Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1076: Guardian of nature

"Green tourism economy?" Kubal shot the newspaper sitting in Magus's villa and couldn't help laughing. "This is indeed a very young man looking forward to. He can always come up with some It ’s different. Before that, some cities have used tourism as the economic pillar of the city, but no one has been able to clearly put forward the benefits of tourism economy and a far-reaching perspective. "

Magus smiled. At this time, he appeared a little younger than a few months ago. He was exhausted by the heavy pressure. Each attempt might make the empire steadily move forward, or he might stomp a step. Wrong.

Now that these pressures have disappeared, he has a kind of leisurely elegance to sit and watch Yun Cunyun manage my bird affairs. He also suddenly learned to enjoy life. Whenever Kubar made any decision, and whenever the empire moved forward again, he always assessed the gains and losses of each step in his heart.

感觉 This feeling is very magical and very interesting. It is like carrying a mentality of watching the liveliness, sitting high on the cloud, there is a sense of superiority.

In the face of Cooper's evaluation of Doolin, Magus followed the comments sincerely, "He is always unexpected, but you cannot deny that the key he has proposed is wrong. You will see a way out of these remarks. A different path. "

In this regard, Kubar could only nod and say yes.

杜 Before Du Lin directly named the "green tourism economy" by way of speech, no one took the tourism economy as a brand-new economic form and published it at the national level.

Even the mayors of some tourist cities will feel a little embarrassed and a little bit ashamed, because compared with industrial cities that can provide more jobs and higher economic output values, the tourism economy is not a viable economic form.

In the words of these mayors, only cities that cannot develop industry will try to promote the development of the local economy.

In this era, this is a manifestation of incompetence, because everyone understands that the process of industrialization means the strengthening of the national strength of the country. From a social perspective, more jobs also mean good law and order and a stable social foundation. .

So most politicians always have a prejudice against tourism revitalizing a city's economy, that is the choice of the fool and the weak.

But Du Lin's speech tore a gap in this stereotype. The environment and the economy are not in parallel, but also point out the negative impact of industrial pollution on society.

If you use the environment to change the economy, you will get a strong economic effect in a short time, but you will lose the naturalness of the blue sky, green water and blue sky in the future.

Nature is the mother of all things. We should love her, not hurt her!

Dulin's infectious speech won the support of the vast majority of the people of Abiluo. For the farmers and cowboys who lived in the western wilderness for generations, they could not imagine.

I can't imagine how their lives would be without the dense woods, the clear rivers, and the mysterious and seductive nature.

As described by Governor Du Lin, whether land, water, or even air will be heavily polluted, and people live in a world like the last days.

Of course, another secondary reason to get these people's support is that Doolin promises to develop a healthy economic system to ensure that the vast majority of families in Abilúo will have a stable income!

"Do you think that the green tourism economy proposed by Du Lin ... has potential?" As a prime minister of the empire, Qubal was vaguely aware of the essence of Du Lin's "no environment for time" and "no environment for development". It is worthy of promotion.

The northern part of the Empire's industrial town has encountered some of the problems described by Durin in his speech. Polluted rivers run through most places in the north. Some gathering points that once existed on the map also had to move to filter facilities due to environmental pollution. City circle.

Some forests have been severely deforested, desertification has occurred in some areas, and toxic waste has been discharged, and the north has become a severely affected area of ​​environmental pollution.

If the entire empire is developing industrialization, these problems will eventually arise elsewhere. Once the green tourism economy advocated by Du Lin can take shape, it may not be one of the ways to resolve these inevitable consequences.

Even if it cannot be copied to the whole country, the environment in some areas can be preserved, and then the industry can be centralized.

Magus kept his smile on his face. He took a sip of his teacup, and the sweet and sour fruit tea became delicious. "You can call and ask him, he has many ideas, only what he needs He won't come out until then, so you have to give him some pressure and some motivation. "

Kubal did not make the call in the end. He would not make the call until he proved that he was enough to become the prime minister of the empire.

人们 After a short period of fermentation, people began to discuss the environment. This time, the public opinion seemed fair, and expressed support for Du Lin's suggestion that the environment cannot be exchanged for time for development. Du Lin was so amazing.

Every time he appears in the media, he will always trigger a series of social debates. He has always been the focus of public opinion. Some people say that he is the darling of the social circle. Now when people meet, it is obviously more important than the opening phrase "Good weather". Like the topic "Have you heard of it, Dulin ..."

Contrary to the sentiment held by the public opinion, the General Chamber of Commerce Managers and a group of entrepreneurs in Ambiloo.

Now, they are really in trouble. To put it simply, they can no longer ride on the lion's back.

They used the withdrawal of capital to threaten Du Lin, hoping that Du Lin could meet their demands. As a result, Du Lin directly lifted the table and stopped playing with them, instead making them dilemma.

Any scaled-up factory is not just buying some machines and hiring some workers to start work, especially for some companies in the industrial field, they also have infrastructure problems.

For example, the cost of leveling the land in the factory area, the cost of building and expanding roads, and the construction of some related buildings all require a large amount of funds for pre-construction.

Du Lin forced them to leave, they can take other things, but these things can not take away. You can't dig a road and take away the mud, right?

I ca n’t tear down the building and take away the stones and steel bars, right?

It would be even more impossible to keep the factory building without taking these things away.

杜 Since Durin came to Abilúo, some bills have been quietly amended. Among them, the Land Resources Act stipulates that occupation of commercial land must provide corresponding jobs in accordance with the basic basis.

This rule is not valid, and there are regulations in most parts of the entire empire. The larger the area of ​​land purchased, the more jobs need to be provided.

If they do not sell or abandon these plots, then they may have to pay more for the maintenance of the building every month-the abandoned land will not be re-developed in a certain period of time and will be recycled.

In addition to this, some standard pay for some jobs must be paid. Even if employees in these jobs do nothing, they must provide this part of the job and salary, otherwise the local government has the right to take back the land.

This made them a little bit embarrassed. So big battles have been launched, not only did not get the results they want, but pushed them to the edge of the cliff.

I either turned around and admitted to Du Lin that he was stupid and wrong, and gave the initiative to Du Lin, or he gritted his teeth and jumped off the cliff. As for the third way ... there is no third way.

"It is impossible for us to surrender to Dulin now, so our loss is too great!" As one of the entrepreneurs who "siege" the governor of the leather goods factory, his face was a little unpleasant. And "Mr. Du Lin" to call the adult, but adopted his first name, which is enough to show his despair at the moment, and a trace of embarrassment.

Du Lin actually did not give them a retreat, as long as they paid all the taxes and followed the state government's arrangements, as long as they met the criteria of what sustainable development road, they can still continue to buy and produce in Ambilo.

However, the problem is that no one wants the state government to intervene in the operation of their factories ~ ~ Moreover, paying taxes for a few years at a time is also a heavy expenditure for them, and even cuts off their cash Stream, so that the operation of the enterprise is trapped.

A few people looked at the manager of the General Chamber of Commerce, and the manager also had a little headache. Du Lin's practice of overturning the table without playing cards was a barbaric act, but it also struck their weakness.

Coupled with the emergence of the Otis Business Group, they have realized what will happen next.

The group of the Otis business group will provide the necessary and sufficient jobs to calm the people's desire for work, and then they will lose everything and be dug out of this land by Du Lin!

"It turns out that your approach is ineffective, and it has also angered Doolin, which has made us even more passive!"

In the face of blame in the eyes of these people, the general manager's face changed.

The original idea was correct, but he also needed the consent of these people to implement it.

Everyone has a common thought. Why do I need to take responsibility when something goes wrong?

Manager Bian's chest twitched violently twice before he burst out a smile that was more embarrassing than crying, "So ... what do you think now?"

主 The owner of the leather goods factory snorted softly, "Someone has to pay for the mistake, doesn't it? !!!"

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