Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1009: 1 find out

On the top floor, there is not only such a separate room where gambling is taking place, but also more rooms. The people who play cards here are either big capitalists in the society and have great social influence, or they are from the polity. After all, it is only over an hour's drive from Emperor here-after the upgrade of the steam locomotive.

Good luck casinos are not difficult to withdraw from the Doolin system, and the resistance is not small. This requires the cooperation of many people, not only the shareholders in the casino, the big dealers in Otis, but also many people from other places in the society.

For example, the General Chamber of Commerce, for example, some influential capitalists and officials, only if these people work together, can the good luck casino be independent from the whole city of Otis and become an independent individual.

有些 Some of these games are indeed normal spinach behavior, but some are bribed with the help of spinach games.

The establishment of the "Employment's" Anti-Job Crime Act "and the birth of the Job Crime Investigation Bureau both mean that the cost of job crimes is constantly increasing, and the risks are becoming greater and greater. It has indeed stopped various types of job crimes to a certain extent.

同时 But at the same time, it also made the types of job crimes that were extremely common began to become less common, more confusing and secretive. Gambling games like this are organized by casino shareholders in order to bribe some people.

They only need to allow a certain person to keep earning money. The law of the empire clearly requires that officials who are in position cannot conduct money rights transactions with capital forces, but there is no stipulation that they cannot gamble.

I may have been there before, but after the establishment of the SAR, gambling in Otis is a legal act. As for the legal income during the legal act, that is not a problem.

At about two o'clock in the evening, before the gambling game ended, Chap went to each room to shake hands with these important guests and said goodbye. In short, he performed well and made some people very satisfied.

Everything is moving in a better direction, closer and closer to what Chap hopes.

The violent tax reform was first implemented on the New Party's territory. This is also inevitable. In the world in the dream forest, there is such a sentence, called "I need to be hard to hit the iron." Although there is no such concise expression in this world , But there are similar sentences.

"When you need others to surrender to you, you must have a reason to let them surrender!", It seems very stylish, Magus did the same.

He first carried out tax reform and tax census in the jurisdiction of the New Party. Regardless of whether there is any problem, in the next investigation of the enterprises within the old Party and when the big nobles and big consortia started, others could not find some Reason to fool Magus.

As the empire is currently the most important, and the city of Otis, the nearest money bag, is clearly the first "sacrifice".

确定 After confirming the next steps, Du Lin left first. He will also conduct a new round of propaganda and speeches for the polls at the end of the year, but his attention remains in Otis City.

调查 On October 11th, the investigation team from the Imperial Tax Administration entered the city of Otis and began to investigate the tax situation of Otis, and gave opinions on reform of the Imperial Cabinet.

Prior to this, the taxation process of the empire was that taxpayers or companies or forces that needed to pay taxes held annual financial statements and tax registration forms listed by accounting firms with national qualification certificates and went to the local tax bureau for tax registration. And pay the full amount of taxes.

In fact, there are many disadvantages to this method of taxation. First of all, how much money a company sells in a year is its own account. Everyone knows that the account book is written by people, as long as it is a person. With normal thinking ability, there is bound to be trending.

Under the interference of certain intimidation or other factors, not every accountant will strictly abide by their own professional ethics norms as they had promised to the empire and fill in every number strictly.

In the absence of supervision and review, less accurate numbers are not known, which is one of the main reasons for the loss of tax revenue in the Empire.

In terms of tax reform, there is such a thing. In addition to the taxation of each company owning its own accounting, the Imperial Taxation Bureau will set up a new audit unit, the audit unit will send accounting between various enterprises Circulation, double supervision and audit of the operation of the enterprise to ensure that tax losses caused by fraudulent accounting are minimized.

At the same time, with the cooperation of the Imperial Treasury and the Imperial Central Bank, a new corporate account and corresponding system will be established to ensure that every money expenditure and income can be traced. Any problem with any money can be achieved. Find out why the money went wrong and where it went.

I supplemented with other changes in details. It can be said that the Cabinet ’s determination on tax reform is unprecedented and absolute, especially in terms of penalties. The intensity has never been greater. It may even directly bankrupt a company!

Before Du Lin left, he had an account with Webster, because the problem involves almost all casino shareholders, Webster may not be able to fight them, so it is better to let Webster follow the Empire Revenue Department and directly These people strangled to the table.

第一 The first stop of the tax investigation team is the seven major casinos. Their clear purpose scared the casinos a bit, but with the comfort of Chap, everyone's mood was relatively stable. After all, they haven't had any crooked thoughts on the account books, the taxes they have paid are paid, and they are not afraid to check them.

After more than ten days of inspection, with the best efforts of Chap, the investigation team did not investigate a small amount of problems. It can be said that the seven major casinos did not have tax evasion. This relieved many people, including the investigation team itself.

After all, the seven casinos are so large and they are locals. If a big problem is found out, it will also be a huge hidden danger for their safety.

You know, there are more than one or two tax officials who have been assassinated because of auditing and finding out problems in these years!

On the same day, Chap had a restaurant and banqueted all the members of the investigation team. It was delicious and delicious. Everyone gave a small gift when they left. The hidden rule of giving gifts was first established by Du Lin for journalists, and soon spread to all walks of life, and has become a "basic law" for social interaction.

The following evening, when the investigation team was preparing to report the results of the investigation to the cabinet, the door of the room was knocked.

The leader of the investigation team is re-examining the results of the investigation during this period of time. These materials will eventually be handed over to the General Administration and the Cabinet, and will be viewed by others. He must ensure the rigor and accuracy of the investigation results.

At this moment, he made a movement and looked up at the door of the room. He was not alone in the room, but also several team members.

He put down his work and raised his head. The two young crew members stood up, one of whose hands was inserted into his clothes pocket. The tax officer is legally wearing a gun and has the right to make the first decision. It is also one of the core of the tax reform. This is to ensure the personal safety of the tax officer during the investigation. In the past, many investigators died inexplicably at work, so The cabinet allowed them to equip their guns to keep their lives safe from threats.

"Who is there?" The young team member asked, there was no sound outside the room, and the knock on the door just seemed like an illusion.

的 The companions behind him had already taken out the pistol to turn off the insurance, and then he slowly opened the door a slit. There was really no one outside the door. After opening the door, he stretched his head and looked around. The hotel corridor was empty, and only the wall lamp that was always on was still glowing.

As he muttered the word "strange" to close the door, Yu Guang in the corner of his eye saw a file bag on the floor for documents. He crouched down and held the portfolio in his hand, nodded a little, and there seemed to be a lot of stuff inside.

I touched the outline and pushed it a few times, not like a dangerous thing.

He told the team leader what he found. After the team leader checked the portfolio again and asked the assistant to get the camera, he thought that there might be some special situations in it.

With the attention of several pairs of eyes, the portfolio was slowly opened, and a stack of photos slipped out of the portfolio along with a bit of stationery. The assistant kept evidence for these photos ~ ~ The team leader looked at these After the photo, I looked at the stationery again.

His face gradually changed, and there is no doubt that their investigation of the seven major casinos was not complete, because these photos, including the contents of the letter paper, have proved that the seven major casinos are passing some kind of illegal cash delivery. The method avoids the problems in the accounts and the special laws of the SAR.

They stole taxes!

发现 This discovery excites the investigation team while there is a bit of worry, because the people and money involved in these photos are destined that this will definitely not be a trivial matter, this is a serious criminal act and it involves a duty crime.

He thought for a long time, let the group members stay in place, got into the bedroom by themselves, and dialed the number of the Imperial Taxation Administration.

Jalani is working in the office to do business, and as Magus's radical reform of taxation, more and more problems emerge, leaving him unable to leave the office. During this time he has become accustomed to sleeping in the office and will continue to work after waking up.

It didn't take long for the call to connect, and the fatigue on his face suddenly became a little ... glad, after ensuring that the investigation team had taken security measures, he immediately reported the situation to Magus.

Magus listened carefully and gave Rani his own advice.

"Check it out!"

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