Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1072: Tax cuts

After Lin closed the door again, Du Lin's sitting position was a little more relaxed. He shrugged his shoulders, "Our cake is not for takeout!"

The other four also laughed. They could understand the meaning of Du Lin. The more expensive the restaurant, the more they will not allow food to be taken out. This does not meet the dining standards of the restaurant or the system of the high-end restaurant.

If the customer is too strong to be ignored by the restaurant, the restaurant will not take out the prepared dishes, but will send a chef to make the scene for the customer.

Similarly, the four company representatives may not have any good opinions of others. They all came directly to Du Lin and may even show a humble expression. They bent down and asked Du Lin to help them. Why did those people sit in the villa? Waiting for the good news in the chair?

Either sit at the table for a piece of cake for yourself, or hungry just outside the table!

So they can understand what Du Lin is talking about and what he wants to express.

Du Lin patted the sofa seat next to him, and slowly breathed a sigh of relief, "I believe that you can understand some of my practices. As governor, I must be responsible to every citizen of the state of Abilúo, not just to a few people. Responsible. "

"I also believe that you have learned more or less about the work of the State Administration of Taxation through some other channels. Restarting the taxation of the Abilluo State Taxation Office is just one of them. Not only will you have to pay taxes this year. The tax owed must also be made up. "

句话 This sentence made all four frown. Capital is always in pursuit of profit. Now swallowing the money in the stomach allows them to take it out. Even if it is not their own money, they will not be happy.

This has something to do with their performance as the head of the west or the director of the state of Abilúo. The head office will give them a cross, if not say.

"Sir governor, then ... Are there any ways we can legally avoid some taxes by other means?" The question was raised by the head of the western part of the Geminis Mining Group.

The former one was investigated for dismissal by the headquarter due to issues related to Tushenism, and a new character was sent over.

The new person in charge is 37 years old, graduated from the Royal College of Finance with a degree certificate, and is also a member of the Royal College Student Union and a secret society, otherwise the 37-year-old may not have a background. Be able to achieve this position of the person in charge of the West.

It wasn't her ability and performance that made Sandra sit in this position, but her last name, Diplesi.

This also means that the new leader, called McCann, may have a close association with a small group in the old party.

There are actually many such societies. The contribution of resources in the small circle is extremely beneficial to the development of members. It is said that even Magus has participated in such secret societies.

Du Lin nodded, "We passed a local bill in January to donate a portion of the tax through donations to public services. And I have contacted the Director General of the State Administration of Taxation Rani and he made it clear Expresses its affirmation and supports the validity and rationality of the local bill in Abilúo. "

Du Lin directly passed some of the bills he submitted in the first state legislature at the end of January. At that time, members of the parliament were a little strange to each other. In addition, Du Lin's reputation was not very good, so everyone gave him a little Face-to-face, pass the bill he submitted.

One of them is a provision for donating social public services to deduct corporate taxes. By helping the state of Abilúo to develop infrastructure and public services, certain tax benefits are given.

For example, road construction, infrastructure construction, or construction of welfare homes can be deducted from taxes.

After the enactment of the bill, until now, only Du Lin's own farm has obtained certain land tax benefits by donating high-priced vegetables, and other companies are not interested in this.

现在 But now, these people are getting interested, and they are very interested.

McCann glanced at the other three, then smiled very heartily, and by the way complimented Du Lin, "In the previous speeches by the Governor, I very much agree with the word you created-'Enterprise with social responsibility Home ', I think this is the direction we entrepreneurs need to work on. "

"The Chairman of the Group praised you for your excellent quality and morals in an internal meeting and thought that you are definitely a role model and role model for all businessmen in the new era of our empire! You have used actual actions to describe and describe the relationship between enterprises, entrepreneurs and society. The close relationship also allows us to understand the benefits of maintaining this close relationship. "

He considered, "As I went deeper into the grass-roots cities of Ambiloo during this time, I found that the roads in many places were severely damaged ... so that I, on behalf of Quintessio Mining Group, built at least four for Ambiloo for free. City-level highways that facilitate communication and transportation between cities can also be considered as a contribution by the Kindes Mining Group to the community of Ambiluo. "

This is a very good guy, Doolin likes him, and he also understands McCann's careful thinking.

As the largest non-ferrous metal group in the empire, Jindidis Mining Group has countless mines. During the mining process, a large number of incidental products, such as stones and stones, also include raw materials for cement.

For a highway with a construction cost of 10 million yuan, they only need to repair about 5 to 6 million, and they can save about 4 million or more costs. This is actually a profit for them.

Du Lin nodded, took the initiative to stand up and reached out and shook Mr. McCann ~ ~ I am very grateful to Mr. McCann and Gentis Mining Group for their support of Ambilo, which proves the company of the Empire Home is not just a group of social tapeworms, but also positive devotees and patriots. "

Mr. McCann humblely expressed his affirmation of the work of the state and various levels of government led by Mr. Du Lin, and was willing to work with the state and level of governments led by Mr. Du Lin to build the state of Ambiloo, so that this place becomes The brightest pearl in the west.

With Mr. McCann come up with a standard template, the remaining three companies, including Sandra, are very clever and know how to satisfy Doulin. In simple terms, the rich give money and the lack of money give more employment. By chance, they also succeeded in getting what they wanted—the support of local tax reduction and exemption policies.

From a current perspective, this may not be a very cost-effective deal, but if you look at it in the long run, they can never lose it.

The empire's determination to firmly pay taxes according to law has been shown. It is definitely not that simple to evade taxes in the future. Instead of waiting for them to find a solution, it is better to give a sum of money and make it difficult. The entangled Governor Du Lin reached an agreement, at least in the future Du Lin will give them a back seat.

Everyone is happy!

Of course, other people don't think so.

"We haven't lost yet!"

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