Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1061: Policy change

On the second day of the turmoil in Mount Yagul, Doolin made a public speech in Ovisto, the capital of Ambilo, not only attracting local media and newspapers, but also newspapers from other places.

The influx of journalists overcrowded the public hall in Ovisto's room, and eventually the speech was placed in the park.

At 1:45 in the afternoon, the well-dressed Du Lin waved his arm on the podium with applause and whistles.

The state of Ambiloo has announced that education is free and will soon be implemented. For municipalities and grass-roots management agencies everywhere, they have no objection to the policy of free education.

At this time, the money does not need to be paid by government departments at all levels. It is uniformly allocated by the Ministry of Education and Resources of the State of Abilúo, and an extra bureau or office can be set up in the existing institution. This is common for most officials. Not bad news.

You have to know that there are many people who want to be officials, and there are many members in the New Party and the Old Party. But effective positions are just a little bit. Du Lin split education and medical care to equal one extra power department, which can solve some personnel for leaders at all levels. Little trouble with arrangements.

After all, who has a wife, brother, or aunt, doesn't it?

Secondly, even if someone is not satisfied with Governor Du Lin ’s policy, he dare not show it. As long as someone dares to stand up and attack this policy, the angry western simple farmer will definitely let him know what the honest anger is.

Coupled with public support and mid-year elections, anyone with a slightly normal mind knows how to do multiple choice questions.

Under such circumstances, as soon as he took office, Du Lin completed one of his many promises during the campaign, free education.

This made Westerners sincerely thank Doolin, and also felt that Doulin really wanted to do something to bring change to the state.

In fact, ordinary citizens will not seem so stupid in some aspects. Whoever seriously considers doing practical things for the locals and who is the bragging person who does nothing all day, they can feel it at the first time, so Du Lin As soon as it appeared, there was a big cheer on the scene.

Du Lin kept saying hello to people and swinging his arms. At this time, a middle school student sent a message and wrote an article. This article quickly won many awards. This student also became a period of Du Lin's administration. A model of top students sent to the university all the way.

The title of his writing is also very catchy, called "The Father of the People".

The cheer lasted for five minutes, and finally subsided with Du Lin's intervention. Du Lin watched the crowded people in the park square. After a moment of silence, he smiled slightly. He pointed at the sky and said, "Here Before, someone told me arrogantly through my true face, "I already knew what you wanted to do. You used countless lies to deceive voters. You got votes, but then you were torn to pieces by angry voters. "" He shook his head and asked loudly, "Are you angry?"

Everyone gave Dulin the negative answer explicitly. They only rejoiced and did not have any anger.

When a person likes another person, even if he is shit, he will think that his **** posture is beautiful.

So even if Du Lin put a fart at this time, and asked these people if the fragrance is not fragrant, some people will probably breathe a few breaths and tell him, it is very fragrant!

Du Lin smiled for a while, his expression gradually became serious, and the voice on the square gradually subsided. He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "I received the news from the Yagul Mountain last night. Fighters have been fighting with some armed forces who have come here from other places, and the fight has not ended. "

"According to our statistics, the number of participants exceeds the terrible scale of 60,000 people, and the whole Yagul Mountain is full of gunfire, blood and corpses!"

"These people have no law in their eyes. They wantonly obey their will to deprive others of their lives, which has brought great hidden dangers to the lives and property of citizens of the entire state of Abiluo."

"I once said that I would solve the security problem in Abilúo. At that time, in my opinion, the security problem in Abilúo was not serious. But at this moment, this large number of rushes told me with facts. wrong!"

"The existence of gold diggers and these illegal armed forces has seriously disrupted social order and threatened your safety. As governor of the State of Abilúo, I have a responsibility to resolve these dangers that have erupted and give you a peaceful and stable society. . "

Du Lin's words were not just mere scene words. Sandra, who was standing behind him and kept smiling, very keenly captured a noun from Du Lin's mouth, "illegal armed forces". In fact, the word refers to those gangs. However, Du Lin magnified and blurred the problems of these gangs.

Now not only are the gangs calling the illegal armed forces in his mouth, those private armed forces are also called "illegal armed forces", including the private guards and private armed forces of the major group companies in the west.

This is also part of their deal. Doolin wants to eliminate everything that is uncontrollable and has everything against the state government.

Du Lin's ambition is very strong, and her desire for control is very strong. Sandra has realized that he is far from speaking as well as he usually shows.

"Here I announce three things."

"The first thing is, starting today, all illegal armed forces in the state of Ambilo will be included in the crackdown of the state government. In order to ensure the safety of every citizen, the state government has deliberately established a non-government office directly under the governor's office. The military's local security agencies are committed to maintaining local stability and eliminating illegal armed forces. "

"I hope that the media reporters at the scene will tell the leaders and members of the illegal armed forces, Abiluo and the local citizens, that they are peace-loving groups, and ask them to immediately dissolve and leave the state's jurisdiction or apply to the state government to register."

"If you have a criminal record, including those who have violated the laws of the Empire and have not filed a complaint, you should surrender to the nearest regional police station as soon as possible to explain your problems clearly."

"Second thing, in view of the riots outside the Yagul Mountains, the existence of gold prospectors has seriously threatened the lives and property of citizens, and is a deadly hidden danger of instability in local society. Previous state governments and municipalities The department's attitude of ignoring them is no longer suitable. From now on, all gold prospectors must register personal information with the state government. After one week, we will send a random sample to check. If any gold prospectors are not registered with the state government, then He will face the deportation, sneak into the state again and be found, and will be sentenced to more than ten years in prison and rehabilitated through labor. "

"I believe that most gold prospectors are good in nature. Our policy is not aimed at all gold prospectors, but to identify and guard against a very small number of malicious gold prospectors."

"For those few gold diggers, we welcome the active reporting of enthusiastic people from all walks of life. As long as it can be determined that the reported gold digger has violated the laws of the state, the state government will give the reporter a certain amount of compensation."

"The third thing, the rally last night made me deeply realize that firearms are a powerful weapon to protect our own rights from infringement, but also a necessary condition for criminals to commit atrocities. In order to further curb the involvement of firearms and ammunition in society Starting from March, the state will implement a gun number management system for the possession of weapons and the identification of suspects as soon as possible after the crime has occurred. "

"Seeing the serious face of the gentleman, I know what you are thinking ...", Du Lin suddenly pointed at the old cowboy on stage, everyone's eyes gathered, which also made the old cowboy hold his hat down Head, a little embarrassed.

He smiled. "Rest assured, this is the west. I will not deprive anyone of the right to hold a firearm. This is the right granted to citizens in the west by the charter!"

"What I want to do is just ask you to register with the local police station with your weapon, they will give your baby a number, and then you can take them home."

"At the same time, I also demand that all weapon companies operating arms in the state of Ambiloo implement the weapons management system promulgated by the state government as soon as possible to reduce and curb the occurrence of vicious cases ..."

People really like Du Lin. If you change the governor to do this, you will lose your eggs. It is impossible for him to finish.

In the West, you can discuss the depth of life with a cowboy's wife, but you must not be able to touch his baby with his various guns.

But the free education that Du Lin has determined has made people have a lot of tolerance for him, even if they have to put a string of numbers on their babies, they can tolerate it.

Through the vicious rage that broke out in the Yagul Mountains last night, it can even be said that it was a large-scale turmoil, which in turn allowed Doolin to find a reason and an excuse to take control of the entire state to a new level.

If you want to solve the problem of gold prospectors, it is not something that can be done by the state government alone ~ ~ You must mobilize the citizenship of the whole state of Abilúo to suppress the wave of gold prospectors.

This is also the advantage of Doolin as the governor of the State of Abilúo. He has the advantage of reason and justice, and what he opposes will be labeled as "evil" by the society and rejected by the whole society.

Moreover, this group is too large and too scattered, even if the military's strength is used, it is difficult to wipe them out.

It won't be long before these people will come back to life, so it's better to plug them. After stabbing them, fasten them with ropes. The restrictions will soon make the gold digger profession disappear in the state of Ambiloo.

Don't they want freedom?

It's a pity that Ambiloo doesn't have the freedom they want!

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