Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1071: Carrying

The industrial base of Ambiluo is almost zero. Here are mostly handicrafts and light industrial enterprises. The largest proportion is the mining companies and smelters.

The veins of the Yagul Mountains have been discovered one after another, allowing some mining companies and metal companies to set up their own processing plants in Ambilo, and then by sea to the east coast and some industrial cities in the north.

In recent years, with the increasing number of immigrants, more and more enterprises have settled in the west. Taxes here are cheaper, and labor costs are very low. There is little sense of union power in the west.

The Western Workers' Union has been almost completely paralysed since the former branch president of the Western Conference stepped down voluntarily, and only reopened in these two years.

All kinds of convenient conditions have promoted the large-scale development of the central and eastern parts of the west, and a large number of enterprises have settled in the west, providing necessary assistance for the economic development of the west.

However, these enterprises will have some problems, especially in terms of taxation. In the past, the tax system in the west has been paralyzed. In other words, they have not paid taxes at all in recent years!

It is not normal for the Empire's enterprises to pay taxes to the Empire. Four bills on the tax system passed earlier this year under the auspices of Kubar have demonstrated the importance the old party government attaches to the money bag.

At this time, the Imperial Taxation Administration sent a whole team to the state of Bilbao, and their purpose was obvious.

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They want to rebuild the tax system in the west, and they are rebuilding from the state of Ambiloo, which has caused panic among businessmen in the state.

So they joined the Chamber of Commerce and asked to visit the governor together, hoping that Du Lin could come forward and solve some problems for these entrepreneurs.

This is also the usual way for capitalists to resolve their claims in the south. Legally "kicking" local government officials through their influence on society has become the main appeal of capitalists.

If there is any demand that cannot be resolved, then add a thousand workers who may lose their jobs at any time, and things will be better solved.

The Chamber of Commerce Manager also felt that this was a good opportunity. In this process, he would adjust the contradictions and differences between the joint venture owner and Du Lin, and then resolve the unreliable content in the rumors outside and press this matter.

But sometimes it is a good thing to have an idea, but being full is not necessarily a good thing.

Du Lin received a group of people in the parlor of the state government, including the manager of the chamber of commerce, the representative of Quintis Mining Group, the representative of Olivia Mining Group, and two representatives of the Light Industry Manufacturing Group, a total of five people. .

Du Lin asked Dove to bring tea, coffee, and snacks, and sat on the sofa with his legs up. After a short scene, Du Lin said, "I don't like hypocritical entertainment. Let us light up the lights. Starting directly from the topic, what do you think? "

Several people looked at each other and nodded, and then the eyes of these people focused on the manager of the General Chamber of Commerce. His scalp was slightly numb, and he barely maintained a smile on his face. He said with a smile, "Dear Governor, Some rumors, roughly speaking, say that the state of Bambiu is about to restart the collection of various taxes, is that true? "

The documents of the State Administration of Taxation have arrived in Ambilo with the commissioner, but the specific situation has not been announced to the public, and these people have already known some of the next government work.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable for Magus to beware of the rise of capitalism. When the government's internal work information has almost become the public information of the capital family, this is not really the government, the empire, and the entire society. a good thing.

Du Lin nodded, "From the end of the month, the Abiluoao State Taxation Office will be re-established. Taxation according to law is a system that every empire citizen and enterprise must abide by, and even I will pay taxes according to regulations."

This sentence suddenly blocked the manager's next statement. He opened his mouth and touched his eyebrows. "My Excellency Governor, I mean that the situation in Ambilo is different from that in developed regions, there are fewer opportunities here. It is difficult for companies to survive, so I think it is possible to make some changes through local policies, such as who adjusts the tax rate? "

Du Lin looked at him for a few seconds. Although his gaze was calm, it always gave a huge pressure, forcing the manager to look down at the snack plate on the coffee table.

At this time, Du Lin asked, "You? Are you referring to me as you, or you or more?"

The General Chamber of Commerce manager was a little speechless, then lowered his head and said, "I have been commissioned to represent some of the entrepreneurs in Ambilo, including seeking solutions to their demands."

Du Lin nodded, and then pointed to the door. "Then you can go out and tell the entrepreneurs you represent. This is the state government of Ambilo, not a paradise where capitalists can play with waving banknotes." . To make a claim, first of all they should straighten their attitude. "

"I don't even want such things to happen in person. Do you think I'm not qualified to meet them?" Du Lin sneered and lit a cigarette. "Help me to convey a word to them, or come and see me in person, Either shut up! "

The door of the living room opened. Two staff members stood outside and looked at the manager of the General Chamber of Commerce. The manager's face turned red and white, and his chest slammed, and he turned around and walked away.

Just after he took a few steps, Doolin stopped him, "You have no good manners to say goodbye to me."

The manager paused, his eyes narrowed, and he turned and bowed down, "I am very honored to be able to chat with you ~ ~ Hi Governor, I leave first."

Du Lin nodded his head. "What's your name?" The manager opened his mouth and waited for him to speak. Du Lin waved his hand again like mosquitoes. "Forget it, I don't want to know, you can go Now. "

Sandra sat aside and laughed, and then quickly closed her mouth. The laughter slap in the manager's face, making him feel hot.

The state general chamber of commerce manager may not be a great role in Ambilo, but over the years, his influence on the state's business and the state government have been extraordinary.

If nothing unexpected, after four or six years, he will have the opportunity to work in developed areas, but now he is so humiliated by Dulin, once it is passed out, it is likely to ruin all his efforts!

What's even more irritating is that ... he still couldn't help taking Dulin!

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