Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 976: Warm up

The surrender of the two Westarica suddenly reduced the tension between the two western groups. Many working classes were watching the jokes of the immigrant workers, and the immigrant groups had some panic.

Some time ago, the police station and the investigative bureau did not have any direct evidence to prove that some people participated in or organized the previous riots. Second, even if someone was arrested, millions of immigrants united as one. Large-scale demonstrations can also force the authorities to temporarily compromise and release the arrested.

The current situation suddenly turned around, and the betrayal of Sivarika and the beards created panic among the immigrant groups. Once a group had panic riots, it was impossible to unite again. Everyone was afraid of Siwarica and the cheeky biting. Those who knew them and participated in the riot were even more disturbed, afraid that they would be "explained".

Under such circumstances, the state governments of the three western states issued a new notice at the same time, calling on everyone to report the possible criminals around them. Immediately after this decree came out, the unity that seemed to people like Tower Shield was indestructible. Immigrants began to try not to go out, talk to other people, and never brag about whether they did something before. Can be considered a hero.

"Representatives" have been arrested one after another. In the face of a serious situation, not only has the immigrant group ceased, but the working class has ceased, because not only the immigrant group but also the working class have been arrested.

We must know that among the 103 people who died, not only the workers were killed, but also dozens of immigrants.

Death has become a fact, so someone has to pay for these people's deaths.

At such a very special stage, Sivarica was interviewed by several western newspapers. After a short period of calm, these newspapers were snatched and completely sold out.

In the interview, Siwarika claimed that he wanted to surrender and expose some "organizers" because he knew that the empire was a legal country. Here the law takes precedence over everything, and even if they have not yet obtained the status of an imperial citizen before the law, they will not be inferior to it. They enjoy the same rights and obligations as everyone.

What he did wrong was done wrong. He did not hope that the stalemate in this matter would make it more difficult for immigrant groups to integrate into the empire's environment in the future, so he and Bearded Husband were willing to sacrifice themselves in exchange for an opportunity and a chance to repent.

At the same time, Sivarica believes that this incident has shocked the entire empire and even the international community. It should also stop there. This was originally their original appeal. By creating larger and more influential demonstrations, they can win the attention of the whole society and give them the most fair trial. Now their purpose has been achieved, but the means are a bit overdone. No matter where this event finally goes, someone should stand up and assume all the responsibilities.

After all, the deaths of more than a hundred people and the injuries of hundreds of people are no longer trivial. This is a riot with extremely serious consequences. It is a tragedy and a major crime that cannot be perverted!

He doesn't need to be found out by others. He is willing to stand up and take care of it all. He wants to tell everyone through his actions that we did something wrong.

The reporter then asked about the issue of the disclosure, and Sivarica did not evade it. He told the reporter frankly that most of them could actually make money without working. Each of them represents a small number of people, and by introducing employees to factories and those who need labor, they get a certain return from the capitalists. At the same time, these positions in their hands are also the most urgent needs of immigrants at present, even if it is not a good job, they can also be introduced to other immigrants for a fee.

They usually use their status and reputation in immigration to obtain more benefits and convenience, so when something goes wrong, they naturally have to take more responsibility!

Moreover, they are not all innocent, because before each demonstration, these people will be responsible for contacting their followers. In a sense, their actions and irresponsible attitudes indirectly create After this tragedy, they should take responsibility for this part of course.

In the end, Sivarica stated that it was the most shameful attempt to try to get more people to use the innocent power of the group to pay for his actions. He was unwilling to be a shameful person. He just assumed his responsibility and Peace of mind.

The report shocked the entire western region and even the imperial society, and also made people know this young man. Not many people in the immigrant group regarded Sivarica as a traitor, but made him a great person.

Ask yourself, not everyone has the courage to take on such terrible things. More than a hundred people have died, and maybe Sivarica will be sentenced to death. But his courage, his spirit, and his actions have saved millions of immigrants and saved the "class opposition" and "group opposition" that are likely to exist in the future. Even in the working class, there was a voice approving Sivarica, and the positive image of the teenager's courage to take responsibility suddenly became the topic of the moment.

To this end, a senior law firm of Imperial Capital stated that based on their recognition of the noble character of Westarica, they are willing to provide the necessary legal assistance and defense for the two cases of Westarica and Arson for free, so as to make it as fair and just as possible. Fair eyes rest on them. .

On the ninth day after the incident, Du Lin suddenly announced a public speech and invited most prestigious people from most immigrants, as well as high-level members of the workers' union department.

In his public speech, Dulin did not point his finger at the working class and immigrant groups, but directly at the state government, shelling the judge responsible for the arson case.

"The arson case and the two-day tragedy reflect the huge problems that the west is facing now. Why a case that is not too special can be ended in such a way. I personally think that there may be malfeasance and the possibility of officials. The crimes involving work. These things are seriously affecting the operation of the empire. The existence of this small group of people is the shame of the empire, the shame of the legal system, and the shame of all the people of the empire! "

"I call on the Cabinet and the Ministry of Justice to investigate the people or forces affecting the final arson case, including judges, and officials at all levels and levels to investigate whether they disregard the law for smuggling and whether anyone is behind it. Directing them to make such a distorted judgment, even me, a person who has not studied law, knows deeply that this case's ability to make such a judgment is against the justice of the law and the will of the people. "

"Who is doing such a terrible thing against the tide and knowing nothing about him? He should be kicked out and thrown in the sun, let's all look at him and judge him!"

"In addition, I deeply sympathize and mourn the victims of the two-day tragedy. Everyone is innocent and they should not be treated this way. No matter what we say, what we can do now can't restore such pain As a result, I will donate two million empire stars in my own name to help these families who have lost their main labor force to overcome the current difficulties and give humanitarian care and care! "

"In the final analysis, the cause of the arson case is still the problem of labor competition. Now there are major disadvantages in the employment problem in the western region and even in the entire society. This is also an important issue that needs to be urgently improved. It includes issues concerning the legal rights of immigrant workers. "Why didn't the workers' union stand up just because of their immigration status?"

"Giving more attention and assistance to the working class and migrant workers, and actively establishing relevant legal provisions to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of working people is to avoid similar incidents in the future ~ ~ good idea."

"At the same time, here I will also announce another thing. Based on the three guarantees policy promulgated in the past when Mr. Mennon was in power in the west, after my active efforts and communication, I have reached an agreement with the Cabinet ’s Ministry of Social Labor Services. With my active struggle, the western region will become the first area to implement the "social foundation security measures" in the entire empire. I believe that the three guarantee contracts in the first period have been handed over. If there is no handover, the contract will be taken to the city halls and social foundations as soon as possible. The safeguard law will be promulgated within the year ... "

Du Lin's public speech was a great success. He cleverly pleased the two groups, especially the immigrant group. Now more and more immigrants will become the most important votes in the general election 14 months later. At the same time it did not hurt the feelings of the working class.

This may be the core of the campaign, spending money on support.

Under the influence of money and prestige, the state government, including the cabinet, gave Du Lin the most direct feedback at the first time. They will send an investigation team to investigate the entire trial process of the arson case. Whether it has been affected by external forces, the judge made the decision. Wrong decision.

In addition to discussing Siwarika and the two cases, people also began to discuss another thing-social basic security measures.

In the ensuing half-month, the judge who originally delivered the verdict was taken down. Four prosecutors were suspended from investigation for suspected crimes. The Supreme Court of Justice rejected the final decision of the state court and sent it back for retrial.

And the trial of the two-day tragedy has also begun in the Supreme Court.

Du Lin easily solved the problems that the state government seemed difficult to solve, and at the same time met his personal political aspirations, bringing his reputation in the west and even the entire empire to a new level.

A dazzling political star is about to debut!

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