Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1036: Incorrect opening of fantasy classification

"Yangwei is not my name, of course I forgive you for making mistakes. After all, it is a small country in the Western Regions, I do n’t know how polite ...", the fluent Western common language of the young people shocked all the onlookers.

Marvels continued to emanate from the crowd. I didn't expect even the Orientals to speak common language, which made them feel very fresh, and felt a sudden excitement in their chests.

Ordinary people's pride in their own culture first comes from language recognition. When a foreigner communicates with you in the language you have, you will feel a strange sense of superiority flourishing, and it is the same at this moment.

As for the small country in the Western Regions, they do n’t know the etiquette. They do n’t understand it very well. Even if someone understands it, they do n’t want to explain it to the people around them.

It's like someone is scolding a group of people for "drawing up stuffy". I don't know if you don't understand, but if someone understands it, they will explain it to their peers in a more visual and specific way, which is definitely a stupid thing.

Although the onlookers were surprised, they felt interesting, but the Minister of Foreign Affairs began to scold others.

What is a small country in the Western Regions, and what is ignorant of rituals, is this talking about him?

Those who can take the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs, in addition to having a sufficiently deep aristocratic background, must also master the etiquette of other countries and a lot of people who are out of reach.

In the seven years of his tenure, only people said that he was personable, modest and courteous, and decent, and no one ever said that he was ignorant.

What's more irritating is that after being sprayed with unknowing numbers, he still smiles, and he can't refute it, as if he is expressing silently, yes, you are right.


"How should I call your Excellency?", The Minister of Foreign Affairs who barely squeezed a smile looked at the "Yang Weishi", the moment the two eyes came into contact, the spark was about to collide.

The young man from the East smiled, "Zhang Mu ..." He didn't bother with this little thing. He looked at the line-up behind the Minister of Foreign Affairs and continued, "All these are trivial things. I brought His Majesty's State Book, where is your emperor? "

The Minister of Foreign Affairs took a deep breath and calmed down his emotions. "In order to reflect the progress of society and respect the collective will of the empire, the empire established a cabinet system twenty-nine years ago. What we will see next is not the emperor, but It's the Prime Minister, Zhang Mu ... Mr. "

Zhang Mu took a moment and reacted quickly, with a strange smile on his face. He nodded and said, "Since the emperor can't be the master, take me to see your prime minister. Right. "

部长 The Minister of Foreign Affairs finally understood why in some historical materials, the words "arrogant" and "hard" were used to describe the Orientals who had arrived here, and he finally felt the "weight" described in those historical books.

This is not destined to be a friendly visit. At least from the attitude of these Orientals, they do not realize that they want "equality" communication. It is just that Marken and Grubb arrived in some of the documents submitted one by one and felt it. One ... despise.

The original ceremony of some programs had ended hurriedly, which made many people a little disappointed. Du Lin pondered for a moment and glanced at the three princes.

He found that there was a trace of wrath in the eyes of the three princes. Although he tried to control and suppress himself, he still showed it through his eyes.

Du Lin immediately realized that, as a member of the royal family, the three emperors would never be happy when they were judged by the East as "the emperor cannot dominate".

Originally, Dulin also planned to ask the three princes if he would go to watch the lively idea with him, and then the thoughts went out. If Dulin stood in that position, he would be angry.

After the Oriental Mission met Magus, the atmosphere became more friendly. This time the Mission from the East came with a mission. In addition to seeing whether the development of Western society is still in the barbaric era, by the way It also means to promote exchanges in various aspects.

They brought a lot of goods and books, and also needed to exchange some things back, including some science and technology books.

Of course, besides that, the most important thing is to test the strength of a country, or to test the purest power—combat.

"This is our latest development of the McCos III rifle, which uses the latest wheeled standard power capsule. Each feeder can provide 150 rounds of 5.5mm bullets, and the rate of fire is 14 rounds per second. With an effective range of 150 meters ... ", the Minister of Defense also specifically named," With just one week of training, an ordinary person can try to use it for initial combat. "

麦 The McCaws III rifle held by the Minister of Defense is not actually listed. There are only a batch of experimental test products used to test all aspects of performance, especially the new power module.

The rate of fire of previous rifles is not fast. It can be said that the rate of fire has reached an excellent level when six rounds can be fired in one second. Steam has a reaction speed, and it takes time to complete the charging, which also limits the rifle's rate of fire.

However, the McCaws Military Industry Group has developed a new type of power cabin, which adopts new wheeled power, has more power cabins, and allows the idle power cabin to complete power compression by continuously rolling and replacing, and then rolling Provide a steady stream of kinetic energy for the bullet.

During the visit of the Oriental Mission, Magus and the entire cabinet meant to deter the arrogant Orientals by showing advanced weapons and equipment when necessary.

Zhang Mu looked at this rifle mechanism called McCos very seriously. He may often show his contempt for the empire in many ways. After all, these barbarians have evolved into humans for hundreds of years.

But in weapons, he always maintains a certain degree of awe. What is in awe is not the science of the Western barbaric society, but the weapon itself—the power used to kill.

After listening to the introduction of the Minister of Defense, Zhang Mu was obviously interested, "May I try it?"

当然 "Of course!" After seeing Magus' wink, the Minister of Defense handed Zhang Mu's rifle in a very generous hand and taught him how to use it.

At the same time, Magus stepped back a few distances, and some special guards blocked him, ensuring that the arrogant Oriental did not suddenly point his gun at the Prime Minister.

Some soldiers around the puppet, who seemed to be accompanying staff, also put their hands on the hidden weapons.

牧 Zhang Mu didn't say anything about it, just smiled, the kind of laugh with a mocking taste, he aimed at a target 20 meters away and pulled the trigger in the way the Minister of Defense just taught him.

The first dozen or so bullets flew everywhere. The smiles on the faces of those around them just solidified.

Because none of the more than one hundred bullets deviated from the target, and all remained above eight rings.

Although the kinetic energy of using steam as a firearm does not have a particularly large recoil, this does not mean that there is no recoil. In the army, it is the elite who can ensure continuous shooting and do not miss the target. It is the first time that this oriental man used such a weapon It has reached the level of the elite soldiers of the Empire, which makes everyone look unsightly.

牧 Zhang Mu looked at the target in the distance, and then changed some jerky cartridges. He winked at the people around him. The guy wearing the long sword jumped directly into the shooting range and pulled out his sword.

To everyone's surprise, the Minister of Defense immediately stopped and said, "Don't do this. Although the lethality of the bullet is not the strongest at this distance, it is still not manpower to stop it!"

Zhang Mu said with a smile, "It's okay, something really happened. I won't blame it on you, and I believe our fighters ..." After saying that, he didn't give the Minister of Defense the opportunity to buckle directly to his own people. Triggered.

Magus has pushed away two agents to prepare for exit blocking, heard the sound of the pressure relief valve, and sighed, these **** arrogant east ...

He didn't have the opportunity to think about this sentence in his mind. The first few bullets of Zhang Mu used the semi-automatic mode. One bullet was shot out. Every time he pulled the trigger, a little spark appeared in front of the swordsman who was his target. .

When he reached behind, he even shot more than a dozen bullets, which were completely resisted. Then he stopped firing and put the rifle back on the table, with an unknown smile on his face.

Everybody summed it up in the heart, and a kind of mockery should be noticed.

The next thing seems to be to prove the military strength of the empire. After Magus left, the Minister of Defense took Zhang Mu and his party to visit more war weapons, and the smile on Zhang Mu's face gradually decreased, especially After seeing the latest weapons on platforms and large-caliber howitzers, the smile on his face finally disappeared, replaced by a dignified one.

This relieved the imperial officials, and the Minister of Defense even joked, "Would you like your team members to try it?"

In the evening ~ ~ The first day of preliminary contact was over. The delegation returned to the manor arranged by the empire. After making sure that no one was monitoring the eavesdropping, Zhang Mu found the swordsman in the room during the day. .

"What do you think of that weapon called a rifle?"

The swordsman replied, "The power is average, but the victory is convenient. Ordinary people can get started in a short training. It is terrible to encounter a large-scale war. If it is only a small-scale encounter, it only takes five breaths!"

Zhang Mu nodded, he is also a master with an effective range of 120 meters?

But after two breaths, it can be rushed through. This rifle is very effective in mid-range combat, but once it is approached by the enemy, it is worthless.

He valued those things called howitzers more than small things like rifles.

Thinking of this, he asked the swordsman to exit the room, wrote a secret copy, loaded a small metal stick, and blew a loud whistle, and the dark shadow that had been circling in the sky fell instantly on his window sill.

A moment later, on the ship of the Eastern Mission, a person took off a metal stick from the foot of a bird, walked to the bottom of the cabin, took out a strange fish from a sealed bucket, stuffed the metal stick into the mouth of the fish, and then Throw the strange fish into the sea again.

Twenty-three days later, in a harbour in the distant eastern continent, several soldiers picked up a stranded strange fish, squeezed out the metal rod in the mouth of the fish, and rushed to the emperor with a whip.

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