Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 994: New forces

"If you do this, you will spread the contradictions. In the end, you will find that you have no friends on the political stage!" Magus took the initiative to call Du Lin after watching the show, as the currently prime minister of the empire. Magus is still able to grasp the changes in the political platform of the entire empire. Many people have already reported to him that this round of saturation blows does not distinguish me from the enemy, is it a bit too much?

The so-called politics is nothing more than party disagreement, unite a group of people who can become friends, have a common position and ideals, and eliminate and suppress another group of people with different ideals and different positions.

No matter how great a person is, he can't change the country by himself. Someone needs to be around him. Doulin obviously does not conform to the political laws of nature. He is playing with fire.

Du Lin was very grateful for the reminder from Magus. Of course, instead of becoming an obedient, he asked a question, "Bauworth is destined to be my most troublesome opponent and even the enemy. At the same time between me and the old party No, then Uncle Magus, can you tell me who can I unite and keep him united around me after the general election? "

"Is Bowers, the new leader who once targeted me, or Mr. Coubal's icon of the old party?" He didn't need Margs to answer, and asked himself, "No, no one May be united around me, even these people around you will soon fall to Bowers, or conservatively maintain a neutral stance and do not favor any party. "

"I'm not you, unlike you can control these people and let them willingly form a new political group around me. Most of these people are older than me, and more importantly they are They are in high positions, and they are used to obeying your orders. Suddenly let these people obey my orders ... that's not realistic, Uncle Magus. "

"They may look at your face and give me some help I need when necessary, but only that."

"Since there are no friends who can be united around me, why do I need to take care of their faces and say something clever, so that they don't necessarily think I am a difficult bone?"

Magus was silent for a while, then sighed, knowing that Dulin was not wrong. Top-level politics is exclusive, and the cabinet headed by Kubar will firmly suppress some New Party members whose tails are in the sky. This is also one of the reasons for the old party to rule after the agreement between Magus and Kubar. He re-elected for too long and the new party ruled for too long, so that some new party members took for granted that this empire should belong to the new party.

This is a bad sign, they need to beat down their pride and let them learn awe and humility again.

At the same time, the new party's new leader, Bowers, will more or less exclude members of the aristocratic faction, which has destined that Doolin will fall into an isolated state in the next eight years. His opponents are not only the old party, but also a considerable part of the new party.

As he said, since the future is the enemy, why not let those people realize that he is a bad guy and a lunatic. Under the suppression of the general environment, Qiuquanquan will only allow his opponents to gain an inch. So it seems that he is not doing anything wrong now, but is very correct.

Magus was silent for a while before he said, "I can't convince you. You have your ideas. I don't know if this is the right path or the wrong path, but it's worse, it's only eight years."

Yes, no matter how bad the situation is, it will be an eight-year period. After Magus retreats, his political influence will inevitably decline, but the problem of keeping Doolin is not big. After this eight years have passed, the old batch of treacherous politicians should almost be off work. The new generation began to dominate the political stage of the empire. At that time, it was Dulin's turn to glow.

Moreover, Magus felt that it was a very good lesson to let Du Lin take a loss when he was young. No one can sail smoothly for life. Instead of letting him fall from the clouds at the peak, it is better to take advantage of him when he has just started climbing Let him fall into the mire.

Eight years is enough for him to grow a lot.

Immediately after the call with Magus, Doolin made Hersman change his publicity strategy. Compared to the more ordinary publicity style in the past, he now chose to be more aggressive.

The brand-new poster also exudes a faint smell of ink. Du Lin nodded with satisfaction. This poster invited many professionals to design it. Compared with the old-fashioned bust and some slogans, it was a little bit more. The breath of the times is also younger.

The perspective of the poster is to enter Du Lin from a 45-degree perspective. He punched out, and painted glass-like patterns and styles around the huge fist. He used slightly playful art on the sides of the poster. The text reads the new slogan.

"Break the old age and let the young take over!"

"Different durins, different wests, different lives!"

Du Lin nodded with satisfaction, put the poster back on the table, and then tapped twice on the poster. "It can be printed, and we will completely replace this new poster in our chosen state."

Hersman smiled and took a few glances. He didn't agree or refuse. "It looks like a movie poster. Young people should like it."

Du Lin glanced at him and asked, "Isn't that right? This is an aging empire ~ ~ but there is a large number of new forces, which is in line with our next campaign strategy."

Hellsman has no objection to this. The word "aging" does not exist in the empire so far. Most couples in a family will also have at least two or three children. many. In a young society, young people have actually occupied a dominant position, but in the past people always ignored the power of these young people, which is a very stupid way.

Young people represent their desire and power to challenge everything. These young people will inevitably become the mainstream of this society, no matter now or thousands of years later!

"You are satisfied, but we may have to spend some campaign funds for new poster printing and promotion of the new route." Hersman dropped the poster on the table. "You need to be mentally prepared . "

Du Lin smiled arrogantly, "I never worry about money, I just worry that the bank's vault cannot hold all my wealth!"

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