Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 990: happy

Du Lin held Ophelia with her head on her shoulders and greedily smelled the smell on her body.

It was an unspeakable taste. It was fragrant and sweet. It could make people feel happy and calm down. As if everything happened after that, they would not let themselves care.

The hot air that spit out during breathing breathed her hair and stimulated her skin. She laughed and shrank her neck like a tickling little girl, and pushed to the side, but pushed Du Lin without force. Push him away.

She looked at Du Lin a little strangely, and happened to be watching Du Lin as well. The eyes of the two met in a very short distance and blended together.

The pure eyes made Du Lin feel an unprecedented peace, but Ophelia saw a heartbreaking loneliness in Du Lin's eyes.

She turned her attention away from the TV, looked at Du Lin's eyes, then stretched out her arms to embrace her, and held his head in her arms. It seemed that only in this way could the warm cold world in his eyes be warmed. .

She didn't know if it would work, but she needed to try it.

In fact, no one has ever known Du Lin, and it is impossible to experience the deepest feelings in his heart. He is always so confident, so powerful, and it seems that nothing can hold him back, even Magus. It was the biggest mistake to think that Durin was born in this world, because he was too smart.

In history, in myths and legends, those blessed lives who have come to this world will always suffer many hardships and ups and downs, even early deaths. They can only bloom the light they once existed in a moment, The change the world brings.

But Du Lin didn't give anything, he was healthier than anyone, and he was almost perfect ...

But who can appreciate the real loneliness deep inside him?

For Mason and Merlin, Du Lin only passed out for an afternoon, but for Du Lin, the dream had been for decades, and now he can clearly remember some details in the dream, Every character includes every word they have ever said.

Peeling the hard shell, he is always an ordinary person, and he will have ordinary people's emotions and even fear. He just hid his heart tightly so that people couldn't see through or see through, but that didn't mean he didn't!

In addition to the transcendent knowledge and experience that brought him unparalleled experience and the current glory, sometimes he also felt lonely.

Lonely won't linger on him all the time, only at a certain moment, it will burst out suddenly, that deadly solitude will make the whole world gray!

After a while, Du Lin began to struggle. Ophelia loosened her arms and looked at him. He couldn't see much in his eyes. He took a few breaths and suddenly said, "I'm going to be I'm strangled. "

After the two had been arguing for a while, Du Lin took Ophelia together while sitting on the sofa watching TV and discussing the next plot. Suddenly, the dull life gave Du Lin never before. For relaxation, he cherishes the present life and the people around him.

Time always slips away inadvertently, waiting for you to be out of light years.

Ophelia has to go to school. This is an indispensable process in her life, and Doolin will not be tied to her selfishly. This is her right to enjoy life. No one can stop it, and next He also has to return to the west and start building momentum for himself.

A week ago, Doolin thought he was a proper governor, but after talking to Magus once, his consciousness was now uncertain.

The old party wants to take office, and there must be a core meeting internally before taking office. In order to avoid similar frauds in the next general election, the most direct and powerful way is to encourage more cities and states to turn to the old Party camp. Du Lin had said something about Vivienne before, and Magus agreed in one fell swoop. Maybe even if he didn't say it, Mrs Vivienne could be successfully elected. After all, she is also a member of the old party!

"We're going to win this war around a few key points!" In the meeting room, Hersman had the documents distributed to every team member, including Dulin, and he turned a few pages. Then he continued, "Now we have a great advantage, thanks to the marriage between Mr. Doolin and the Timamont family ..."

In Hersman's view, Dulin's move is very correct. Marriage with the most powerful family in the empire is bound to bring a series of chain reactions. First of all, the governor's nomination right can definitely be won. Second, those who do not The forces opposing the Timamont family will also actively avoid the invincible chariot of Doolin.

Having met these two points, it can be said that Du Lin has no opponents in the political arena in the west. The next thing to do is to draw as many voters as possible to his side. It is difficult to do this. But it was easy for Dooling, because he had the key to victory in his hands-wealth.

"I'll interrupt it!", Dooling's sudden interruption made Hersman a bit confused, and the old gambler closed his mouth very smartly on the face of the money and the Timamont family. Du Lin looked around the venue, glanced around the others, and lowered his voice, saying, "We may have opponents, so we cannot relax our demands on ourselves in the first place. Even now we cannot see who this opponent is. Make at least two imaginary enemies. "

His comments made Hersman immediately aware that the situation had changed. He frowned slightly and asked a key question, "Then the right to nominate ..."

"This can be determined ~ ~ and there will be no change."

Her answer was relieved by Durin's affirmation. He had left the core power circle for too long. Many news could not be found naturally, but he also realized the changes in the upper levels, which made him careful.

"Then we plan to continue to collect information from all new and old bipartisan mayors and councillors in the state, and we need to increase publicity." Hersman turned his head to Du Lin. "Mr Du Lin, you Can the Ophelia Angel Charity Foundation be placed in the west? This news is even more valuable in publicity! "

Du Lin nodded, and Hersman's mind continued to emerge with new ideas. He continued, "We must first let everyone know that the basic security policy in the West is only obtained under the hard work of Mr. Du Lin. It ’s all due to Mr. Du Lin ’s credit when he came to the west to conduct the pilot. In addition, the charity foundation will provide long-term assistance to families in need in the west. Let everyone realize that Mr. Du Lin is the equivalent of 'happiness' in the West! "

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