Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1075: natural beauty

In fact, what those people outside are doing is that Du Lin is very clear. Not only the police station will gather relevant information here every day, but there will also be some people who gather clues in other places to report everything that happened outside.

Du Lin said nothing and did nothing, watching these people freely.

He is very unsuitable to stand up against these capitalists on the bright side now, because in any case, the governor of a state will never be more profitable than these entrepreneurs in such a bullying.

They can deny their previous promises without shame, and change the strategy to target Du Lin's solution in a targeted way, but Du Lin cannot change the tone and conclusion constantly, because he represents the official and the authority.

The impression that authority brings to people is often the final word.

If he and these entrepreneurs keep on talking and negating what he said before, they will eventually be dragged into these prepared traps by these shameful capitalists, and people will start to doubt his authority.

So instead of becoming passive, let these clowns continue to be hilarious, waiting for them to usher in the end of the world.

During this period, Du Lin and the business group of Otis negotiated a series of cooperation agreements.

Even though Durin jokingly said that Henry would contribute to the construction of the state of Abilúo, he did not say that he would contribute "all" power, all of him, and all of Abilúo.

This is not to develop the economic construction of a certain city, but to develop the tourism industry of the entire state. It is estimated that Henry's money is enough to develop tourism resources around a city, the entire state of Abilúo?

That must be impossible. This is not something that an unscrupulous businessman can do. Even Du Lin will have a little hard work, let alone Henry, a mentally retarded child.

He needs foreign aid. At this time, there is no more suitable foreign aid than the Otis Business Group.

With the General Administration of Taxation, Mr. Lani just washed the business group of Otis two or three times. It also made people realize that even though Mr. Durin had left for four years, the city of Otis was still the site of Mr. Durin.

In this land, if you want to make money and have a higher social status, hold Mr. Du Lin's thigh tightly.

If you want to die, if you want to die, if you want to lose your home, if you want to go to jail, and get involved in marrying, go to Mr. Du Lin.

The call from Mr. Durin in Abilúo at this moment is a call that no one can refuse, because if they are not careful, these voices may come from heaven.

For those businessmen who still adhere to the Durin's Law in the process of the seven major casinos wanting to escape from Durin's control, Durin doesn't mind that they follow behind and continue to expand their strength, which is why people are willing to follow him-there is Enough benefits, no responsibilities yet.

Du Lin brought this group of people and talked about his plans for the development of tourism in Abilúo, including the creation of a unique project such as a real western world, which aroused the curiosity of the members of the trade group.

政 In the political world, Du Lin's name may often be tied to Magus, but in the business world, the two words Du Lin represent victory and profit.

Whether it is his layout in Otis, or the smuggling channels radiated by the entire empire with Ilion, not only makes him rich and powerful, but also drives a large number of people to eat after him, and is about to support his stomach.

The biggest difference between Du Lin and most big capitalists is that he is always able to succeed and is willing to share his profits with others. This is very important. It is precisely that the Audi Group is willing to believe what Du Lin said The basis for a successful travel plan.

When he was engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry in the west, everyone thought he was a fool, but these people who think he is a fool are paying dozens of times as much as a fool to buy Du Lin ’s agricultural products for the sake of style and health. .

In Doolin's plan, the state of Abilúo can completely abandon the option of trying to industrialize, which is meaningless and worthless. On the contrary, once the abundant tourism resources are developed, the considerable benefits brought by it will definitely exceed the development of industry. Benefits.

And tourism is a sustainable green industry, which Du Lin values, and it is bound to be the future trend.

When those small countries need to develop industries to strengthen their national power, the environment is extremely deteriorating, and when those rich people need to enjoy nature, there is nothing more suitable for tourism than the original western wilderness of the empire without damage.

Dulin intends not only to push the concept of the western world to the whole empire, but also to the whole world.

You know, at the beginning of last year, he traveled around the world from the looting of the Commonwealth's economic development for 20 years. He has become a good superficial friend with leaders of many countries. He can personally invite important people and even leaders in these countries in his own name. Come to the west to relax and travel. By the way, I will meet with the old party leader Kubar, who has won a huge victory in the office for thirty years. Kubar will also be very happy.

这么 With so many national leaders, the royal families and royal families of all countries come to travel to the west, which is enough to promote the development of tourism in the whole state of Abilúo and open up world-class tourism resources.

With so many wonderful prospects, Du Lin simply has no shortage of people to help him survive this storm, not that they are helping Du Lin, it is Du Lin who gives them a new bowl!

On Monday, March 22, a large number of people marched outside the state government early in the morning. They held signs such as "I want to work" and "I want to eat" to surround the squares outside the state government. .

Some people waved their logos weakly and shouted the slogan that the organizers asked them to shout indifferently. They could not find the surging and passionate feeling during the demonstrations in the southern developed cities, one by one as if they were walking by.

九 At 9.45 in the morning, Governor Doolin walked out of the state government, and a large number of demonstrations supported Doolin in the square in front of the state government, which made some of your organizers think there was something wrong.

I didn't wait for them to think about it. Du Lin's speech on the theme of "Comprehensive Development of the Economy of the Abilluo State in Europe" officially started, and they also lost their last chance.

When Du Lin walked to the center of the square, someone soon set up the podium, which made many organizers immediately realize some problems, but at this moment no matter what they want to do, it is too late.

Du Lin walked to the podium, patted the microphone, and said with a smile, "Fortunately, the microphone is good, at least to prove that our state government officials who manage these appliances are still honest ..."

This sentence immediately caused a lot of laughter among the people in the square. They felt that Du Lin was so optimistic about his staff, and the staff who were preparing for the speech beside him showed a sullen expression, and immediately burst into laughter.

Du Lin nodded his head and raised his hand to press, "Listening to your energetic laughter, let me know that you are not too bad now."

"I know what you have experienced during this period of time, and you have been under tremendous pressure in silence, and I want to thank you for your trust in me and for the glorious future of Ambilo."

"I actually know everything, I know what those people want to do, and I know why they do it, but they will regret it, because I, and all Westerners, don't like compromised cartilage, we are iron bones. Man! "

今天 "Today, I will not only solve your problems, but I will also tell you what the future of the West will look like. Let those capitalists who are waiting to see your joke go to hell!"

Du Lin's voice gradually calmed down, "I have never seen such a beautiful scenery before I came to Anluo. Whether it is the deserted Gobi or the mysterious wilderness, its breath is deeply attracted. Got me. "

"If anyone asks me what nature is, I will proudly tell him that it is Ambiluo, the wilderness here, full of mystery, beautiful like a nineteen-year-old girl wearing a scarf!"

"I know the thoughts and demands of some people these days, but I'm thinking that I can't ruin this beautiful and peaceful world because their very few people are eager for profit."

"Fortunately, I found the answer. It may take an hour or two to destroy a tree, but it takes decades to grow a small sapling into a tree that can shelter us from the wind ~ ~ A hundred years. "

我们 "We can't point to the bare mountains when we grow old and tell the children that this was once the land of our dreams and the land we live on."

"This is a gift from nature to all mankind, from generation to generation, not a prize for our generation, or for the next generation."

"We want to protect them, just as they gave our ancestors the food and the environment they live in, and let it last."

"Even without everything that has happened before, I will ask Abilúo to de-industrialize. We do not need to exchange money for the natural environment. These wealth will be our most precious thing, not money that can be measured!"

"That's why I'm standing here today. I'm launching an unprecedented reform in Ambilo, a storm that is sweeping the world."

"We have to tell everyone that economic construction does not necessarily have to be based on destroying the natural environment. There is an additional possibility. We protect the beauty of nature, and nature will give us wealth back!"

An unprecedented speech quickly spread to the entire state of Ambiloo. Some of the existing undercurrents temporarily stopped. People were waiting for a governor, Mr. Durin, who is good at creating miracles. It opened a new chapter for the future development of Ambiloo .

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