simply said a few words, thinking that it was not a wise choice to donate the assets in his hand to the City Hall, which was very likely to cause a series of errors. Social judgment. For example, the most mainstream group of conspiracy theorists in public opinion may speculate whether Du Lin has been restrained and persecuted, so that he has to donate his assets to the city hall as a last resort in exchange for his life safety commitment.

This is not impossible, and it is very marketable. In the minds of conspiracy theorists, the ruler of the country will always be a scumbag, and every decision is an act with a selfish purpose. For them The country is always black, and occasionally a white thing will appear, and it will soon be overwhelmed by black.

This argument will make the Empire's system extremely passive. Although most people have been used to it for so many years, it is still not a good thing.

Du Lin smiled at this, asking me the money in my pocket does not allow me to give you high-profile money, what is the difference between this and hooligan?

This also made the two people talk a lot less in the past two days, and both had headaches.

As the two maintained a certain degree of the Cold War, the problems facing the West were rapidly fermenting and spreading in both groups at a terrible rate.

"These imperialists will not give us a fair treatment. Their attitude determines everything. Look, those **** will definitely be let go. Instead, our injured family will be severely punished!" Young people in small countries are promoting their views, and many people are watching around, some of whom even nodded.

He was surrounded by so many people and these people recognized his words, which kept him in a state of excitement. The arson case brought the originally loose immigrant groups together for the first time. These may be the few An arsonist didn't even think about it. A small act of vengeance they inadvertently would have a far-reaching impact, prompting loose immigrants to unite.

Now, a few immigrants have a clear understanding. When this group becomes united, then someone will definitely stand out from this. Even after a group of animals gathers together, the one that leads will appear, let alone a more capable and intelligent human being? As long as you can stand out now, you may not be a man in the future.

The class division of society is always a few people stepping on the heads of most people to enjoy the beautiful scenery. These people may not have much knowledge and do not know how to operate the best, but instinctively told them that they must make things bigger Noisy. The matter got bigger and got more attention. If the imperial government wants to solve these troubles, it will definitely talk to them.

But with so many immigrants, it is impossible to talk to everyone about how to solve these things, so what should I do?

It's very simple. Talk to a minority who can represent more people. After the matter is resolved, the influence of these minorities is determined, and they will become the first middle and upper class people who stand out from the immigrant group and enjoy More and better treatment.

The young man became more excited when he thought of a glorious tomorrow, and he was waving his arms red and talking about his ridiculous theory of partiality, which inspired the anger and even hatred of most immigrants.

This kind of thing doesn't just happen in one place. In many places, many migrant workers live in the same place.

On July 16, the judge and the jury made a joint decision after the last trial, and there were no further measures other than fines and community labor penalties for arson workers. Instead, these were the result of beatings. The immigrants who caused the death of others were punished relatively heavily.

Three of these migrant workers were sentenced the most.

The first was shouting revenge slogans to avenge these arsonists, because his actions created a state of insufficiency of the subsequent participants. It can also be said that his actions to revenge directly caused terrible consequences, so he was sentenced Fifteen years in prison.

The second was for others to go to nearby factories and shout more immigrants to return to participate in the fight, because he spontaneously spread the message to turn a fight that might not have caused serious consequences into a unilateral one. Abusive revenge, so this guy was sentenced to six years.

The third is the first person to take the first punch in this unilateral retaliatory action. If he did n’t do that at the time, there is a chance that he may avoid the next fight, so he needs to undertake more The responsibilities of many others were sentenced to ten years.

Most of the other participants ranged from six months to three years' imprisonment. In addition to going to jail, they would be permanently deported, and they would be sent out of the empire when they finished.

Immediately after the conclusion of the trial, immigration groups were greatly dissatisfied. They believed that the culprit was not immigrants who acted impulsively for their homeland, but arsonists. These things would not have happened without their urge to arson to satisfy their lust.

While immigrants are seeking new lawyers to continue protesting the final results and appealing to the Supreme Court of the Empire, they are also contacting more people who can help.

But a small group of people have clearly different ideas, and they intend to resolve their differences by using other more radical methods.

"Blood may not solve the problem, but it will show our determination to solve it!"

On July 19, three days after the final trial, a large-scale conflict broke out in the west. Many immigrants, with the bewilderment of a small number of people, hit the workers' union's premises and smashed the entire building ~ www. ~ Then the working class also came forward to fight back the rioting immigrants. During this two-day event, which was called "two-day riot", a total of 61 people were killed. Serious consequences of injuries to hundreds.

And this incident did drag the attention of the cabinet back to China from the negotiation.

"Why didn't anyone realize that these things would happen before these tragedies happened?", Magus patted the table rarely in cabinet meetings. He has always given people the impression that he is a very elegant and easy-going person, almost Seeing him lose his temper is enough to show how angry he is now.

He threw a document in the middle of the table, and banged the table with his finger joints to make a bangbang sound. "Look, gentlemen, ninety-three people died. It's been nearly ten years ... no, twenty years The civil conflict with the largest number of deaths, and this also concerns the very special group of immigrants. "Only 61 people died in publicity, but in fact some seriously injured patients were sent to the hospital to see their own shortly after. Believers, these people have not been counted in the first batch of deaths, but also to avoid making things more thrilling.

If Magus knew that the number of deaths was just over a hundred while he was talking, it would be more than just taking a picture of a table.

"There are no early warning alerts, no countermeasures, no effective means to solve these problems, and there is a problem in the mind of the judge responsible for the final decision. Why do you still let him sit in the position of judge?"

"Who is malfeasing and who gave them the power to put them in this position? Find these people, throw them out, and calm the matter."

"Gentlemen, the entire international community is paying attention to this matter. If you don't handle it well, you will be worse than me, please believe me!"

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