Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1044: Wedding continued

Mr. Durin ... ", the archbishop of the church was called Kandy, a very common name, but Durin's attention fell on the badge on his chest. It was a badge that looked a bit shabby, and it must be very special.

Seems to be aware of Du Lin's eyes, Archbishop Kandy smiled heartily, "You're not mistaken, this is the badge of my ancestors, and the only thing that our family kept intact before the destruction ..." The archbishop looks like he is in his forties, but his actual age should be older than his looks.

He is as well-maintained as Ms. Leticia. After all, it is a church. Without so much annoyance, it can always make people tender and tender.

Doolin :?

"Speaking of which you may not believe, my ancestor was a companion near Pope Rossi, representing the father **** with a golden whip to drive away the beast and the enemy Attila ..."

Doolin :? ?

"At that time, I was only five or six years old. You know that children of this age always have endless curiosity and yearning to explore this world. I was like that at the time ..."

Doolin :? ? ?

"Later, I found another deeper cellar under the cellar of the old house. According to what is said now, it may be a refuge built by the ancestors to counteract the coming of the devastation ..."

Doolin :? ? ? ?

"I fell down when I went back, and this thing pierced my chest. At that moment, I felt a great power flowing into my body, and I saw my ancestors and Rossi for a while. The Pope ... "

Doolin :? ? ? ? ?

"Later, the Pope told me that this was the badge worn by my ancestor Attila, and the person who gave him the badge was Pope Rossi ..."

Doolin :? ? ? ? ? ?

"Are you okay?" Kandy glanced back at the cardinal who was about to cough into lung disease, with an inexplicable expression. "Do you want to say that your health is not good? It doesn't matter, I believe that Yaoxing Empire's medical technical capabilities , I saw a report last time ... "

Under the influence of drag and drop, Archbishop Kandy finally stepped into the wedding scene, and the two young bishops kept apologizing to Ms. Durin and Ms. Leticia.

"I'm sorry, Archbishop Kandy doesn't have any malicious intentions. He is a enthusiastic person, but he rarely comes out, so he very much wants to share something he knows with the people around him. If it causes trouble to the two, I am very sorry Sorry to trouble the two! "The two young bishops bowed and apologized, and finally let Du Lin come back to life.

Du Lin's mouth twitched. In fact, he stood here except for saying a polite greeting to the Archbishop of Kandy in the beginning. In the next twenty minutes, he didn't say a word.

Archbishop Kandy stood alone and spoke for more than twenty minutes. He actually had so many things to say to those who met for the first time. Even more amazing was that he didn't feel thirsty after saying so much.

It was a terrible experience, he could say so much!

Although he felt a little inexplicable, Du Lin still maintained his style and education as an "aristocracy". He nodded slightly and then said with a smile, "I don't think this is a trouble. I like the stories told by Archbishop Kandy. He is indeed a very enthusiastic person, and I can feel these, so there is no need to apologize. "

The two bishops hadn't had time to say anything. The Kandy protagonist standing in the distance who was advancing the advancement of imperial medicine to the cardinals around him immediately immediately heard Du Lin saying his name and waved at Du Lin with a smile on his face. After waving his hand, he seemed to want to walk over.

Thanks to the cardinals who are holding him behind him. May God be with them.

"Sorry, I'm missing ...", Ms. Leticia's hands were clutching a small corner of her clothes, and her knuckles turned white and trembled slightly. After she squeezed a smile and walked quickly to the church, Du Lin faintly heard some smashing sounds.

Maybe something unexpected happened ...

"Okay, you go ahead. You will need your help when you meet." Du Lin didn't give the two people a chance to continue talking, and Kandy didn't give him the chance to focus his attention here, and even rush Two blushing young bishops entered the church.

He breathes a sigh of relief, even a terrible person, even if he feels his nerves are tough enough, in the opposite Kandy, he can continue to talk to himself, and from time to time, he will ask a question to confirm whether you listen carefully, It is also extremely vulnerable.

There are not many reporters outside Du Lin's wedding scene. After all, there are too many big people to attend the ceremony. Even if some tabloids want to write something to attract the attention, in such a situation, they dare not mess around. Go to report.

Coupled with the protection of a large number of agents and military intelligence personnel, this will be the most secure and privacy-protected public event that Doolin has participated in.

Du Lin is still welcoming the guests here, and the makeup van on the other side is already lively like a boiling kettle.

Wearing a white wedding dress, Ophelia is pure and distressing. Even ugly and shady people can't put their mean thoughts and dirty words on this girl.

Kinsale has been occupying the space on the left side of Ophelia. From time to time, she touched her face, or suddenly kissed her, and made Ophelia blush. She always felt that Kinsale was a little ... strange.

"It's so cute, I can't help it, you must be able to understand me!", Kinsale sighed, "Dulin's **** always has good luck. It really makes people jealous. If I were a man, I would kill Stop him and **** you away, hum! "

The most powerful gas field in the make-up car is Kinsale. After many materials and life under the magnesium light, she has become more confident, and the gas field is getting stronger and stronger. Both Cario Felia ’s classmates and relatives are She was crushed.

At this moment Melissa got close to Kinsale, and gently pressed Kinsell's shoulders with her arm, and asked, "Sister, how was Dorin before?"

Kinsale glanced at Melissa with a strange look. She was very keenly aware of what Melissa's question and tone were, which was a breath of spring.

A slight frown frowned. In the eyes of other girls looking forward, she stretched her brows and smiled and talked about Du Lin ’s childhood affair, such as failing to dig a bird ’s eggs, hanging her pants on the tree, and falling from the tree smoothly. Down and the like.

In fact, most rural children have experienced such things. They always have a lot of fun past in the eyes of these girls, including most urban people.

But how do these people know that in their eyes these joyous things exactly reflect the bitterness and helplessness of the children in the countryside?

Who would risk the risk of breaking a leg to dig out a bird's egg, just to fill his stomach or eat a good meal?

Who wants to touch fish and crabs in the river without any protection?

Are they willing to create joy estimates?

of course not.

Kinsale laughed with everyone while talking about the events of Du Lin's past, but his eyes became colder and colder.

These girls look beautiful, but they lack a delicate and clear heart, except for Ophelia.

Compared to those people who didn't have the heart and heart to laugh for pleasure, Ophelia smiled reluctantly, but showed some tension.

She is unwilling to destroy the current atmosphere, but it does not mean that she is unaware of the dangers in it. Kinsale can't help but sigh, and Du Linzhen finds a heart-wrenching girl as his wife.

This goofy little **** is lucky.

The more I looked at it, the more I felt Kinsale left the makeup van after a while with everyone. She found Doolin and told him what she had found.

Du Lin kicked the turf with leather shoes worth 1,200 yuan, so that some dust appeared on the spotless toe, and then looked at Kinsale very proudly, "You have to be convinced, because you can't find such another Half, but I can! "

Kinsale frowned and immediately took refutation to this younger brother, but she did n’t know how to refute after opening her mouth. Girls like Ophelia who were spotless and knew how to care for others were rare in the whole society. Poor, almost only in the third-level Cavaliers.

Children from poor families can more easily see the cruelty of society, and those from rich families, even noble families, have mastered the lives of themselves and others from birth.

Except for the very few children who have been protected from layers of fireworks, finding a partner like Ophelia is a dream.

Or ... I'll raise one myself?

Kinsale seemed to have thought of something terrible, and she was wise not to say it, but to hide it in her heart.

The guests were very punctual. With the participation of Magus and Kubar, no one dared to use his lateness to show his distinctive identity and status, even the members of the royal family came very early ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ so that the church door is closed twenty minutes earlier than expected, the wedding will naturally be a little earlier.

As the choir's ethereal voice echoed inside the church, a sacred atmosphere began to spread, people closed their mouths, closed their eyes, and felt a certain holiness in the voices of the children.

The sun shines through the glass above the cathedral, part of it shines on the statue of the Lord of Heaven, and part of it falls in the church. In the eyes of those with closed eyes, the light gradually shows their terrible power.

Accompanied by the sacred and ethereal voice, people feel as if they are in the kingdom of heaven. They can even see angels flying around, and there are peaceful scenes everywhere.

This is the power from the Choir of the Sunset City, making people more devout, closer to God, closer to heaven!

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