Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1008: penetration

是 It was another weekend and the busiest time of the week in Otis. From Friday afternoon, tourists from all over the country began to gather in Otis. For the casinos in Otis, there is no off-peak season. The casinos are crowded all year round, wielding chips and throwing them hysterically in the betting area.

In the top office area of ​​the 777 Lucky Casino, seven major shareholders are sitting to talk about the next operations such as the concentration of equity.

They registered an offshore company in Itambuville. Itambuville's management fee is not the cheapest, but it is indeed the most suitable place.

伊 As a small neutral country, Itambuville does not have any pillar economic industries. The national fiscal revenue mainly comes from two places, one is tourism, and the other is to collect the management fees and bank service fees of these offshore companies.

Every year, they will levy management fees ranging from four levels to all companies registered in the offshore legal area according to the company's registration scale. The highest one is equivalent to more than 3,300 yuan for the Imperial Star. Absolute neutrality in diplomacy has made Itambuville a gathering place for various bag companies. They will not disclose any information about offshore companies to the outside world, and it will also make Itambuville National Bank become the current world. On one of the safest banks.

Security does not mean that the security guarantee mechanism of the Itambouville National Bank will not be broken and that the vaults will not be looted, but that it refers to information about depositors and information about capital transactions. Of course, every account needs to pay no less than one-thousandth of the management fee to the bank every year, which is also an amazing figure.

They registered an operating management company called "Hemei" in Itambuville, and then, through various methods, have successfully acquired a 19.1% stake in 777 Good Luck Casino from shareholders. It can be said that Judging from the current situation, this Hemei operation management company is already the largest shareholder of 777 Good Luck Casino, and none of them.

On the bright side, these people did not go to the General Chamber of Commerce to declare shareholder changes and equity changes, so that people still hold on to the shareholders of 777 Good Luck Casino. This is also used to hide their behavior and deceive some Human way way.

Seeing that the 777 Good Luck Casino shares held by Hemei Management Company will be more than 20%. It is not so easy to continue to cover up some things. At least every month from 777 Good Luck Casino to Hemei Dividends from operations cannot be verified. The next step is to start sprinting to accelerate the centralization of equity in casino shares.

The method they chose was what Dulin had promised, but so far has not been achieved-Otis city package listing plan.

In fact, this is just a gimmick, and it can't be realized, but it doesn't prevent Du Lin from using this plan to fool a lot of people in the city of Otis, and also promote the rapid development of Otis.

Now, these people intend to set aside the entire city of Otis and promote the listing of 777 Good Luck Casino alone. Once the casino is successfully listed, the shares will be diluted after the issuance of additional shares. By virtue of the 20% of the shares in its hands, Hemei can completely make a request for the acquisition of a good luck casino to the Imperial Securities Association and begin to take the initiative.

Once this large-scale capital operation is involved, even if Du Lin finds that it is very difficult to stop it. He can warn shareholders not to sell the stocks in their hands, but cannot prevent Hemei's acquisition plan. When Hemei's operating company holds more than 38% of the shares, according to the current rules and regulations of the General Chamber of Commerce, A shareholders 'meeting may be proposed and a vote of all shareholders whose internal shareholding structure has changed may be held at the shareholders' meeting.

怎么 How could a group of people who had been facing outside could veto?

As long as the vote is passed, Hemei Management Company can legally and reasonably fully control the majority and even all the equity of the good luck casino. This company, which is entangled in the layers of protection network of Dulin, can also smoothly escape from Dulin's system. . As for whether they will sell Hemei's operating company to a consortium after the vote, or will they continue to operate by themselves using the convenience of offshore companies and foreign policy, that will be the future.

"I have talked with the executive members of the General Chamber of Commerce yesterday and the senior members of the Securities and Futures Association. They are very supportive of our ideas. The documents of the General Chamber of Commerce are going through the process. , But it will take a few days. ", Talking about Chap, the shareholder who first proposed the centralization of shares. He is not the most compelling but the most ambitious among the management of Good Luck Casino.

I was attracted by Du Lin ’s original plan to package and go public. He sold all of his industries in various places, and then squeezed on Otis, hoping that one day his assets could increase by dozens or hundreds of times.

Although the plan has not been implemented till now, his wealth has increased dozens of times. The development of Otis City is obvious to everyone. Every day a large amount of funds flow into this city and are ultimately divided up by these big dealers. But his ambitions are not satisfied, he hopes to get more benefits, such as more equity in a casino.

Just 2.5% of the income is enough to make his family property dozens of times. If this income becomes 10%, 25%, can his assets already be challenged? A big capitalist with a long history?

There was a look of worry on the face of the shareholder sitting on the other side, "I don't know what happened to make the Securities Association so slow. Is it possible to pressure the Securities Association in other ways to make the results appear earlier? Some? "He took a sip of wine and calmed his anxiety." I'm very worried whether Du Lin has learned our plan, so there will be Weber's change. In addition, Magus's previous speech, I think there is also Great question. "

"You mean tax reform?" Chap asked, then he shook his head and looked at the others, saying indifferently. "We do a good job every month, and I can also I assure you that we have never fooled the Imperial Taxation Administration on tax issues, and we have paid the taxes we need to pay in full each time. They cannot find an excuse to challenge us for tax reasons. "

"I am actually more optimistic about Magus' tax reform than you. We all know that there have always been big problems in the tax system. Magus wants to challenge almost all capitalists in the society. He will put The eyes of the whole society are attracted to his battle with the capitalists, which is more beneficial to us. "

"After the marriage between Doolin and the Timamont family, Doolin can be regarded as part of the Timamont political group. In order to ensure that the tax reform of Magus does not fail halfway, causing huge losses to the Magus political group, he will also Stare at those people, not us. "

"This is our best opportunity. Of course, I have no objection to the idea proposed by Mr. Richardman just now. I will go to Emperor Capital again tomorrow morning to discuss with the members of the Securities and Futures Commission how we can increase our listing approval process. "Chapter drank the glass of wine in one sip and turned his eyes to the city of drunken riddles outside the window. The people in the room became silent.

Under their feet, a group of very special guests entered the VIP room above.

In all the casinos in Otis, there will be such VIP rooms. Some places, such as 777 Good Luck Casino, will be used to describe such VIP rooms and guests inside, and may be slightly changed in other places, such as Supreme Words like this, in short, are designed to reflect the speciality of this layer and the dignity of all guests.

"This is His Royal Highness the Prince of the Principality of Orix, who will join our hand today ...", the organizer of the hand is introducing today's new partner, His Royal Highness, to the guests in the room.

Of course, no one will take it seriously. The history of the Principality of Orix is ​​not a secret in this room. The Ogdins who re-emerged after the fall of the Guart dynasty, in order to gain more political initiative, the royal family for all Guar The lords of the Principality during the period of the dynasty mentioned a box to qualify them to form a royal family to ensure that they support the legal status of the Ogdin.

Before that, the Ogdins appeared mostly as slaves, which was not in line with the self-positioning of the royal family and even the newly established Yaoxing Empire in the international community. An empire composed of slaves?

So they need more support to obtain an orthodox status and smoothly tamper with history ... well, all the winners have always been good at recording history.

虽然 Although this young gentleman is called a prince, the people in the room may not really see him as a prince.

"Tonight's game, the bet is one thousand, there is no upper limit, no rules. If you have no comments, then our gambling will officially begin." As the organizer's inquiry ended, a lot of cash and cashier's checks appeared in the room. Here ~ ~ the only thing missing is chips.

虽然 Although the chips are very convenient, especially after Du Lin has made a batch of chips with a maximum denomination of 100,000, for the gentlemen here, the chips will never be more convenient in cash and checks and cashier's checks.

They don't need to wait in line to exchange cash for chips, and then go to the party to exchange heavy chips for cash or checks after the game is over.

A thin cashier's check, weighing only tens of grams, is worth hundreds of thousands of millions, and it is more reliable and safer.

This is a gamble that is exactly the same as in the past without any accidents. The big capitalists from all over the place sit at the table and sway ordinary people for a few generations, and they ca n’t make money for dozens of generations. feel.

But this is a gamble that is exactly the same as in the past without any accidents. In places where people do not notice, something different is happening.

His Royal Highness Prince Yun's attendant seemed a little uncomfortable sitting in the corner of the room, and very small family put his hand on the box they used to carry cash, checks and cashier's checks, and coughed from time to time.

Someone frowned. They didn't say anything because of good cultivation, but they didn't know that the sickly attendant would cough, not because he was not healthy. He coughed to cover up the camera shutter that was working in the box. the sound of.

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