Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 992: Have a taste

Du Lin participated in the recording of a political interview program that night. Anyway, TV Group is his wholly-owned company. Why not use such a good channel?

Of course, it can't be said that he smashed a certain show or a certain channel's brand because he wanted to run for governor. In short, he was like a normal invitee to participate in this show-"In Progress"

The guest invited was not Du Lin. There were also two politicians in the west who are now in the limelight, plus a total of four hosts. This is a chat program with high ratings. After all, people who can afford TV are often Both are middle classes in society, and their sensitivity to politics is much higher than ordinary people.

The biggest highlight of this program is the conflict between different political positions and ideas. People also like to see politicians with different positions in front of the camera. At least that will be more true.

At the beginning of the recording, everything went smoothly, and the host did not ask any extreme questions. Most of the questions and conversations were centered on the general election and the prospects for the future. Halfway through the show, the host suddenly raised a question, directed at Du Lin's question.

"Mr. Du Lin, I heard that during the day's public speech, you attacked some politicians to trick the voters by using false propaganda, is that so?" The host asked a little bit when he asked this question, She can only do her best to maintain her professional standards and smile on her face.

Du Lin nodded and did not deny, "I don't deny your claim, I did say that."

The moderator glanced at the other two invited politicians and continued to ask, "So do you have any feelings about the other two political views? Do you think they have fooled the voters?"

"I haven't said that they fool the voters, and I have reservations about this issue." Du Lin did not show aggressiveness, but gave an ambiguous answer.

There are actually Taiwanese books in such recorded programs. Some sensitive issues will be listed on the Taiwanese books to ensure that invited guests will not be distracted by some sharp issues.

Of course, there are some programs in order to create explosive points, topics and ratings, they will hide some content, such as asking a star wearing a green hat, do you think this green hat is made according to your head, bring it up Is it comfortable?

When you meet someone who is better nurtured, you will avoid this question and do n’t answer, but if you have a bad temper, you will have an accident. But this kind of accident is a good publicity point. People like to watch star characters' bad tempers to satisfy their hearts. Some of these unknown desires.

This question now belongs to the content that is not listed in the guest book, but the host has a different book.

She bit her head and continued to ask questions. "You mean, don't you deny that?"

Du Lin grinned twice without answering, but the laughter frowned the other two guests. The political circle is a very interesting place. Most people have done such things as splashing people with dirty water. Although it looks naive, it works.

Like the rumors that Peter and his mistress had circulated earlier in Tennell, saying how much love they have and many illegitimate children, in fact, Peter's eggs have long been abolished by the Governor. Sometimes the lower the level, the more effective it is in the political environment.

When people attack someone, they only need an excuse, even if the excuse is false, it doesn't matter, as long as there is!

One of the guests couldn't help asking, "Mr. Du Lin, you said that everyone else is a liar, so are you a liar? Can you ensure that every sentence you have said is true, and have you fulfilled them?"

Du Lin glanced at the guest obliquely and asked, "According to what you just said literally, my understanding is that you have told some lies and failed to fulfill all your promises. Is there any problem in my understanding?"

The guest laughed angrily, "You are running away from the question. What you answered has nothing to do with what I asked."

Du Lin nodded, "So you did lie!"

Another guest also had to speak out, and under the guidance of the host and Du Lin's ambiguous answer, he actually pulled him into the water. If he doesn't figure this out, his approval rating is likely to drop by one or two points.

For many laymen, one or two points does not mean anything, but the problem is that the election is not a one-man show. If you lose one or two points, others will have one or two points.

Assuming that everyone is 50 points, now one is 52 points, one is only 48 points, and there is a difference of four points to catch up.

Is the 4% approval rating good?

It's not easy to catch up. In some areas where the support rate is stale, it often fails on the 1.2% support rate. In order to win the election, he must jump in.

"Mr. Du Lin, I personally think that a good politician should focus on how to improve the living standards of the people in the region, and do something meaningful for the voters in the jurisdiction, rather than like now ...", He shrugged, "Making some ridiculous gimmicks to attract the attention of society. You are a politician, you are not a star. Those small tricks may have some effect in a short time, and after a period of time people will see through your camouflage. . "

Du Lin smiled, but did not immediately refute, but instead looked at the camera and said, "This is the reality. When people are obeying certain standards, someone comes out to unveil the shady, he cannot be accommodated by others, only Because he is telling the truth. Such things often happen, and they happen around us. "

"When those who dare to tell the truth start trying to shut their mouths and start lying under these siege, the society is finished!"

"There must always be someone who dares to tell the truth ~ ~ I am that person." Du Lin sat upright and glanced at both of them. "I let Otis from a garbage city Becoming the most prosperous metropolis today, I have given hundreds of thousands of families in the west a reliable job, and I have solved some medical, education and security issues for many cities! "

"I dare not say that I can achieve every sentence smoothly, but I am working on this, so what about you two? What have you done that is meaningful and valuable to society, can you say it to us? ?"

He seemed thoughtful and asked himself, "Maybe you can't because you spend more time shirk your responsibilities and think about promotion, including deceiving your voters with lies. The power you have is only You can serve yourself better. As for those who give power to you, they become poor worms. You are great! "


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