Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1024: friend

When Du Lin shouted that he would contract the capacity of the two naval bases, everyone in the room focused on him. Compared with the friendly eyes of His Excellency Commander-in-Chief, the eyes of other merchants were mostly with complaints and disgust.

Because Du Lin destroyed their "temporary plan"!

If it wasn't for Dulin to stand up and directly break the environment they created with tacit understanding, they would be able to force the Navy to make compromises and make concessions.

Think about it, none of the Navy Colonel Jess was willing to contract after the price was quoted. Whoever was most embarrassed was obviously Colonel Jess, and even His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief. In the face of the silent hall, they may not concede the price in the end, but they will give you some compensation elsewhere, or even extend the extra contract period.

This is a very common and practical "basic operation" in the business society. It is like an asset auction held by various governments. Participants do not even need to contact and discuss in advance, they know not to call themselves. Unnecessary, when someone bids for the second time, give up the offer as much as possible to ensure that everyone can get these things at the lowest price from the auction.

This is also why newspapers often auction some industries with a market value of one million, and the final income is only 670,000, 7.8 million.

Everyone has a kind of tacit understanding, especially on today's occasion, when the navy's offer is obviously unreasonable, the navy constantly exerts pressure on the navy to let them realize that these partners are not immoral and they must compensate!

But Du Lin's appearance broke their tacit understanding and let their plans abort.

It seems that they can maintain the pressure before they keep their mouths closed, but there is actually a poor understanding in it.

If Du Lin does not stand up to contract the remaining capacity of the two naval bases, then the navy will begin to reflect on whether the price they have given is too high and exceeds everyone's psychological affordability, making them more risky. Even resulting in huge losses.

With this thinking, when these merchants make another request that may be slightly excessive, as long as they do not make the navy feel that they are tangled, the navy will definitely agree, after all, their quotation is unreasonable.

But after Du Lin shouted out, the Navy would think that the price was reasonable. See, Mr. Du Lin, the Navy ’s most reliable partner, won both bases at one go. The other people did not think the price was high, but It is their nature as businessmen that makes them eager for more benefits.

海军 With different understandings of things, the navy will have very different reactions, and as a violent agency, a military organization, when the navy thinks that the fault does not belong to its own side, they will never make a compromise.

In the face of the anger of many people, Doolin was not guilty at all. Before he was only a "mud dog leg", he dared to fight against the aristocracy and the consortium. Now he has the bonus of nobility and will soon become the governor of the state of Abiluo There are no people or forces in this empire that scare him.

His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief looked at Du Lin with a satisfied smile. The sentence he had said to Du Lin worked before, of course, there was a trace of anger in his heart, because that sentence was not only to Du Lin, but also to others. People said.

The two naval bases contracted by Doolin are located on the east and west coasts, and the annual contracting costs add up to 12 million. This cost is about five million more than the previous transportation cost. It can be said that he lost A lot.

But there are two sides to everything, especially Dolin, who has always cooperated happily with Thomas and the Navy. It is too easy to recover the losses from this, he thinks that he can even make a lot of money!

Moreover, he believes that it is impossible for the navy to do the investigation and report the price so high in the case of investigation, or they have not revealed some matters that can balance the psychological imbalance caused by this extra expenditure. .

Either that, other things are interfering with the current situation of the Navy. Perhaps this is the last chance. After all, it is necessary to change the term. The old party does not need to think about it after it comes to power. They will not allow the Navy to participate in commercial affairs too much.

The army, what should the army do, to generate income?

That's a violation of principle!

Thomas sat aside without saying a word during the whole process. After Du Lin sat down, he quietly gave a thumbs up, but still did not disclose any information.

With Du Lin as a "breakthrough", many people began to contract what they needed, but the atmosphere was not as warm and harmonious as expected, after all, this was an unwilling thing.

The navy has a total of 16 military bases in the empire, but only the remaining capacity of nine military bases has been contracted out, and there are no other seven naval bases willing to contract to obtain the remaining capacity. Perhaps they have other plans.

Some of these areas do not have much transportation demand, while others are close to the north.

The north has always been the territory of the great aristocrats. Ordinary enterprises are difficult to survive there, and the great aristocrats have their own transport ships. They do not need to rely on the navy to have sufficient capacity.

这场 After this unusual "tender" meeting was over, the commander-in-chief asked Jess to entertain these guests, and then Thomas was taken to the commander's office with Doolin.

This made Du Lin understand a bit, he was right!

He did not hesitate to support the change in the operation of the Navy, the first one to stand out and take the initiative to determine his position, so that he could get more benefits than others.

After stepping into the commander-in-chief's office, Thomas stepped out of the door, leaving them both in the room.

"Sit casually ...", His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief commanded, and came over with two glasses and a bottle of wine, and he poured a cup for Du Lin, "I want to thank you for what you did before, at least this let Our decent lives are preserved. "

Du Lin held a modest sentence for two words, "This is what I should do, and my cooperation with the Navy has been maintained for many years, and there have been no differences ~ ~ I believe the Navy will not let Partners like me are disappointed, aren't they? "Du Lin raised his glass," Her Excellency Commander ?! "

当然 "Of course, of course!", His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief and Du Lin touched the wine glass for a while, and they drank a little to moisten their throats, "You can call me Zcaine, this is a name between friends!"

Dulin put the wine glass on the table, took out a cigarette and handed it to Zcain, "So are we friends?"

Tzcain nodded after taking the cigarette. "Always!"

He turned and walked to the table and sat down. He put the cigarette on the table. "Well, it's time to talk about the previous topic. I have to thank you for breaking the deadlock so that I won't be so awkward, so I will give you a copy. A completely different contract from others! ", He took out a document and placed it on the table, slightly raised his chin, motioned to Du Lin to take a look.

Du Lin held the cigarette in his mouth a little bit puzzled. He opened the file and looked at it line by line. Then he looked thoughtfully. After a few minutes, he took out his pen and signed his name.

"Don't you need to call and talk to your friends about the details?" Zcain picked up the file and looked at several places where Du Lin's signature was needed, then asked curiously.

Du Lin smiled and replied, "You just said that we are friends. There will be no deception or harm between friends. I believe you!"

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