Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 975: Entry point

The sun in the west in July is bright, and the golden light nourishes this magical land, allowing everything to thrive.

The basement door was opened, and the dazzling light illuminated the dark basement as soon as it came in. Sivarica raised his arms to block the light. He squatted in the corner, his expression was a little numb, or blank. .

The beard opened his sleepy eyes, rubbed his eyes a little bit, and then thought of something, his expression became slightly more exciting.

As for teachers?

He slept at Sivarica's feet and closed his eyes forever. There was a noticeable striae on his neck, and he died of mechanical suffocation. Last night Du Lin's sentence was destined for three people to enter this basement. Only two people could live out, or no one could come out.

Originally, Sivarica was thinking about discussing it to see if there was any other way to avoid the death of a person who had to die, but as soon as he entered the basement, the teacher instructed the beard very clearly and asked him to kill Sivarica.

From the perspective of the teacher, although his beard is a bit stupid, he has a very good advantage, which is obedience. But he had no idea that before that, the mismatch between the beard and Sivarica's thinking channel in the cabin made the beard think the teacher said he was stupid.

Once the solid thinking is formed, it is difficult to get rid of this deep-rooted impression. A person who hates him in his heart still wants him to kill a friend who has a good relationship with him?

The script of the drama dare not write like this.

At that moment, Sivarica took a decisive action ... Then the battle lasted for more than two hours, and never took the initiative to intentionally kill whoever Sivarica and the beard had the opportunity to kill the teacher several times, but both Can't go down that hand. If it wasn't for the teacher who didn't know where to find a rivet and wanted to stab Sivarica, maybe he really couldn't die.

In the end, Sivarica unfastened the belt and strangled the teacher.

The first murder did not have the physiological desires such as vomiting, but only a rage of anger and irritable killings.

I didn't plan to kill you, but you always wanted to kill me, so you die!

Until sleepiness struck, Sivarica, who couldn't resist, finally sat down and slept for a while in both mental and physical exhaustion.

The overexposed world in his eyes gradually returned to normal, and Sivarica looked at the handsome young man with a smile on his face and stood up silently. He glanced at the teacher who would never wake up at his feet, strode towards the stairs, and the silent look of solitude on his face gradually began to melt, as if melted by the warmth of the sun, showing a smile, With a hint of humility.

"Dead?" Du Fu glanced at the one lying on the ground and asked.

Sivarica nodded strongly. "Dead!"

Dufo took a closer look at Sivarica, then nodded after a moment, "Go up, the boss is waiting for you."

The two did not go directly to Du Lin, but were sent by their servants to freshen up and changed into a clean and tidy clothes before they saw Du Lin reading a newspaper at the dining table. Both Siwarika and Beard have shown sufficient caution at this time, because if this man flutters lightly, one person loses his life, and he does not need to do it himself!

Many rumors and gossips related to Du Lin have gathered into a surging wave in their minds, constantly rolling forward and growing, this is a man who can't mess with and can't mess with it.

The death of the teacher even confirmed Sivarica's own speculation. All this was because they had done too much before, so Du Lin returned to clean up the mess.

Du Lin did not show his arrogant arrogance, but was very easy-going. He pointed to the two empty chairs and put down the newspaper in his hand. "You must be hungry, eat something together, just as I still There are things you need to do. "

The two sat tightly at the dining table, watching the rich early on the table, and the beard spit secreted sharply. He only thought of the delicious food, but Sivarica saw something different.

This thing is called the future.

Someday, I will be able to live like this ...

He lowered his head to prevent Du Lin from seeing the changes in his gaze. He was somewhat unaccustomed to picking up the knife and fork, and began to compete with the food on the plate.

When they were almost done, Du Lin lit a cigarette and slowly asked, "103 people died, 364 were injured, and more than 4 million economic losses ...", he said floating With an inexplicable smile, "Can you tell me how this happened?"

Then Sivarica sorted out her thoughts and told Du Lin what had happened.

In fact, they did n’t really want to smash the workers ’union at the beginning, they just wanted to protest and build momentum for the next appeal to the Supreme Court of the Empire, but many times the emotional groups were always able to create something that was not planned thing.

Faced with a crowd of demonstrators, the workers' union locked the door and avoided it. This is actually the best way to deal with it, but when the first person pushed the locked door, the situation began to develop. He got rid of it and couldn't control it.

More people joined this method similar to using violent venting. They quickly damaged door locks that were not possible before, and rushed in to see people and hit them. When they saw something, they smashed.

What the workers who heard came to see is their atrocities. At this time, this is no longer a problem between immigrants and workers' unions. It is a problem between immigrants and all working classes in the west. Without a sufficiently fierce response, the working class will not be able to gain a foothold in the west in the future, and a huge dogfight will soon begin.

The police who arrived came to be the last straw to overwhelm the camel. They asked the immigrants to give up the atrocities and be investigated. This made the immigrants feel that the police, society, and the judges were all partial to the locals of the Empire. The negative emotions that had accumulated were finally heard The roar broke out completely and could no longer be controlled.

During the two days, two groups of people attacked each other. If it was not for the state government to issue a notice, if the situation continued to worsen, they would ask the Western Military Region to send troops to suppress it. Perhaps this scuffle could continue to this day.

Du Lin listened carefully, and occasionally asked some questions, which was more real and detailed than what he heard from other places.

At the end, Du Lin asked, "How do you think the conflict between the two groups should be resolved?"

The beard reluctantly stopped eating, and the rest of the food was on Du Lin's side. Although he was stupid, he knew that it was Du Lin's, and he couldn't do it.

On the contrary, Sivarica was thinking seriously. It took about 20 to 30 seconds to come up and spit out a word from his mouth-justice!

In fact, everything that has happened so far is due to a lack of justice. If there are more clear systems and policies to restrict everyone's behavior in society, it would not be possible to have so many situations from the beginning.

It's just that the word justice is easy to say, and you can say it at the touch of your lips, but it is not so easy to do it. Even Du Lin cannot be treated completely impartially, let alone a group of immigrants?

In the hearts of the imperialists, because of the slave incident in the west, many people subconsciously brought immigrants into the role of slaves. Even if everyone knew that this was an incorrect attitude, people could not control themselves to think so.

The stereotype will not only exist in the elderly who are not capable of accepting new things. Young people and even the whole society will have this phenomenon.

People always say that the Provincial People are lazy and dirty, and the whole society also accepts this statement. Even if there is a diligent and clean Provincial People standing in front of the society, there will be labels like lazy and dirty on his body. .

Du Lin nodded with satisfaction ~ ~ This is a smart man, which is very good, at least it will make him less worried, he raised his hand and nodded the desktop, his beard has been lowering his head. Looking up at Du Lin, "I want you to surrender ..."

It didn't take long for the two to come out of the manor. After the two looked at each other, Sivarica looked around. No one was monitoring and controlling them, which made him feel a little incredible. Wasn't Durin afraid that they would run away? ?

He asked the beard, "What are you going to do?"

The beard was silent for a moment and replied, "I will do whatever you do!"

Sivarica wiped his face a few times, rubbing the brutal color on his face, stomping, and walking towards the city center, "Go, do as Mr. Durin said!"

The surrender of Westarica and Beardock shook the entire immigrant community, including some other "representatives" who have recently come to the forefront. No one would think that in this competition, be patient and see who can't stand it first. Someone with a certain status and reputation in the immigrant group turned himself in. This is simply ... they don't know how to describe their feelings in their hearts now.

If they learn high enough, it may be a little better, at least mmp can still be described.

In the capital of the Emperor, Magus has also been paying attention to the situation in the west. When he knew that someone had turned himself in and declared that he was responsible, and he wanted to expose others, Magus temporarily put the matter down.

When he hung up the phone, the taste was mixed. In the end, many emotions and thoughts were released by him in a sigh. This bastard's entry point was too accurate!

Perhaps this is the reason why he has not been able to bear with Du Lin before. He used the words excellent and outstanding to describe that Du Lin is pale. Such people should not appear in this world, but he appeared, then Make every effort to pull him into his camp.

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