Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1060: combustion

On the premise of confirming the friendship between each other and also deciding to maintain the stable progress of the friendship boat, Ms. Sandra and Mr. Du Lin conducted deeper friendly exchanges and made outstanding contributions to the stability of the western society.

The Diplesi family is not well-known in the middle and low-income class, and it has no special role in people's eyes. However, the influence of this family on high-level society is very terrible.

Adhering to the concept of power, there are a large number of children in each generation of the Diplesi family. There are three or fifty children when they are young, and more than one hundred when they are young.

After these children's selection and competition, some people will stand out, they are allowed to use the last name of Diplesi, and then they are active in their respective fields.

Those members of the family who are not good enough but are definitely better than ordinary people will lose the qualification to use the last name of Diplesi, and they will leave the core circle of the family by using the maternal or branch surname.

These people include workers, doctors, lawyers, police, celebrities, entrepreneurs ... and they are found in almost every industry.

They will enjoy certain family benefits, such as the necessary assistance provided by the family when they are promoted, such as a bonus account at the end of the year to ensure their competitiveness in society.

When the family needs it, these people will stand up. The seemingly completely unrelated big family and some humble social elite have a scalp relationship.

Even more frightening is that when the descendants of these family members are good enough, they can return to the main family and compete with many young talents!

The powerful and effective internal competition mechanism has ensured that the Diplesi family will not become more and more mediocre and lethargic like some nobles.

Every generation, every person, is desperately performing and growing.

Sandra told Doolin that inside the family, people call the owner ... King!

He was like a king who ruled countless family members. Since Sandra was a child, she has never seen the owner want to do anything.

As long as he thinks, even if it is difficult, there will always be some inexplicable people jumping out to provide convenience to the family. Some of these people have lost family friends, and some are directly members of the family's family branch.

Becoming a homeowner and becoming the king of a shadow kingdom is the ultimate dream of every member who can own the surname of Diplesi in a righteous manner!

After friendly exchanges with each other, Du Lin stated that he would definitely promote the further development of the friendship between the two parties based on the goal of promoting common development. Adhering to the principles of accelerating the rapid rise of the two parties in their respective fields, mutual assistance and mutual benefit, she agreed with Ms. Sandra Way, reached a series of cooperation .......

To put it simply, Doolin will do her best to help Sandra stand out from her siblings when necessary. After Sandra has called the owner of the Diplesi family, she needs to give Doolin more accordingly. In return, this is fair.

If it is said that the first betrayal is because the other party is asking too much, and the loyalty is too cheap, then the second and third and more betrayals are because they are used to betrayal, or even proactive betrayal.

The first sentence of telling a secret is awkward, and it won't stop talking, but it will become very easy.

After talking about what Dulin wanted to hear, Sandra sighed, "Are you satisfied now? Shouldn't you tell me, how are you going to get rid of those obstacles?"

Du Lin smiled, "I'm happy, ma'am."

At the same time, in the camp outside Mount Yagul, a leader called "Quick Axe Old Joe" was sitting in a temporary built house, and there was a safe next to him, which contained the money earned during this time.

Making money here is much simpler than making money outside. This is the consensus of all the gangs who come here.

Paying money outside, you must pay attention not to cross the border, not to violate the laws of the empire too much, and you must be careful of those small gangs who want to step on their own ranks.

Every week, the police will clean up their own territory. What's more, now, in addition to paying a portion of their income to those umbrellas, they also pay taxes to the Imperial Taxation Bureau!

You have to be cautious when engaging in illegal activities. Sometimes the life of mighty gangs is not as good as the life of ordinary people, at least not because the whole gang is inadvertently sent to the prison.

But here is different. There is no need to pay protection fees and taxes. This is an impossible place in itself.

As long as you have a gun, a bullet, a courage, and you are not afraid of death, you will be able to break out of it!

As for gold prospectors?

That is not the problem.

The knocking of bang ~ bangbangbang ~~ bangbang interrupted the thought of Qiao axe Lao Qiao, he blinked and straightened his seated position, said a word, and a gang member came in with two young girls after the door opened.

The conditions here are very limited, and it is not easy to build a luxurious residence in a short time, but the enjoyment in other areas is not very bad.

The advent of the gold mine made everyone realize that these gold prospectors will soon have an amazing wealth in their hands, and those who put money in their pockets in order to draw money from them .

Among them, there are the most skilled women and girls from poor areas who ca n’t even wear clothes that need assistance. After all, their work is special, they do n’t occupy land or houses, they only need one bed for work, and the cost is small. Don't bother the people.

I can't enjoy other things, and I can only use hobbies.

After the two girls came in, Qiao ao Lao Qiao's men left. This kind of thing is really not suitable for other people to watch, and this man has no hobby of watching.

Lao Qiao walked from the table to the bed, twisted his waist, and asked, "Will a massage?" The two girls nodded. Lao Qiao took off his shirt and pants and lay on the bed. Can stand it. "

The climate on Mount Yagul is not suitable for the elderly. Although the effects of ocean currents make the temperature here higher than other places in winter, the humid air will make people who are not used to it feel particularly uncomfortable. .

Especially the elderly, wet and cold will make their joints pain and muscles swollen. At this time, someone needs to be able to help them relax.

A girl took out a bottle of plant oil from the carry-on bag and wiped it away from the fast axe Lao Qiao. Soon Lao Qiao hummed comfortably.

Behind him invisible, a girl rolled her tongue and spit out a thin blade that was only half an inch long, and another girl put a towel on the face of Old John ...

Forty minutes later, the two girls opened the door, and the men outside the door glanced inside. Old Joe was lying on the bed, covered with a thin quilt, as if asleep.

He retracted his gaze, took out two twenty-dollar bills from his pocket, stuffed them into the girl's chest, and did not forget to pat one of them.

Looking at the enchanting background of the two girls, he wondered if he should try it?

It wasn't until the next day that people found that Qiao Lao Qiao was killed in his own room. It is even more incredible that almost all the gang leaders had accidents.

This was a premeditated large-scale assassination. The angry gang members began to search for killers everywhere. At the same time, there was a secret tide directly pointing at those who sought gold.

Someone was helping the situation, and soon the rumors were flying around. The two groups that were relatively restrained, once again broke out on a large scale.

The gold digger said that outsiders killed their legendary gold digger, while the gang members said that the gold digger assassinated their leader, and the characters who could stabilize the situation on both sides were almost inexplicable, and the situation was out of control.

The silence of the Olivia Mining Group also made Quintis Mining Group choose to watch, and the two major group companies made a decision not to intervene, which also made other small forces in the camp somehow choose to become blind and dumb. .

The turmoil in the camp this time was not like the last time. The situation that no one controlled ran all the way in an irreversible direction.

When thousands of gold diggers in the Western District and the gang members left behind in the camp got together clearly, a bullet that did not know where they came from directly opened the chapter of turmoil outside the Yagul camp.

Those who have no culture and who are used to fighting fiercely in the group consciousness need only to push gently, and they will jump into the abyss!

All the recycling stations chose to close the doors, the machine gun fortress was packed with private armed forces, and some operators also chose to pack their belongings and find refuge in the vicinity. This area containing more than half a million people immediately became a battlefield!

On the outskirts of the camp, Olivia Mining Group has a prison-like station. All kinds of ore recovered every day will be sent here and then loaded to the western smelter.

At this point, in the high tower, Sandra looked at dozens of camps that were on fire and tightened her clothes.

The man's image as a demon was strengthened again.

Just because these people violated his interests ~ ~ he used a very stupid and effective trick to get the two groups to quarrel, this battle which is enough to be called war is absolutely impossible There are no winners.

It is foreseeable that when the battle is over, the entire empire and the entire world will be shocked by this!

Thousands of people died, and even the battle of tens of thousands of people!

However, she should clearly hate such a battlefield, but the smell of flames and the miserable howling came from her but gave her a feeling she had never experienced before.

The blood was burning and boiling, and she witnessed history at this moment!

A feast of death!

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