Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 995: Free Educational Resources

After researching the entire campaign team, Du Lin finally focused on the state of Ambiloo. This state belongs to the western part of the west and encompasses the almost complete west coast. This is why Du Lin focused his campaign here.

The awakening of international consciousness means that international exchanges will become more and more frequent. Having the West Coast, even if the West Coast is very backward, it is equivalent to grasping the key to the world, and it also includes more than half of the Yagul Mountains.

The development of Mount Yagul has been stagnant, and the political situation in the west has been turbulent since the bauxite and copper mines previously discovered.

The fall of Yemenong, the collapse of the Western Mining Association, and the looting of the Freedom Front until today, the election is imminent. No one will focus on this huge mountain range that spans two states.

This has also caused the current situation in the Yagul Mountains to become very chaotic. Remote, backward, and a large number of forces and gold prospectors have gathered here. This has almost become an impossible place. Several shocking things can happen every day. case.

However, none of this can conceal the fact that the Yagul mountain range contains huge wealth. Just two unprecedented huge ore veins that have been initially completed for exploration are enough to provide funds for the development of the state of Abiluo in the next 50 years. For most politicians, this is one aspect that attracts them, but on the other, it scares them away.

That's a chaotic situation. These incapables are definitely huge tumors of Mount Yagul, none of them. To successfully develop the resources of Mount Yagul, you must first clear up the local public security issues.

There are more than 350,000 gold prospectors and criminals gathered here. It is definitely difficult to clean up this tumor without starting a war. However, if a cleanup is launched just to clear out those civilians who have not committed extreme crimes, the Empire will not support it, which will be a big trouble.

For Dulin, these troubles are not trouble at all for Dulin, but the work he is doing best-stop crime.

It sounds a bit ridiculous, but it is the case, and this is most vividly manifested in Tener City. The existence of gangs in cities is not the inaction of city leaders, but the use of these gangs to deter possible criminal behavior. Once problems are implicated in the rulers, these gangs will be thrown into the trash like rubbing paper. .

This is not only the case in Tener City, other cities have similar situations, such as the Imperial Capital.

The gang of the Imperial City has evolved into an organization different from the situation of gangs in other places. They care more about the law and order in their own areas than the director of the local police station. They also have a stronger binding force on ordinary criminals than the official. It seems They are the true guardians of order.

As for why this phenomenon occurs, it is actually very simple, whether it is the police or the detectives, they will take into account their identity and are not afraid to abuse private business, especially those that are susceptible to death. But gang members see that this is not a problem at all and are unwilling to cooperate? Just kill it, there is no need to consider other things at all, it is amazing to give a "glory kill".

The killer has face, and the deceased also has face. In the end, everyone will give up.

Of course, this is another topic.

After many references, Doolin began to increase the publicity of the state of Abilúo. This state is not much different from other states and other places. The main social problems are concentrated in four places-education, medical care, Law and order and employment.

Perhaps new issues such as social security will be added in the near future, but so far there are only these four issues.

In the very backward area of ​​Ambiloo, time seems to have stayed five to ten years ago. Walking on the streets here will have a disturbing illusion, like traveling through time, especially some small distant cities. The town still retains most of the pure wooden buildings, just like decades ago, or more than a hundred years ago.

This is also the region with the highest acceptance of personal heroism and the most widespread in all areas of the empire.

的 The residents living here have always faced many troubles in the past many years. They come from robbers and robbers, maybe from some bully gangs, and even from local sheriffs who are colluding with civilian forces. Facing all kinds of troubles and dangers, people will not have a second way to go except to raise their guns to give them a deadly counterattack.

Many well-known western film prototypes often come from some folklore and real life stories of Abiluoao, such as three musketeers who like to mix with skilled women, or can take two from anywhere Granny and the like with a pistol.

杜 When Doolin appeared in the capital of Abiluo, the most prosperous city in the state, the cheers almost shattered the clouds in the sky.

Du Lin's personal style fits the social environment of the west and people's understanding of "heroes". Especially, he did not hesitate to work on a TV show a few days ago, and downplayed two broken-up politicians. Let the westerners' recognition of Du Lin rise to another level.

Some people even say to people in other regions, "Look, this is the real western cowboy, by no means the kind of cannon that can only lick others' eggs with your mouth!"

Although Du Lin is not from the West, most of these people do not know what TV is written in the newspaper.

As soon as he stepped into the square, people were boiling. As soon as the bodyguards hired by Hersman were going to stop some of the people coming in, they were pushed away by Dulin. "I don't need any protection here, they will eventually become me. Family! "

"That's right, cowboy!"

"Good job, this is the man in our west!"

He kept clapping with the cowboys, and even came up with a shoulder bump. It took more than ten minutes to walk to the center of the square, watching a crowd of black people, he waved his hands, patted the microphone, and the square suddenly calmed down. One by one wearing calfskin boots with rolling pins, pressed felt hats, and washed white scarves, cowboys looked at Du Lin, with curiosity in their eyes, and expectations that they could not even feel.

Du Lin and everyone remained silent. After twelve seconds, four six hundred and seventy-eight, he said, "I'm here!"

Saying an inexplicable "I am here" did not cause anyone to respond. Of course, this does not require any response. This is just a simple opening sentence.

Suddenly he raised his finger to the sky, and his voice became agitated. "Yes, the cowboys in the west, I'm here and bring change."

"I'm not the kind of official who sits in the office all day and counts down from the first second of work. I'm not here to mix qualifications, not to enjoy someone else's name before you call me" Du Lin "plus" His Governor " In such a title, I will not only change Ambilo, but eventually I will change the entire empire. "

但 "But first step, start here!"

"Let's talk about the issues we care about, let's start with ... education!"

"I read a copy before I came here to stand in front of you. There are two universities, seven high schools, and eleven primary schools in Ambilou. Nine percent of students who graduate from two universities each year More than ten left Ambilo and went to a more developed city, maybe to those westerners who did not recognize themselves as westerners, or maybe Yankees. "He said he couldn't help laughing. The people in the square also laughed, full of disdain for those self-deceived westerners.

After smirking for a few moments, Du Lin raised his hand and pressed, and continued, "Cannot retain high-end knowledge talents has become the biggest black hole in Abiluau's current education and social problems!"

"I can't believe my eyes, what I have seen, and why education resources are so scarce here, I may need to call them what the" previous "guys have done here Do you only know how to excrete other than eating and drinking? "

"Why do these due diligence officials leave me with such a big trouble, and I still have to solve it?"

所以 “So I ’m here. I want to solve this problem. Not only do I need to deepen the depth of education resources in Abiluo, but I have to improve many social problems. Of course, we are talking about education now.”

There was no sound in the whole square. Hersman sat in the car and listened to the slightly distorted sound processed by the loudspeaker. He also had to admit that Du Lin's speech was not complicated and did not have many skills, but he What is said is precisely the one that can capture people's hearts.

A brutal and inhuman attack on the incompetence of his predecessor is undoubtedly a very effective method ~ ~ Everyone knows that when no politician is in a certain position, he can be perfect, find loopholes, and tear them apart. The loophole can turn a predecessor, who may not be too disqualified, into a jersey, and at the same time increase his popularity among the people.

Of course, denying the success of the predecessor can also have the same effect, as long as the successor can do better in this respect than the predecessor.

Everyone is doing this secretly. At least they have to wait until they come to power before they subtly point out the deficiencies of their predecessors in some details. But Doolin, he started to do so before he became governor. Too arrogant Yeah.

Looking at the brilliant young man on the podium, Hersman felt that maybe he and the people around him were really old!

Du Lin stood on the podium with great vigor and confidence, becoming his most eye-catching temperament, mobilizing people's emotions to the greatest extent. Every change of expression on his face seemed to be able to manipulate people's hearts. It was really full of "Magic" guy!

"The first gift I give you is to solve the current education problem."

"If I am fortunate enough to be the governor of the state of Abilúo, the first thing I will announce after taking office is primary school, including primary and secondary education, and all school-age children in Abilúo will be eligible for education for free! "

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