Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 996: Sleep for a while

林 Before making the decision to make primary and higher education free, Du Lin also did some surveys. At present, the population of the Abiluo area is about 1.3 million, of which the education-age population is about 300,000.

But less than one-eighth of those who can really receive education, that is, only 30,000 to 40,000 people are eligible for education, and among these educated populations, the number of people receiving advanced education will further decline.

Many families let their children drop out of school after completing elementary school. They do n’t even go to high school, and even fewer can go to high school. They also rarely go to college. The lack of educational resources leads to the lack of teachers. On the other hand, the reason is the contradiction between the cost of expenditure and family income.

According to the current educational rules of the Empire, the cost of completing a child from elementary school to high school to college adds up to about 6,000 to 7,000 yuan. Before college, that is, from elementary school to high school, it takes about 27,000. Hundred to three thousand.

The per capita income in the Abiluo area is relatively low. The average family counts as two-person work, and each family's monthly income ranges from about 80 to 100 yuan, which is significantly lower than the wage level in the developed southern cities. .

This year's minimum monthly income for Irian has risen to sixty-three to seventy, but in Abiluo, there are only more than forty to fifty.

After removing the reasonable expenses necessary for families such as food and clothing, each family can only provide at most one or two children to complete basic and intermediate education. By the time of college, most families cannot afford more than one thousand tuition fees per year. Therefore, there are only two universities in eleven towns in eight cities in the whole state, and neither university can be ranked in the empire!

And these numbers come from the very magical word "per capita".

If you want to increase the depth of educational resources in the Abiluoao area and increase the number of school-age people, it is imperative to implement free education. The potential of a region mainly comes from the level of industrialization and education. If Du Lin wants to get a perfect answer in the next eight years, then he must increase the proportion of these two aspects!

This takes a lot of money, but he doesn't mind. He will promulgate a series of policies to encourage private capital to invest in education. For example, the funds invested in education resources can be used as part of the tax revenue. Du Lin itself is a big taxpayer, of course. It has nothing to do with his promotion of free education, at least he thinks so.

杜 When Du Lin shouted that he wanted to provide education for free, the cowboys in the square were dumb and stunned.

Even if this is the most backward and remote place in the empire, people can still understand how terrible the impact of the level of education on the future of life, and they are constantly showing the gap in this area.

A person who has only attended elementary school can only do the most basic work when he is an adult. He can sell his physical power in exchange for a meager salary.

But a high-end knowledge person with a degree who has attended a university, they are likely to squeeze into the middle class of the society within five to ten years of entering the society.

The income of high-end knowledge talents will be those that can only be said to have undergone literacy education, and only the residents of basic knowledge have scored several times, or even more than a hundred times.

首先 The first point that any family wants to make a huge change is to climb up to a higher social class and upgrade the class. Only then can a huge change occur.

If not poor, if not backward, who would like their children to bend down in the farmland, in the ranch, in the mine, in the cold winter or the scorching sun like a dog?

Even tired than dogs, they are not as good as dogs!

They just loved Du Lin before, but now they have a firm urge to support him and vote for him, even a belief!

"Mr. Du Lin, I understand the free education you said, but who will solve the money?"

Some people raised this issue, which is also normal. Any policy will be questioned to a certain degree before it is promulgated and implemented. It may even take several to dozens of hearings to determine it.

I have objections, which means that the people have thoughts, which is a good thing ..., yes, a good thing.

Du Lin answered this question with a smile, "A part of the money is taken from the finances, if the finances don't allow it ..." He said that he paused for a while, and many people held their breath, he pointed again Saying loudly in the sky, "I'll pay this money!"

With a bang, the whole square boiled, and many people couldn't believe their ears. What the great Mr. Durin said just now, he wants to pay this money, but does he know how much this money is?

Well, in fact, this is also a misunderstanding of free education resources. There are less than a thousand teachers who are currently registered and have jobs in the entire western region. If you count them 10,000, you can give them ten times the total number, and then give them The wages increased to normal levels, and the monthly salary needed to be paid was 700,000 to 800,000.

In addition to the various wastage and maintenance costs of each school, including the necessary physical education resources, the monthly expenditure on education is about 1.2 million.

Please note, however, that this figure is a figure after tenfold. In fact, as far as the current situation in the West is concerned, the monthly expenditure of 100,000 yuan is very remarkable.

How much is this money?

Not much at all. It is just that the various taxes such as the operating tax paid by Dulin every month in Irian exceed 3 million, and with the rapid growth of the TV Group's business, this number is likely to be in The five million mark will be exceeded next year.

Relocated the TV Group headquarters to Abiluoao, and then offset the taxes invested in education with Du Lin.

But these people in the square are not clear about them. Their only thought at this time is that Du Lin is too great!

At this time, an old man with a cane came to the podium under the **** of a few young people. At this time, such an old man really needed to appear. He was definitely not an actor or something. He was a local and had a high reputation. The old man had done several local sheriffs when he was young, and had done many big things, some of which have been adapted into scripts and made into movies.

He stood under the podium and looked at Du Lin. The wrinkled and loose muscles on his face slipped to the side as he looked up, and his cloudy eyes flashed a thrilling luster. "Mr. Du Lin, you can ask us Commitment and assurance that you have not deceived us and will you fulfill your promise? "

Du Lin raised his hand and looked at the microphone with a solitary expression. At this moment, it seemed as if the whole world had only his voice. "I swear, in the name of my surname, the king and the gods, I promise what I just said Every sentence is true, as long as I can become governor of the state of Abilúo, this will be my first regional policy to be promulgated and it will be written into local law! "

Suddenly a cowboy unloaded the shotgun on his back, shot a shot into the sky, and shouted "Dulin". The whole square instantly became the world, the country in the dream forest, That day called "year".

Crackling, different sounds from different types of firearms firing one after another, people pulled the trigger, whistled or shouted Du Lin's name, rejoicing in everything he said and the future that could be expected.

Su Lin suddenly realized that perhaps the previous governors, including the current governor, were not inaction, but that they were too afraid of such scenes. It has the hottest cowboys and completely uncontrolled firearms. The bullets flying around are the real melody here.

He likes it here, likes how people love him, likes the whistle when the bullet shatters the air, and he also believes that it will become a paradise, a real paradise!

This is the west.

This is Ambiluo!

This is the world of Doolin!

"It's ridiculous!", The current governor heard someone describe Du Lin's speech, and everything that happened on the scene, couldn't help saying this.

No doubt, for a politician with normal mentality, normal thinking ability, and normal view of the three senses, his evaluation of Du Lin is quite in place, which is ridiculous.

Is it so simple to provide free education? In fact, the Empire hasn't considered this issue for so many years, but it can't be ignored every time.

Free education will embezzle a large amount of government finances without any return. Even the Ministry of Education, which was divided into two this year ~ ~, believes that the current stage is not the most appropriate practice to implement free education. Lin actually wants to play this set in the most backward place in the west. Does he think those voters are provoking?

Once he relied on these small means to get a large number of votes and couldn't fulfill his promise after taking office, those honest cowboys will let him understand that revenge often only requires one gun and two bullets!

As for Du Lin's attack on him and the previous ones, it is not a problem.

Seeing the face of the Timamont family and the exchange of benefits that have been reached, he feels nothing at all, and there is even a hint of ecstasy.

His secretary looked at his "boss" and smiled inexplicably. He couldn't help reminding him, "Would you like to say hello to Doolin and let him avoid you when he attacks the state government and the city hall below?" ? "

The governor of Yanzhou shook his head with a smile. "It is not necessary. The higher he holds himself, the more painful he will fall. Our great leader, His Excellency Magus, may have lost sight this time!"

Magus, who has always exhibited the characteristics of "stability", has actually recruited such a radical niece, such a duolin, which is really a loss of standard.

I thought I would soon leave this **** place to go to a developed city. The governor looked at his watch and greeted the secretary. "Remember to wake me up fifteen minutes before work, I will sleep for a while!"

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