Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1022: Silent poetry

林 Dulin can choose to listen to the naval military conference, but he didn't go. The main reason is that he may leave some handles for his listening.

Sometimes you don't need sufficient evidence to want to frame someone, as long as there is an ambiguous reason, such as spying on military secrets!

Every time I think of Magus playing a game for decades, the end of the whole game has been considered since the first chess piece was played, and Du Lin also has to admire that there are still many amazing people in this world.

At the same time, there is a small sigh that the era belonging to Magus is coming to an end. He has crushed all the outstanding politicians of his contemporaries. When many years later people began to pursue and explore this history, the only thing they could do was The one who kept them firmly in mind was the great name of Magus Timamont.

Then they will remember their name, Doolin Kema, the same great name.

Pressing against the guardrail by the sea, the sea breeze slammed his clothes, the hunting and hunting sounded, and his emotions were stirred.

Looking at the sea and blue sky that lined up with the sky, the turbulent waves rose and fell, and the world, together with himself, became extraordinarily small at this moment. Du Lin looked at the distance and took a deep breath. A cry, and then want to give a poem.

However, it didn't. As before, he wanted to say something to set off his inner excitement and excitement at the moment, as well as his ambition to compare with the public test, but he couldn't say anything when he opened his mouth. This is somewhat a pity.

I seem to have to read some books!

The two-hour meeting was expected to run from noon to night. Later, Du Lin saw Admiral Quinn and drove away quickly with his head in his head. Then Thomas leaned over with excitement and revealed the meeting. Message.

"You may not know, they just fought just now, it's so exciting!" Thomas saw that he was very excited now, and his awe of the senior navy officers collapsed in a meeting.

Some people are indeed like this. No, it should be said that most people are like this. From the perspective of Thomas, Durin saw the mentality of those who spread their rumors in society during this time. There is nothing worse than those whom he fears. More enjoyable things.

At the internal meeting just now, Admiral Quinn may have realized some problems and urged to continue to expand military operations such as military exercises on the high seas in the new year, but the commander in chief rejected his request. Immediately afterwards, officers from the same faction as General Quinn began to accuse the captives of their stupidity and inaction, which will eventually lead to the complete defeat of the current situation of the navy.

Facing the accusations of a group of martial arts faction, even if the surrender faction surrendered to the word surrender, it does not mean that they are really counseled. After all, they are also soldiers, officers, a scolding war gradually replaced the naval conference, and The phrase "I killed you on horseback" began, and the high-level navy meeting evolved into a scuffle of naval officers, with some school-level officers participating.

Of course, this is a very irrational move, because no matter how fierce the combatants are, they will not be able to win this battle, because the commander-in-chief is the biggest surrender.

No one dared to hit the commander-in-chief. Hitting him was a rebellion. He had to go to a military court. He had to be jailed or even hanged. Although no one dared to attack the commander-in-chief, the commander-in-chief would attack others. He definitely did not treat himself as the commander-in-chief when beating people, and even hoped that others would not treat him as commander-in-chief ...

I was very sorry for a meeting, at least Thomas thought so.

"We will have dinner first, the business conference will start at 7:30, and we have one hour left!"

Then, Du Lin and Thomas went to the canteen of the naval base together and tasted some meals of the naval headquarters. They had to say that these foods were not delicious, but they were full. A large number of steaks are stacked in a huge dining car. Almost every soldier and officer will take at least two steaks, and then add some other food, everyone can fill their stomachs.

During the meal, Thomas told Du Lin that some ideas had been revealed before the melee just now. They planned to contract out some of the businesses in the current navy in a contracted manner in accordance with the region, so that Du Lin was prepared for his psychology and money bags. , That would definitely be a heart-beating distribution of benefits.

At about 7.15, Doolin and Thomas arrived at the Navy's largest conference room. Many people were seated in the room after entering. Some of these people were commanders and officers of various bases, and some were not. Wearing military uniforms, it seems that the merchants are more social.

During this, Du Lin also met a few acquaintances. Everyone nodded far away to say hello, and did not discuss the idea in detail.

Not long after I sat down, the commander-in-chief appeared in the conference hall. He looked over sixty years old, had no hair, and looked very serious. Although his eyes were a little cloudy, he couldn't stop the sharpness coming out of him.

"Mr. Du Lin ...", when he passed by Du Lin, he also greeted Du Lin actively, which made Du Lin a little bit surprised.

The two shook hands ~ ~ His Excellency Commander-in-Chief said with a smile, "I have invited you several times, and this time I have finally been able to see you outside the newspaper. This is not easy!", After Du Lin expressed his apology, His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief continued, "I will have a suggestion at the meeting, which may make people feel too tough, but this is also a problem we must face. If possible, I hope you can support me!"

Dulin didn't think about it, nodded his head and agreed, "This is my honor, sir, no matter what!"

His Excellency Commander-in-Chief was very happy. He shook hands with Du Lin again, "We will not let our friends suffer, see you later!", And he left after speaking.

Watching him go all the way and greet people, Du Lin suddenly felt that it was not easy to be a commander-in-chief, not only the internal factional struggle has heated up, but also to take care of some people and things in the society. Worrying work.

It didn't take long for the annual meeting of the parliament to belong to the non-Navy. After a beautiful female soldier read out last year's cooperative relationship with you and the summary, the commander-in-chief took the topic and began the formal content.

大家 "Everyone is their own person, so I'm not afraid to make things simpler. So far we have good cooperative relationships with many companies and individuals, and we maintain them to this day."

但是 "But starting today, our relationship needs to change ..."

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