Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1045: return

"The Pope ’s opinion of you is very high. He wants to invite you to Sunset City, but it is convenient for him to speak. If he refuses, you will lose his face, so he asked me to ask you, what There is time. ", Kandy, an confession room standing next to the main hall of the church, continued to talk, and he seemed to have endless words," In fact, it doesn't matter if you refuse, I don't like the sunset city, they show me all day Various scriptures and notes, my head was a few circles wide, and it was a terrible place ... "

In the waiting process, Kandy has been talking to Du Lin, and once again made Du Lin realize that when a person's mouth is broken to a certain level, even if you ignore him, he can continue to speak alone.

Fortunately, this wait is not long. In the stiff smile, the first chorus of the choir has ended, and the classic wedding tunes are ringing. Kandy, let's talk, and untiringly arrange his clothes, and Du Linyi He left the confession room and walked to the church's podium.

Outside the door, Leticia took Ophelia's arm, the two bishops opened the door, and the two walked slowly into the church on the beat of the wedding song.

Originally, this work should be done by Ophelia's father, but her father was very ill. He was bedridden all year round and had lost his ability to move. At this time, he could only sit in the first row to observe the ceremony.

It is said that this sick-looking gentleman used to be very handsome and handsome, and had a very healthy body. In his youth, many noble girls were obsessed with him.

Later he chose Leticia. At first, the husband and wife were close and their lives were harmonious, but after giving birth to Ophelia, the gentleman gradually became decadent.

Magus was reluctant to allow his family to be promoted too easily because of his relationship, and even did not allow them to enter the officialdom, which made him somewhat frustrated and decadent.

In the business activities that followed, he lost a lot of money by going out of air two times in a row, gradually reducing his chances of making an appearance, and his health began to be bad, eventually lying on the bed.

A number of imperial doctors of the Empire have diagnosed him, and the conclusion is surprisingly consistent. He suffered from depression. The double failure of politics and business left him slumped, but he held the title of empire first, which gave him unbearable. thing.

Every time I go out, I feel that others are looking at myself with sarcasm and ridicule, which makes him start to reduce social interaction, close himself, and finally become like this.

If it was not Ophelia who was his only daughter, but also something that could make him feel how much life is worth looking forward to, maybe his condition would be heavier than now.

Slightly dim eyes clearly lightened when contacting Ophelia, but then became cloudy again when she saw Leticia.

There must have been something unknown to outsiders. Magus, who was sitting next to him, happened to capture this detail, but it was the younger sister's family affairs. It was inconvenient for him to ask more, especially when the other party was unwilling to take the initiative. And he said the case.

The mother and daughter slowly walked through the long and came to Kandy. Leticia smiled and handed Ophelia's hand to Du Lin, "This is my most treasured treasure and the only one I have. Angel, I hope she will be happy forever! "

Du Lin stunned slightly. "Of course, ma'am, this is what I hope."

With a sigh of relief, Leticia turned and walked back to the bench, sitting between Magus and her husband, and a little tears flickered at the corners of her eyes as she watched her daughter and Doolin stand together. Uncomfortable.

Even though she knew that she only needed a phone call to see her daughter, and her daughter would soon appear in front of her, but she still felt a sense of loss, just like the feeling that she once belonged to herself but now belongs to others.

In the presence of many people, Kandy's performance was finally normal. He glanced at the lines on the stage, and ended the short process step by step. In the final round, "You can kiss your wife" After that, the wedding ceremony finally ended.

At this time, the voice of the choir gradually subsided, and the guests who came to observe the ceremony stood up and celebrated the young man and woman as couples with warm applause.

In fact, marriage is not the most important thing. It is important for people who come to understand two things. The first thing is that Doolin will largely become the political spokesperson for Magus. This is very important. information. Even though Magus has been saying that he will not use Doolin to continue his political life, and he will never touch power after he retires, but people understand that Doolin still represents Magus in some aspects.

This is not a complete denial of denial. Even if it is not true, any action of Du Lin will be interpreted as "magus wants him to convey a signal in this way", and then make every effort to interpret whether Du Lin's behavior It has deeper meaning.

The second thing was the appearance of Kubar, the chairman of the old party committee, the old party whip, and others, and then revealed some other information to others. Magus fully supported the work of the old party, and the old party stayed with him. The political legacy and influence under this situation are not uncomfortable. The two sides are not enemies in a pure sense. This is a reasonable, legal and appropriate ruling party change, and there are no other problems.

The old party's ability to stand up has created many conspiracy theories, and now there are all over the world talking about the shameless and despicable means used by the old party to defeat the new party and gain power.

New versions and new stories appear every day, which is also a problem for the new party's administration.

Obviously, they have become the supreme master of this empire. As a result, the people have opened them up and questioned the legitimacy of power in their hands. Kubar himself clarified, or when the party members stood up for review, it didn't work, people didn't believe that.

Therefore, there needs to be a non-old party camp. People who trust him and have great social influence stand up and speak for them. This person is Magus.

As for marriage, as mentioned earlier, it is incidental.

Most of the guests left after the wedding. Kandy invited Du Lin many times before leaving to go to Sunset City. He would look forward to the arrival of Du Lin very much. Later, he told Du Lin “whispered” in the presence of many cardinals. He did n’t need to take these words seriously. He only did this to make what he said, all the performance passed to the ears of the Pope ’s crown, so that Zong Mian determined that he had done everything he needed to do.

The big men have left, but Doolin still held a party in the manor to entertain Ophelia's classmates and some of her friends.

This is also a necessary part of social networking. They will not be alienated because they cannot attend a super-high-level wedding, but if there is not even a party, there is no need to lick their faces to become friends.

Except for those in the special class, the other students in the Royal College are still a little bit strong.

The party lasted until more than a little at night. There were enough rooms in the manor house to receive these students. Almost half of them were descendants of nobles. They would not borrow to live here, so that a large part of the rooms prepared at the beginning were not useful. .

Du Lin drank some wine in the evening, and Ophelia's classmates frequently asked him to drink, and he also understood why this was more or less. The girl also blocked him a few times, and sat side by side with great strength.

After the arranger sent Ophelia to the room, Du Lin sent away the students who did not stay overnight. After arranging other students to stay, he returned drunk drunk.

He took a shower and rushed to the bed.

Newly married people always feel sweet, but neither Ophelia nor Dulin can't maintain this sweet life. Dulin will eventually return to work in Abilúo, and Ophelia needs to attend class.

When standing at the station to send Du Lin away, the girl shed a few tears. As shown in the third-rate knight, the tears could retain the knight, but did not leave Du Lin.

As the sighting train disappeared out of sight, Ophelia sighed, followed by a smile on her face. She looked at the colorful gemstone wedding ring she was wearing. She did not feel sad because of Doolin's departure, but was even sweeter.

"I've troubled you for a lot of things these days. I haven't said thank you to you ...", looking at the nice sisters around, Ophelia said thank you very formally to Melissa.

Especially in the first few days, countless people came to present gifts every day. Ophelia would have no problems in reception and etiquette, but she couldn't keep busy from morning to night.

Until the age of 16, she had been educated as a tutor at home, and in addition to most nobles would do so, she would take care of her sick father.

In the relatively simple life circle, there have never been so many people and so many gifts as these days, some burdens fell on Melissa, and she helped Ophelia a lot.

Melissa's eyes flickered again and again and said that this was what she should do. The two talked away and left the station with a smile.

On the other side ~ ~ Dulin started his education reform plan as soon as he returned to Ovisto, the capital of Ambiloo.

This was the slogan and political program he chanted during his initial campaign, and it was an absolutely unshakable line. According to this time, the State Department of Education and the Ministry of Education and Medical Services have been split into separate Ministry of Education and Medical Security.

In the past, the division of the departments was abnormal in the view of Du Lin. Why should education be merged with medical treatment to become a department? Why should science-related authority be placed with the Department of Social Services? All sorts of inexplicable divisions have always annoyed him. It is precisely this time that he became the governor and directly reformed the state department's drastic reforms, removing all that should be dismantled.

This may be considered a maverick in the eyes of some stereotyped people, but it is very popular in the state government of Abiluo.

As jobs get more and power becomes more purely concentrated, this is a good thing for everyone!

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