Cosma Empire

: Chapter 1046

The newly established Minister of Educational Resources of Ambiloo is a lady in her fifties who has been working as a teacher for more than 30 years and is definitely one of the oldest qualified teachers in Ambiloo.

She is very familiar with teachers across the state. About one-fifth of the office candidates under this large department are drawn from teachers. These people are mainly responsible for front-line work.

As teachers, they are particularly familiar with some situations at the grass-roots level, and they are also very sympathetic to teachers who are still in the post of teachers.

This prevents to a certain extent the behavior of bullying and concealment. Of course, the entire department cannot be fully hosted by teachers, so the proportion of teachers is not large.

"His Excellency, first of all, I wish you a happy wedding ..." Du Lin said thank you. The new minister named Hyman continued to return to work. "I have done all the things you told me to do before you left. There are 41 primary schools, 17 secondary schools, and 2 universities in Austria. There are 941 teachers in total. "

She put a more intuitive report on the table and sent it to Du Lin. Under her description, Du Lin cooperated with this report to get a more detailed and intuitive understanding of the education data of the entire state.

To be honest, Du Lin is very dissatisfied with this. The eleven towns in eight cities across the state are very annoying. For middle schools, there are actually two towns without middle schools. Students have to go to middle schools. You need to go somewhere else to go to school.

Not to mention the university, no one is on the verge of closing, and the other is less than 800 teachers and students.

This is also the main reason for raising the support rate immediately after Du Lin shouted free education. The lack of educational resources and many people cannot afford to go to school. The citizens of this state are eager to change this situation, and they are willing to vote. To Doolin.

The salary of all teachers is less than 50,000 yuan per month, and the various losses and resource costs of various schools are about 3,000 yuan, which means that the state government ’s funding for education is less than 60,000 yuan per month.

This number was far below his initial estimate. He thought it was reasonable to have at least 80,000 to 100,000, but apparently he made a wrong optimistic estimate of the education form in Abiluo.

"It's going to be a spring break soon, some parents and teachers of students are talking about whether to pay for their studies. You didn't answer them before, did you really want to waive all the education costs?", Hayman Carefully asked, "This is very friendly to the students and families, but in the absence of income at all, schools ... seem to be a bit difficult."

Du Lin shook his head, **** in his left hand against his chin. "I said that if I want to provide free education, I will definitely provide it, and these costs are too small in my opinion."

It is really too small. His distillery income in Ilian used to be the highest in his Majesty's industry, but now it is the lowest. But even so, paying more than 200,000 yuan each month just for tax payment. This does not count as other industries.

He adjusted his sitting position. "Well, wait until you go to issue a notice to ensure that you are notified to every school and every student. After the spring break, the next semester will be exempted from all tuition fees."

"But here we need to add some new provisions to tell those students and parents that the school will provide them with tables, chairs and textbooks for free, but if they are damaged during their use, they will need to pay for the damaged items , Parity costs. "

"During the spring break, there will be construction teams at various schools to carry out construction, add some classrooms and corresponding buildings, and let the school plan in advance ..." He said that he suddenly stopped the topic here and continued after thinking for a while, " In addition, starting from next semester, the elementary school will provide students with a simple lunch for free, avoiding the need for some students to travel long distances between home and school at noon, causing unnecessary trouble and unnecessary danger. "

After the last sentence was spoken, Ms. Hyman suddenly lost her face. She quickly asked, "His Excellency, will this increase the financial burden of the state government too much?" Although she strongly supports Doolin, she also knows some Things cannot be done.

After the state government announced that education is free, it is expected that in the next two months there will be an explosive wave of enrollment in the primary school. The total number of educated students in the primary school may exceed 60,000 or even more.

Even if a simple meal only needs about 20 to 30, this will be a terrible expense. The daily cost will be maintained at about 20,000 yuan. In addition to the cost of raw materials, there are also processing time. Loss, and hiring of chefs.

Du Lin shook his head. "The largest farm in the west will provide us with raw materials. We only need to hire chefs and processing fees."

Hyman was relieved when she heard this. After the largest expenditure was eliminated, the monthly financial expenditure was not much, but she soon realized that the largest agricultural and animal husbandry company in the west was not exactly Du Lin. Your own company?

These unreadable operations by Du Lin have caused more confusion for the newly appointed Minister of Education and Resources. Does Du Lin really attach great importance to the education cause, and would like to make the best for the children to lose money? Educational environment?

I have to say that even if she felt that there must be something she didn't know, she was moved by Du Lin's great sentiment at this moment.

Next, Du Lin also asked Hyman to come up with a series of plans such as indicators for additional schools and recruit new teachers as soon as possible, and strive to complete the construction of new schools in various places before the spring break to ensure that there are enough schools and schools in the next wave of enrollment. Adequate educational resources are available for these children.

After sending Heyman away, Doolin dialed the internal number and asked Kevin, the newly appointed state justice minister, to come to his office.

As soon as the two met, Kevin locked the door and sat down on the sofa, lighted a cigarette, "What can I do for you, sir?"

The appearance of his hippie smile and his rather straightforward tone had a sharp contrast.

He is very satisfied with his current job. When he wants to do something, no one will stop him from doing it, and when he doesn't want to do it, he can push the job down.

The only thing that dissatisfied Kevin was that the skilled woman on Abiluo's side was slightly inferior in quality and level.

Du Lin smiled, and then asked, "I have some ideas that have a positive positive effect on society. I want to know how I can turn it into a local law and pass it in the state legislature. Will it be implemented in this state?"

Speaking of professional knowledge, Kevin has become a lot serious, "First of all, you have to tell me what you plan to do, so I can tell you how to do it ..."

"Some bills that are obviously contrary to social ethics and social values ​​must not be passed, because in the end these local bills need to be passed in the state legislature with 70% of the votes."

"I donated materials for educational purposes to use tax credits ..." Du Lin shrugged. "You know, I have the most farms here. I always try to save a little money, don't I?"

As soon as Du Lin finished speaking, Kevin immediately realized the huge benefits. The high prices of vegetables produced by those farms in Du Lin's hands can scare many people. Most working-class people can't afford it. Only some middle-class families and High society can consume.

It ’s the market who decides how much a commodity is worth. He sold three cents a vegetable for thirty cents to thirty cents, which is his ability, and it also shows that the market can accept such prices. And these things are worth the price.

In the current legal assessment of the value of a commodity, the final assessment result is the actual value of the commodity plus the additional value. Even if some people have some opinions on this, they cannot change anything.

But as everyone knows, when calculated strictly, the gadget is actually worthless, but Du Lin played a trick and turned three cents into three forty and one to donate to the society for free, then the actual donation he made Value is the value of those commodities in circulation.

He donated 1 million worth of goods, which is worth 100,000 of tax, isn't it excessive?

However, the actual cost of a donation worth a million yuan may be tens of thousands, but it is worth 100,000 yuan of real gold and silver that needs to be handed in. He is definitely making a big profit.

What's more, if this bill can be passed, it may not be ten to one. It may be ten to three or ten to five. At least it is not much different from the assessed value of this one million products. The bill may be slightly higher or equal to the taxes that need to be paid.

In simple terms, if he donates one million worth of goods, he will be able to redeem one million tax!

Kevin glared at Du Lin ~ ~ Du Lin poked his mouth to reveal a look of what you can do, giving Kevin a desire to bite something.

"People say I'm the most shameless lawyer in history, but I think I'm far worse than you." He sighed sincerely, sometimes he felt that Du Lin had drilled a loophole in the law. He's a rogue lawyer who is proficient.

With a proud smile, Du Lin waved his hands again and again. "It's too good. I'm just a very patriotic businessman with a sense of social responsibility, as well as the governor. My starting point is to make this society better. Is this wrong?"

Kevin hummed twice, "Yes, yes, I understand you ..." He thought for a while and continued, "This is not difficult to do, at least those capitalists are on our side , Find a businessman to raise this slogan first, and then encourage members to submit the bill, it is likely to pass directly. "

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