Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1023: contractor

"In the summary report just now, I believe that friends who have a good relationship with the Navy have found some problems ...", the commander-in-chief glanced at the assistants around him and closed his mouth slightly.

He can make a beginning, but he can't do it all the way. After all, he is the commander-in-chief of the navy, not a businessman, and some words are not appropriate to say from his mouth.

The assistant to the Commander-in-Chief is a young officer in his thirties who has the rank of a school officer on his shoulder and is a colonel.

The moment the commander-in-chief closed his mouth, the young school officer stood up and stood upright. At least he looked more like a soldier than the generals ...

大家 "Good evening everyone, I am the Chief Officer of the Naval Resources Management Office, Jess, I will take the rank of Colonel, and I will preside over this meeting." He said, salute the Commander-in-Chief, and salute everyone.

Many people are keenly aware that the colonel used the title of the Naval Resource Management Office when introducing his position. Prior to this, the Navy did not have this department, which made everyone on the field a little different. Look.

Jies continued, "I will explain to you the specific scope of the Naval Resource Management Office. Given that there is no war at home and abroad, some of the military ’s capacity and manpower are vacant. In order to save military expenses, , And the rational use of these resources, so with the permission of the commander in chief, we set up this new department, and I will be the first Chief Executive of the Naval Resources Management Office. "

"I believe that everyone already knows me. If it is still a little vague, it doesn't matter, you will remember me soon!" Jess is very confident. The biggest source of his confidence is actually not himself but his side. It ’s understandable that you are watching him. He took a deep breath and went on to say, "Next, I will preside over some things about this year's work. You have just heard the summary report. Last year, through our cooperation with each other, we created very good economic effects and returns, but there are also many problems. "

"In our statistics, in the process of temporarily transferring surplus capacity to civilian use, the civilian organizations and individuals with whom we have a cooperative relationship have more than 3,167. Some companies have very high demand for capacity Large, even local naval bases cannot meet their transportation needs. But in some places there is less demand, and under the premise of meeting civilian needs, excess resources are still wasted. "

"To this end, our naval resources management office has analyzed and studied that the excessively chaotic use of capacity and vacancy have caused some huge problems. In order to make the use of capacity more rational, scientific, and more pure in the contact between the navy and the people With the permission of the commander-in-chief and other senior naval generals, we have decided to change the current method of cooperation between the Navy and you and adopt a system of contracting excess capacity at naval bases ... "

的 The businessmen invited in the conference hall are actually less pitiful than the more than 3,000 figures given by the Navy, but these are the people with the ability to contract. Some small businesses and individuals have been screened out and they don't even know what happened.

Wealth represents status and prestige in today's society. This is also the reason everyone can sit still when they know that the Navy is going to change the way they do business. There is no reason why these dogs are yelling, they are all rich.

In the face of the silent meeting, Colonel Jess was slightly nervous at this moment. In the previous research on changes to these operating methods, they felt that there might be objections, after all, this has hurt some people's interests.

For a simple example, a ship can transport 10,000 tons of goods, but a merchant only needs to transport one hundred tons of goods, and at the same time there is no other capacity demand in the short term, the navy must release 9,900 Tons of capacity, for a trip of 100 tons.

It is obviously not cost-effective to do so. The freight cost of one hundred tons of goods cannot make up for the cost of using this capacity. However, it does not matter for the local naval base. Except for the good cooperative relationship that has been maintained, the fuel costs are finally reported to the naval headquarters for subsidies. In other words, the local navy received transportation costs, and then the naval headquarters subsidized the power. The cost of energy. The local navy made money, and the naval headquarters lost fuel costs.

Based on this situation, a large amount of costs are wasted, especially as more and more individuals and organizations that do not have strong capabilities begin to seek cooperation with the Navy, exacerbating such losses. In order to avoid the large amount of hard-earned money being spent every year on meaningless things, the naval headquarters decided to change the current business model.

At the same time, in the process of contact with the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of National Defense believes that the Navy ’s excessive contact with overly complex civilian individuals and organizations is not a suitable thing. It is hoped that they can reduce direct contact with these civilian forces. A reasonable and effective way to replace the current loose operation.

In the end, after a high-level meeting of the Navy with the participation of special agents of the Ministry of Defense, it was decided to make a drastic adjustment to the current operation mode and change it to the Navy's excess capacity contract system.

"This is also the final decision we made after many studies and discussions. From today on, the Navy will only contact the contractor, and will not contact civilian forces and individuals outside the contractor!" Colonel Jess looked at the venue The big men sitting were relieved, "If you have any questions, you can raise them now!"

After three minutes of calm, someone finally raised his confusion, "If we contract the capacity of a base, does it mean that we will decide how to allocate naval ships in this area?"

Colonel Jess nodded, "Yes, by the way I need to remind you ~ ~ is not the Navy, it is the use of the Navy's remaining resources, which cannot be discussed as one thing."

轻 There were some light laughter in the conference room. This is a typical deceiving one. Of course, this is beneficial to everyone, and no one will say anything.

There was only one such question in the whole questioning process, and then everyone was talking head to head. About two minutes later, His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief gently tapped the table, and Colonel Jess immediately continued to preside over the meeting. Everyone has no doubt, then we will make a quote on the remaining capacity of each district, and we can raise prices to compete ... "

A series of quotations calmed down the conference room again, because these prices are really ... awesome. Most people sitting here don't know the capacity and profitability of a region, but the current contract price has clearly exceeded their budget.

Take the Irian Naval Base, for example, if you want to contract the capacity of the Irian Naval Base, you must pay six million a year. This price is significantly higher than the amount that Dulin pays Thomas from about 3.8 million to 4.2 million a year. Transportation costs. For example, in some areas where heavy industries are the backbone of the economy, the cost of contracting is even as high as 15 million astronomical figures!

The apparently high price discouraged most people, but at this moment Du Lin stood up, looked at the Commander-in-Chief with a smile, and said loudly, "I want two regions!"

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