Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1037: Can't do it!

"They only need this little crystal?" Magus put it on the table after reading the trade list in his hand, and he took off his eyes and rubbed his eyes.

东方 These Orientals are really troublesome, but they have not brought out many dry goods under the banner of promoting exchanges. The only thing that may be called useful is the books they bring.

However, no one has seen the text in these books, nor do they understand what is recorded. After a preliminary analysis, the Imperial Academy of Sciences and the Academy of History thought that it was a rune, or a simplified totem. Text.

Anyway, it is very complicated. There is no rule. Except for a few parts that are similar to hieroglyphs, you can guess the approximate meaning, other words are completely incomprehensible.

However, they did open a list, want to buy something from the Empire and pull it back, including 其中 晶.

According to the quantities and specifications on this list, in fact, Jingjing is not very eye-catching.

Compared with other things, 曜 Jing is more like a small thing that you can buy easily. The quantity is not large. It is only for the sake of including more varieties.

But Markus had a feeling that what these Orientals really wanted was the unremarkable crystals.

This crystal is not a limited non-renewable resource. As long as the core of the vein is not mined, new crystals will be born around the main vein of the vein over time.

Puppet Empire scientists have studied this gadget for many years, and the only conclusion is that Puppet Crystal has the possibility of self-replication and self-reproduction in a way that has not been discovered by people.

In the seven imperial crystal mines of the Empire, the reserves have not changed much over the hundreds of years of mining. In addition, in recent years, the technology development in power and new energy petroleum has greatly reduced the demand for inferior crystals by some equipment. before.

It really doesn't matter if you really want to sell it to the East. Anyway, there are many things in the Western world.

I just think that in the mind of Magus, the research process of the empire and the entire western world is not as good as that of the East.

He squeezed the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes and instructed, "Tell Zhang Mu what is the strategic resource of the empire, the reserves are not high, the mining is limited, the annual output is only enough for internal consumption, and there is no intention of foreign trade ..." He lingered for a while, and when he opened his eyes, a slightly hazy eye flashed. "Of course, if they are willing to come up with advanced technology for developing crystals, we may not be able to squeeze some."

"I see." The Minister of Foreign Affairs continued to report on the next issue. "The Orientals made a request. They hope to be able to leave some representatives to learn our culture and live in the empire for a long time. Should we promise them?"

"Each of their requirements has a very clear purpose ...", Magus put his eyes back on, picked up the list that he had looked at again, and looked at it, saying, "They want to be more thorough It is okay to understand our society, but we must also understand their society, and if they are willing to accept our request for an exchange learning life, let them stay. "

还有 "Also, it's important to figure out the safe channel they have. It's very important. Even if you make appropriate concessions on other issues, this must be done!"

The visit of the Eastern Mission did not make Magus very happy, but felt that it was a threat.

Oriental science may not be very developed, but they have taken a different path and strengthened the role of individuals.

That day the swordsman faced the empire's most advanced automatic rifle without any injuries, which had brought great shock to Magus. In fact, there are some people in the empire who can do it, but their identity is very special. Their existence is the last barrier of the empire-symbolically.

Nowadays, the western understanding of the East is almost zero. How many people like this and how many years it takes to train them, can it be achieved only by training, and the way of expression of war in the East is a mystery.

Magus still has deeper concerns. This time the Orientals performed slightly better than the records, and also made a request to stay and learn. It sounds like this is a relatively normal requirement, and even some over-interpreted people can think that this is a manifestation of the underdevelopment of Eastern science.

But for Magus, maybe this is their deepening understanding of Western society. If one person wants to know more about another person, it is largely to ensure their own interests, in other words to improve Competitiveness.

如何 How do countries show who is strong and who is weak?

I knew it after a fight.

"In short, two things you have to do, find out if the Orientals have more advanced development technology on the crystals, and the true purpose they want these crystals. Second, find ways to let them share the fairway, Then send someone back with them. "

At the same time, in the temporary residence of the Oriental Mission, Zhang Mu looked at a piece of crystal in the size of the thumb with a complex expression.

The emperor originally asked him to ambassador to the west. In addition to preaching the prestige of the kingdom of heaven, by the way, there is no other requirement for the development of the outside world. It is purely ... want to show off after extreme expansion, of course, this is private. Underneath.

But when he got that rifle that day ~ ~, he knew that the harvest of this trip would not be too simple. He felt the surging aura and the power of heaven and earth in the rotating thing. !!

These stupid monkey-like Westerners actually take such precious things as motivational things, and they don't even know the true value of these spirit stones!

In addition to the powerful war weapons owned by the Yaoxing Empire, Zhang Mu believes that it is necessary to understand the Western world more thoroughly, to understand the technology in their mouths, and the reserves of spirit stones in the West.

He believes that after the news is returned to Emperor Jing, some changes are likely to occur.

The over-exploitation of spirit stones on the three major islands is almost exhausted, and now they are all protected, but the demand for spirit stones in society is increasing.

If new veins were not found from the waters near the Three Islands, those martial arts would have been rioting.

Perhaps this is also an opportunity!

His eyes quickly returned to the thumb-sized spirit stone in his hand, and at the same time, some confusion grew.

Why can't it be absorbed directly like those spirit stones in the East?

Why didn't I react at all? I can feel the power of heaven and earth in this spiritual stone, but I just can't **** it out!

really weird!

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