Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1021: see through

Admiral Queen was able to confront the commander-in-chief of the navy and naturally had his confidence.

The fault of the imperial government over the navy for more than three decades is his greatest support.

For more than thirty years, in addition to the first few years, the navy also held military expenditures of the Imperial Ministry of Defense as expenditures, and it has been self-funding military expenditures for more than two decades. Although the entire navy did not say anything, there were some complaints in the heart about the Ministry of Defense and the Cabinet. If you do n’t give us food, then we will find food for ourselves!

It is based on such a diametrically opposed position that General Quinn and even young officers in the Navy believe that the current Navy can no longer rely on anyone to survive, even if the other party is the Empire Ministry of Defense, or cabinet.

This is also the main reason why the combatants actively want to expand the imperial navy's right to speak in the ocean. In case the imperial navy really faces a difficult decision, they can still have a retreat.

The Commander-in-Chief, who has a completely different idea from Admiral Quinn, believes that the Imperial Navy is an Imperial Navy after all. Even if there are more than two decades of conflict between the Navy and political subjects, the Imperial Navy is still an Imperial Navy. This will never be Will shake.

Now some people in the Ministry of Defense have come into contact with the navy actively and negotiated a part of the agreement. This is a good sign. Once the navy is reintegrated into the empire as a whole, there will be greater development.

Puppet military spending is just one aspect, and it also includes some advanced technology and various types of weapons.

In this age of rapid technological change, there are many new inventions coming out every day, and many old things will be eliminated. If we cannot keep up with the development of the times, even if the Imperial Navy is one of the strongest navies in the world, It may be eliminated soon. The change in military equipment often means that the war situation may show a one-sided trend. If you do not want to be eliminated, you must keep up with the development of the times. However, the navy does not have research capabilities. They do not have these details and lack sufficient funds to go Engage in military research.

Moreover, in the ten thousand steps, the composition of the navy is all citizens of the empire, and they have their own families, parents, wives and children in the empire. With such fetters, even if the navy wanted to be troublesome, he waited and watched that the disagreements between the martial factions and the empire were getting bigger and bigger. In the end, it was only the navy.

It is impossible for naval soldiers to choose to leave the country together with the generals and go to other places to struggle for survival. This is destined that the martial arts have no future and no retreat.

The biggest differences between martial arts and surrender factions (as the commander-in-chief of the martial arts party) now lies in whether to accept the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, whether to return to the empire's overall military system, and whether to disarm.

These are contradictions, and it is precisely because of these contradictions that this small meeting was facilitated.

The commander-in-chief who wanted to move closer to the empire mentioned in the Ministry of National Defense and decided to clear up the navy business of the navy, at least not so chaotic, but also to converge. Here, it involves some businesses outside of their own duties, such as the shipping of the king of ships, and the shipping of Du Lin.

There was Thomas on the side explaining some of the contradictions and external pressures in the navy for Doolin. Doolin had a better understanding of the current situation of the navy, but at the same time he had also raised a doubt, why is it at this time?

为什么 Why didn't the contact between the Ministry of Defense and the Navy begin a few years ago, or a few years later, but they just started to contact when they were about to change?

This is actually not the best option. A cabinet regime is about to transition from the new party to the old party. This also means that the cabinet now promises many things to the navy that can be directly denied after the old party comes to power.

This is not a joke among friends. If you do n’t recognize it, you do n’t recognize it. This is related to the internal security of an empire and the mood of the entire navy. They should choose a more appropriate time with the Ministry of Defense and talk about these matters with the ruling party instead of right now.

Unless ... the people in contact with the Navy are not members of the New Party, but from the Old Party!

When I think of this Doolin, I seem to understand something. In the final analysis, the contradiction between the navy and the empire is actually only three participants: the original royal family, the current New Party and the navy itself. Of the three, the other two parties facing the Navy appeared as "enemies" and they did not have the conditions for cooperation. But the old party, which has never appeared, can appear as a "friend", so all this makes sense.

If the old party offered to negotiate on the grounds of "overthrowing the current cabinet and the Ministry of Defense" and let the Imperial Navy return to the arms of the Empire, then this point of time would seem to be normal, and they can negotiate all the issues before the general election. Content, and then quietly wait for the election to begin.

If the New Party is not overthrown, then everything that is being discussed will be void, and everything will remain the same.

But if the new party is overthrown, the prime minister is also stepped down, and the old party is in power, then all these things they are talking about will start to perform immediately.

This is not a wrong time, but a very good time!

So, did Magus know these things?

Dulin thinks that Magus knows, maybe even he proposed this plan. During his tenure, he caused the current problems of the Imperial Navy. As a person with a strong sense of responsibility, he will inevitably start to solve these problems before he retires. Even from a different standpoint, it is absolutely impossible for him to know the relationship between Magus and Kubar. This old guy is always used to expanding the effects of everything to pursue the greatest benefits.

The death of his son was like this, and the death of a loved one was used to promote the implementation and implementation of a series of policies. Although some of them seem to have failed from now on, no one can guarantee that Magus originally promoted the adoption of these policies. It is not to indirectly promote the establishment of other policies, such as the traffic law, which has been controversial until then. Such a trick is often played by him.

Then, in the matter of letting go of his scepter for more than 20 years, he will inevitably regard his retirement as the biggest bargaining chip to seek the maximization of benefits and solve the new party through his retirement. Contradictions in the society, solving some contradictions in the society, and even some contradictions in the old party, these are his plans. An old man who is so treacherous, if he can let the navy do nothing here, that is the biggest disrespect to him!

This man, Magus, is a very special person. He has the elements that all politicians need. He is the most terrifying pure politician Du Lin has ever seen. In terms of politics, he has almost no weaknesses and no misses. Any decision!

When thinking of this, Du Lin couldn't help but continue to think deeply, since Magus is so great, why didn't he handle the conflict left by the navy and the imperial royal family, but instead intensified the contradiction, so that the navy has become such a big deal now? situation?

There was a flash of light in an instant, and he thought of the situation that the New Party faced when he first came to power, no money!

Hey, maybe that makes sense.

Forced the navy to rely on itself to solve financial difficulties, and after the defeat, used limited funds for social development, not for the military. Since the end of the Civil War, the Empire ’s financial appropriation for military affairs has been poor. Twenty years have passed since the war, and the Army has only begun to change clothes. This means that the Army has not received much actual appropriation in these years.

He used an obvious "mistake" to solve the financial dilemma and focused on the development of the empire. Up to now, the economic construction of the empire has begun to bear fruit, and the army began to replace it in large quantities. Then he used I was "successed to step down" to end my "mistakes", to allow the Navy to return to the empire's embrace during the old party's administration, and to stabilize the navy's mood for another eight years ...

Dulin couldn't help laughing when he thought about it. He admired Magus and was extremely disappointed. What he was disappointed was that he was born too late, and Magus was born too early. If there is such an opponent who can set his sights on the layout for decades, maybe his life will be more interesting!

Every wise man desires a terrible opponent, and then defeats him.

Maybe Magus is lonely because he lacks an opponent that allows him to use all his strength to deal with it carefully. At the same time, Doolin feels that he is also lonely ~ ~ has the eyes and thoughts beyond many years of this era He couldn't find an opponent, so boring!

Du Lin looked back at Thomas and patted the dust that did not exist on his shoulder. "I think I understand. In short, this is not a good thing, but it is a good thing, right?"

Thomas looked at Du Lin like a fool and said something he didn't understand, and then nodded heartily and said, "You're right!"

Then Thomas took Du Lin around the base, and by the way met many young naval officers. Most of these people had a good relationship with Thomas. After all, they were young people and they were school officials. To these people, Du Lin showed a very kind and took the initiative to talk to them about topics where everyone has a common language and exchanged contact information with them.

Thomas did not know why Doolin attached importance to these school officials, but Doolin knew very well that if his guess was correct, the Navy would return to the empire's arms after the old party came to power, and the first thing the Ministry of Defense would do was to clean the navy. Martial arts.

A large number of middle and high-ranking officers will be washed away, and so many general positions will need to be vacated. Most of the future naval generals will be born from these young people. This is a familiarity in advance.

Even if you can't become good friends with these young school officials in a few chats, at least you will not become an enemy with them!

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