Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1010: precedent

许多 In many literary and artistic works, especially in film and television works, there will always be some pictures that seem familiar. Most of these pictures are the protagonist cutting a piece of raw beef with a dagger and stuffing it into the mouth, or starting to take the warhead without any auxiliary measures, including cutting off the meat that may rot or poisonous meat.

In fact, the purpose of these lens bridges is to tell the audience that in the movies you are currently watching, the actor or heroine is definitely a tough guy, a ruthless character who has no mercy for his own knife.

Naturally, when these characters act against the enemy, they become more and more fierce.

No one cares how the ruthless character on the screen who cut off his legs and his hands and can kill the Quartet in real life in order to keep himself alive will not be afraid to hug him because his knee is broken. Crying with headaches, the audience only cares about how they look on the screen.

Magus's fierceness in the tax reform process in the New Party camp can let people know how his determination to tax reform. It's possible that a stab at others to cooperate with others may bring a rebound soon, but it will be very embarrassing to stab yourself at first and then cooperate with others. At least he showed that I do n’t even care about my own life. .

马 With the personal confirmation of Magus, soon the General Police Investigation Bureau and the National Security Commission simultaneously dispatched a group of elite forces to cooperate with the General Administration of Taxation to form a special investigation team mainly based on Raney, and began to investigate the seven major casinos.

Because the current material is relatively abundant-one with photos of Chap himself entertaining guests to participate in cash gambling, Rani thinks that the most important thing is to control Chap, dig out from him good luck casinos and even the seven major casinos. Tax evasion.

In the afternoon, Chap rushed to Didu by car. He didn't know what happened in this short night. The main purpose of his visit to Didu was to meet the senior executives of the Securities and Exchange Commission and ask about the process of listing the good luck casino. Is it possible to advance speed.

While Du Lin hasn't realized the current situation of the casino, he can unravel it as quickly as possible.

He met Mr. Clark at the hockey field outside the capital.

Clark is a very common name. From the ordinary empire, there are tens of thousands of Mr. Clarkes, but the Mr. Clarke interviewed by Chap is not an ordinary person.

He is a senior executive of the Securities and Exchanges Fund Association. The full name of the Securities and Exchanges Fund Association is the Securities and Financial Management Commission, and it has stock and securities management offices, and Imperial Financial Research Office and other offices closely related to the financial industry. Originally, Mr. Clark was the head of the stock and securities management office. Later, with the outbreak of the century fraud, he himself encountered a huge career crisis and obtained huge opportunities.

The Deputy Minister of Finance asked Clark to resolve the fraud and the impact of the fraud as soon as possible, and appointed Anpu to take charge of the overall detection work. In the process, Anpu had to seize Du Lin's feet several times, but all of them were durin. Very cleverly avoided, and used unconventional methods to create a large-scale demonstration in the imperial capital, forcing the Ministry of Finance and the security fund to close the case as soon as possible-before this, Du Lin had released the scapegoat and sent it to the government. The only regret is that the funds that have been circulated have not been recovered.

Until the hopelessness was detected and public opinion was boiling, the Deputy Minister of Finance put a lot of pressure on An Pu and told him to do either or nothing. Anpu was unwilling to give up the large amount of evidence already in his hands, and watched Du Lin completely plead guilty-according to the principles of empire law, even if he has sufficient evidence in the future to form a valid evidence chain, he can prove that Du Lin himself planned and implemented In view of this financial fraud case, he was unable to sue Du Lin and let Du Lin commit the law when the fraud case has been concluded.

Therefore, he could only fight against Dulin from the court, but unfortunately, he eventually lost, to Dulin's adultery giant cunning, and Kevin's dripping.

The twenty-seven million century scam has basically ended, but the aftermath has not yet been settled. After recovering six million "losses" from some upstart miners and returning them to some shareholders, there has been no news of more money.

这个 At this time, Clark offered to throw Anp out to calm the people's grievances, made up several charges for Anp, and then sent him to prison. At the same time, he also helped the Deputy Minister of Finance take off the unknown hat, at least did not make the Deputy Minister too ugly. Coupled with the subsequent series of work to solve the last point of the stockholders who are still in trouble, this case is considered to be completely suppressed.

Thanks to Mr. Clark's outstanding performance in the Century Fraud, the Ministry of Finance believes that Mr. Clark is too prestigious to preside over the stock and securities management office, and promoted him to the management of the Securities and Futures Commission. As to whether there is any other situation behind this, it is another thing.

A few years later, Mr. Clark is more attractive than ever. He is almost fifty years old, but some people believe that he is only forty years old. At this age, a man is considered to be in full bloom. Energy, experience, knowledge, cultivation, and everything are entangled to extract an intoxicating fragrance that belongs to a man's fragrance.

头发 His hair is neatly neatly and neatly tied to his scalp, his expensive clothes reflect the welfare treatment of the gold medals, and rhino leather shoes have hidden low-key luxury. Such men are enough to captivate many young girls.

After the two greeted each other, they changed into a suit in the locker room of the stadium, and then Chap personally drove the turf and Clark into the stadium. The two praised the weather, touted each other, and really Start the game as if you were coming to play. When the game reached the third hole, Chap couldn't help it.

"Mr Clark, I do n’t know when the application will be approved, you know, all our shareholders are very concerned about it!", Chap stood next to Clark, who focused on hitting the ball. He waved the club a few times and then slammed out. Hockey crossed a beautiful parabola in the air and landed on the green. Chap couldn't help but praise, "Good ball, Mr. Clark."

Clark took off the hand platform and shook his head. "It can be better, but the wind suddenly dropped a bit, and I should wait for a while." He said, walking towards the turf cart, Chap also quickly followed, the car slowed down. Slowly drive towards the green on the third hole.

Sitting in the car, Clark looked at the slowly moving clouds in the sky and said softly, "We have all read your report, but members think that we should wait again."

"Wait a minute?", Chap's scalp tightened, and the car shook slightly. After apologizing, he quickly asked, "Why wait? The chamber of commerce is almost finished, and I think the report is very suitable, no There should be no problems. "

Clark did not rebut, nodded and said, "It is true, the report is well written, and the data is very detailed. According to normal circumstances, the committee should quickly approve ...", if not finished, it means that there is a turning point "However, the Chamber of Commerce passed too quickly, you know, the Empire has always wanted to take back the power in the Chamber of Commerce, on some issues ... you can understand that there is some ideological opposition."

"The faster they do, it means that you and the Chamber of Commerce have moved closer. This has caused some members to be dissatisfied with this, so it has to be dragged. And whether companies engaged in special operations can be listed on the market, there is no precedent and Standard, in order to avoid accidents, the committee also needs to communicate with the Ministry of Finance and the Chamber of Commerce, and finally, if it can ensure that there is no error, the Security Council will give you approval and allow you to list. "

Chapu had a kind of sorrow at this time, he did not expect to spend so much money to open up the relationship of the chamber of commerce, speed up the process of the chamber of commerce, but created dissatisfaction on the side of the securities fund.

To know that there will be such a result, he must first let the Chamber of Commerce drag it over, maybe the cash deposit will go faster instead. What is more troublesome is that Clark's "no precedent" is also a big trouble. After repeated research by the Chamber of Commerce and the Ministry of Finance, it is not known that several years have passed. This matter needs to be stepped up. ~ ~ His brain turned quickly, and it took only a few seconds to think of new rhetoric or possibility, "You said earlier that there were no specific cases to identify companies engaged in special operations. Is it possible to go public, then I have a small question here ... "Clark accepted the benefits of Chap, and he would naturally listen to the words of this God," there is a clear set of rules for companies engaged in special operations Can it be listed? "

This question really asked Clark, after thinking about it for a moment, he shook his head, "As far as I know, there are no laws and regulations that do not allow companies engaged in special operations to be listed."

Chap was relieved by Clark's answer, and he smiled a little pretendingly, "So why don't we set these precedents?" He was afraid that Mr Clark didn't understand what he meant, and quickly explained. "I mean let us set this precedent. Since there are no regulations that do not allow us to list and there are no regulations that allow us to list, then this is blank in this regard."

"Since we can do it or not, then why don't we fill this gap? Maybe this will set an example for similar things to happen in the future and let us be a 'precedent'. And I believe that any ' The process of "precedent" and the operator will be remembered by history! "

"Mr Clark, you will be an amazing person!"

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