Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 989: life

Magus is a great man, whether he has some unknown purpose or not, even if all his actions are to maintain the orthodox aristocratic rule system, but these can not prevent him from becoming a great man.

His retirement was not a purely external interference, but he took the initiative to propose, and together with his retirement, he also proposed a program, which has been written into the constitution. He abolished the prime minister's life-long system by example, and will not There will be another prime minister who has been too old to handle government affairs and still holds power.

Therefore, he must be a great man. While restricting the power of the people, he also included the nobles in the crackdown. He is a politician who truly stands at the national level, not a hypocritical politician.

It's a pity that he still has to retire ...

Although it is a bit troublesome, this road was chosen by Du Lin himself, so he must go ahead daringly.

Since Doolin and Ophelia were engaged, they have been together for almost every second. For Ophelia, she feels that she is the luckiest girl in the world, because there will be no more except her. Others can have their own Prince Charming, who comes out of the dream, and this is a loving prince who can communicate with himself!

These days they have been helping others, simply helping, without asking for anything in return, which also allowed Du Lin to experience the simple joy of a long absence.

There are no impurities, no lusts and secrets that cannot be said, simple, but too much happiness, and happiness.

"Dulin is really lucky to be able to marry such an almost perfect wife ...", the reporter who just put down his camera couldn't help but jealous and slandered, watching the distance playing games with the children in the orphanage , Ophelia, who almost smiled holy, almost nodded her fellow colleagues.

The marriage of Doolin and the Timamont family is definitely not a trivial matter in the empire, so during the period after the engagement, a large group of journalists followed these two news figures, hoping to find some from their daily behavior. Burst point.

But unfortunately, the extravagant and aristocratic life that was expected did not appear in real life. Instead, people saw Ophelia as an angel and her passion for charity.

She always appears in orphanages, orphanages and the like, sending warmth to those who need help.

She does not have the arrogance and coquettishness of a noble lady. Even when faced with a tramp who is injured and has pus in her wound, she can smile and give out the necessities and medicines in her hand, encourage everyone with her own angel-like smile, The courage they live on.

Some people are grateful for everything she has done, want to shake her hands or hug her, she will not avoid those people's outstretched hands, do not mind whether their clothes are dirty.

The dirty kids sang and danced around her, and she also took the initiative to join them. The laughter has almost become a voice that these reporters can hear every day this week.

Some words came out in some places, and some people thought that maybe Ophelia was Du Lin's destiny. Only a girl like Ophelia who had a crystal-like pure heart could be able to put Du Linla back on the right path. .

What made these reporters unexpected is that although the daily reports on these two news people are similar to what they did and how much they sent to help others, the public is willing to watch it, and they like to watch it. Some are overdone, and they are still enjoying it.

Of course, there are also a handful of people who can't restrain the cry out-she is still a child!

"Sister will come to see you next weekend. You have to eat well and read carefully, you know?" Seeing the dusk approaching, Ophelia and the tired children were sitting in the orphanage without any worries. On the doorstep. The dust stained her white veil with some dirt, but she didn't care about holding a few dirty little hands that had been cleaned for a long time.

A little girl asked, "Why, is your sister going somewhere else these days?"

She will come every other day these days, and it will take several days to see her again, making these children a little sad and frustrated.

Ophelia shook her head. "No, I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying at the Imperial City, but I'm going to school. I can only come out on weekends!" She touched the soft hair of the little girl , And arranged her clothes again, "You all have to be good, you are the biggest, take care of your brothers and sisters, you know?"

The little girl seemed to be given a sacred mission at this moment. She nodded her head vigorously and said, "Know, we are a family, and I will take care of them for my sister!"

Du Lin stood on the side and looked at the girl with a strange expression.

He never imagined that his blood-stained and sinister hands would one day bring more warmth to more people. What's even more strange is that he has no objection to this, and even enjoys it. In the innocent smiles of these children, he realized something that can warm people's hearts, called hope, and happiness.

He never thought that there would be such a pure personality in this world. Until now he looked at Ophelia, only to believe that there was something in the world that even gods would be jealous of.

He extinguished the smoke in his hand and walked behind Ophelia, and the children made that place open for him to sit down. It has been a long time since he sat on the steps in such a decent way. This was a rebellious act in the eyes of the nobleman, but he was so happy.

"Brother ~ ~ Sister is going to school, do you want to go to school too?"

Du Lin touched the girl's soft hair like, "Ah, yeah, I'm not going to school, I'm going to work ..."

Not long after, Du Lin took Ophelia away in the sunset and faced the sunset, leaving only two long and long shadows, and some longing eyes.

In the evening, after dinner, the two sat in the living room and watched TV. The new TV series was always so attractive. Television and TV dramas, as a not new but definitely cross-time entertainment method, have been completely accepted by the whole society. People are looking forward to the new plot every night. Even the nobles, there will be situations where everyone watches the program together. Occasionally Will also start because of speculation about the future plot.

Ophelia stared at the TV intently, watching her for a moment and suddenly shrinking her neck, reaching out to push Du Lin, but her attention stayed on the TV screen. "It's so itchy, don't make a mess ..."

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