Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 991: Big truth

"Will it be too exaggerated?" Du Lin sat in the car and looked at the posters on both sides of the street, almost covered with Du Lin's bust.

The City Hall has issued three notices of punishment to Du Lin, because he did not paste propaganda posters in the permitted area, so he violated the city law and accepted a fine of one dollar each ...

However, this fine was not in Du Lin's eyes. For every dollar paid, his illegally pasted propaganda posters could exist for 72 hours. Sometimes it is not the City Hall inaction, it just involves a lot of exchanges and benefits.

A city with tens of thousands of posters sticking to the wrong place can bring more extra fiscal revenue to the government than other revenues. Who can, who dares to break this financial path?

Not to mention the person on the poster is Du Lin, the omnipotent Du Lin!

Hersman, who was sitting beside him, smiled and held his head, smiling, and shaking his head, "Is this normal? Isn't it? In the next stage, we will print at least 150,000 short-sleeved firs with slogans and distribute them. For voters who support you, each person will receive a subsidy of five dollars a month! "

Du Lin laughed a few times and ridiculed, "So political candidates without capital support will never have a chance to come to the front. This is a pathological political phenomenon."

Hersman did not refute this. "This is the rule of the game. Maybe the designers of the rule did not want it to be this way. This is a social choice!"

This is indeed the case. In fact, there are many very good politicians in the lower and middle tiers of the empire. These people have governance ideas and political programs that may be more complete and more suitable for today's society, but they cannot be understood.

Are they not good at showing themselves?

Of course not. Any politician is a master of communication. What they lack is only those capitalists who appreciate them.

As we all know, policies that are beneficial to the public often hurt the interests of capitalists, such as the "Minimum Hours Law" and the "Labour Security Law", which focus on safeguarding ordinary people's rights and interests. They greatly protect ordinary people's rights. The legitimate rights and interests make capitalists unbearable.

The capitalists can no longer exploit labor legally, and can't find a reason to let the contracted worker get away with it, maybe just because he has paid 5% more than others.

For these socially responsible politicians, the capitalists will not hold them. Once they grow up, they will eat people, eat the capitalists, not provide the capitalists with meals, forks, and forks to steal the wealth of society.

On the contrary, politicians who are closer to the capitalists will get more resources. They always wear a pair of pants with the capitalists, and they are better at lying and acting. This gives them more exposure and is more popular with voters. understanding.

Will gold always shine?

Someone has to dig it out first!

The car stopped a few parks after crossing a few streets, which was the first stop of Du Lin's public speech.

The so-called public speech, in Hersman's words, is to deceive the masses, to say something that these voters like to hear, what they care about, what they say, and whether it can be done is not important. When the term is about to end, What you can't do is shirk from hostile politicians and supporters.

With this group of opponents obstructing for a long time, the failure to do these good things is not because they did not do it, but because there is too much resistance, voila, because I want to do these things, I may not be able to choose now ...

Many people have gathered in the park. As soon as Du Lin got out of the car, these people looked at him and applauded. Du Lin found a very interesting manifestation. The middle class and the low-proletarian proletariat were clearly divided into two camps, separated by an invisible gap between them.

He walked into the park with a smile, shook hands with some people, took ten minutes to walk the distance of thirty to forty meters, and came to the high platform in the middle of the small park-a temporary construction, someone in the campaign team was specifically responsible for Similar things, just like the professional brokerage companies behind Sherry Street.

"Thank you ... Thank you for leaving the warm quilt on Sunday morning, leaving the company of your family to come here, listening to the voice of a young man like me, and thanking everyone for your recognition and support ...", Du Lin looked down A glance at the manuscript under the microphone, he should continue to read it, but he suddenly picked up the speech, held up the manuscript in an exaggerated manner, and then interpreted it slightly. Read a few words in disguised style.

People looked at him silently, not knowing what happened. Hersman, who was sitting in the car, closed his eyes. He knew that the "Dulin moment" had begun!

He read two sentences and looked at everyone. "They gave me a manuscript and told me that as long as I read it out and then avoided some sharp questions, people would like me ...", in A second later, he suddenly extended his other hand to tear the speech and shattered it, throwing it away.

"Go to the horse's speech and avoid the sharp problems!", He confidently displayed his temperament at this moment, which was fully reflected in the sun. He dragged his collar and held both sides of the podium with both hands. The body leaned forward and leaned closer to the microphone, "I ’m here to solve the problem. I am concerned about the current situation of life in all classes in the west. I am not here to perform. If anyone wants to perform, then he should go to the opera or movie theater, Not standing here ... "

He pointed to the land under his feet, "It's not standing here, standing in the sun, standing in front of the people without lying with the slightest guilt!"

With a bang, people are just like waking up, clapping and whistling excitedly. They like people like Dulin who are different from other politicians. There is something special in him that attracts everyone. attention.

Faced with the crowd that was starting to excite, Du Lin raised his hand and pressed it to silence them. There was only Du Lin's voice in the park. "Politics should never be a ridiculous draft, and all voters should not support this. Drafts, because you are not choosing the next generation of idols in the Empire, but you are going to decide that you will influence your policy makers in all aspects in the next eight years or even longer! "

Suddenly someone asked a question, "Mr. Du Lin, do you mean that the other candidates are acting, are they deceiving voters?"

Countless eyes are focused on this person, and Du Lin also looked at him, and then pointed his finger at him. "This is a sharp problem. According to the normal steps, I should get rid of this problem and say something inexplicable. , And then avoid it. "People burst out laughing, it seems that those politicians behave like this.

"But I'm not a well-known politician. I'm Du Lin. I'm different and I don't avoid this problem ..."

"What do you think I mean is that some people are acting, deceiving voters ...", the park is quiet again. This is a very special problem, because Doolin is likely to offend most politicians, and people also want to To see how he responded, Du Lin smiled confidently. He nodded while laughing. "Some people here really want to see what makes me different from others. I want to know what I will say. There is something to pull the ballots, and some, like this gentleman, come to see the lively. "

"I am satisfied with your lively mentality, my answer is 'yes'!" Regardless of the people's exclamation and those who are beginning to be content with watching a lively life, Du Lin continued, "Everyone thinks calmly, in How many politicians I have faced you before and promised you a bright future, no matter what they say, the core is the same. "

He pointed to these people, pointing piece by piece, "They told you that after they came to power, you would have endless money, medical expenses would be reduced, education expenses would be reduced, and everyone would have a satisfactory job and life. It will be better, as if living in heaven! "

He slammed his hands on the podium, his voice became agitated, "But look at you now, in the past seven years, in the eight years before the seven years, or even the longer eight years, you feel your life Are you in heaven? "

"I haven't been there except those who have actually gone to the kingdom of heaven, so I'm not sure if the kingdom of heaven they go to is the same as the kingdom of heaven described by these people, but the truth is here!"

"Some of you are still poor, still have no job, still don't look down on the disease, still don't have the money to support your children to receive a better education, and their lives are still poor. Is this heaven?"

"This is what they describe, the kingdom of heaven you need?"

"Do not!"

"They got what they wanted and entered the kingdom they built for themselves. You gave them votes to support their governance philosophy, but you still haven't changed ~ ~ maybe even worse than in the past. a little."

"So this gentleman, please tell me, and everyone who is present, is this acting or deception?"

Facing Du Lin's facts and revealing the truth that everyone is covering up, watching the lively friends shrink in the face of Du Lin's questioning, as well as the urging sounds and a small amount of curses from others. Among the many hiss, he remained silent and walked to the periphery of the crowd.

Du Lin smiled disdainfully, with some contempt. There is no doubt that this guy is either a reporter or someone who wants to come to listen to the truth and find some troublesome spies.

From which little man he looked back, he looked at everyone. "I'm different from those who are used to telling lies. I'm better at solving problems, which is why I stand for election!"

"Among so many liars, there should be someone who tells the truth and does the real thing!"

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