Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1081: Public and private

The cost of TV on demand is half divided from the beginning. For each movie on demand during the release period, the production company can get 99 points, and the TV group can get one dollar.

The movie after the release period is also based on this ratio, from 49 minutes to 99 minutes, the division ratio is half to half.

Twenty-six major production companies have actually discussed the issue of proportional sharing with Nasa on the side of Irian. Since there is no nodding of Doulin, they have not been negotiated.

Du Lin actually gave power to Nasha, but the proportion of this division was set by Du Lin. Nasha did not dare to change it arbitrarily, and held an attitude of being able to earn a little more, and opposed them. Claim.

That's why they used Du Lin's idea to shoot the western world and talk to them. They came to Abiluo and talked privately with Du Lin about whether the division can be changed.

After listening to the demands and reasons of the six major production companies, Du Lin thought for a while, then said, "You are very reasonable, this ratio is not completely impossible to change ...", this sentence made the six major systems There was a smile on the face of the film company's representative.

According to the division of the regular theater channels, the producers have a great advantage in the division. After many adjustments over the years, the producers can get 80%, 75% and 60% of the box office share.

From the third week on, the share ratio has plummeted. From the fifth week on, only 25% of the box office revenue is from the producer. After eight weeks, this ratio will drop to 5%, and then always Maintain this ratio.

The reason why the division of the theater line was lower than before and increased a little at the end is also the result of many struggles by the producer and the theater line.

In order to avoid the movie's hot screening period, that is, not to give the film more schedules in the first three weeks, the producers had to make compromises and reduce the early share in exchange for the support of the cinema.

In the past, many theaters have selected a limited number of rehearsals during the popular period of a movie. Originally, a movie theater could be full of eight games, and now it is three. Wait for the second week or even the third week before starting. Films are arranged centrally in exchange for a higher proportion of cinema line.

This made the six major producers and other small factories a bit overwhelmed. After many rounds of friendly negotiations and negotiations, the producers reduced the percentage of shares, and the theaters had to ensure that the enthusiasm was scheduled.

Now the six major producers intend to introduce this division ratio into TV-on-demand, and strive to negotiate with Du Lin the way and proportion of the step division, and strive for more benefits.

According to the twelve films released in the first quarter of this year, the number of paid-on-demand broadcasts of the entire cable television approached the 20 million mark, which directly generated about 40 million revenues, half of which were given to Cable TV Group, that is, to Du Lin.

But if you change the division method slightly and divide it according to the stepwise division method, the on-demand fee obtained by cable TV will not exceed 8 million, which is equivalent to an additional 12 million on-demand shares for the six major production companies.

This is no longer a small number, and with the popularization of cable television and the maturity of people ’s consumption concepts in entertainment, it is likely that this number will be further expanded in the future. Six major production companies and small productions each year Businesses will lose hundreds of millions of profits.

的 The essence of entertainment companies is also to pursue profit, so Du Lin can understand the ideas of the six major production companies.

The twenty-six representatives looked at him expectantly, and he smiled slightly. "In fact, the original intention of taking a half-share is that I have a good relationship with the bosses of your company ...", the six representatives nodded.

Du Lin and the board of the six largest production companies in the entertainment industry have a good personal relationship. Otherwise, Kinsale would not be a popular actress in the empire in a very short time. In just over three years, the transcendent status of the Empire's first female figure has been laid.

In this circle, sometimes you can't solve everything with money, and you need a very reliable relationship.

"Since your company wants to separate commercial operations from personal relationships, I don't have any opinions. Do you bring a contract?" Du Lin took out the pen in his pocket and immediately signed a new agreement. .

Twenty-six people were overjoyed, thinking that this was a chore, and might even be disgusted by Du Lin and unable to complete the task.

I didn't expect Du Lin to speak so well, and there was nothing unreasonable in the rumors. They almost surprised them and almost cheered.

Twenty-six people said that they had ready-made contracts in their hands, and they all took them out.

These contracts are actually provided to Du Lin as a reference, but they are just a reference, but I did not expect that it would really come in handy, and it was a surprise.

In addition, it is better to be determined as soon as possible than to drag on for a few days. In the meantime, if Du Lin has any new ideas and changes occur, the lost benefits will be enough for them to be shot dead by the board of directors!

After hiring a lawyer to confirm that these new sharing contracts were okay, Du Lin signed his name very decisively. Representatives of the six major companies were authorized in front of the two lawyers and asked the board to obtain authorization to represent the company and Du. Lin signed a new share agreement.

因此 They also enthusiastically invited Du Lin to return to Yilian when he was free, so as to give them the opportunity to express their respect from the board of directors.

After Xun sent away six satisfied representatives, Du Lin returned to the study and called Nasha's phone.

"The representatives of the six major production companies just signed a new on-demand contract with me." Du Lin briefly described the proportion of some ladders, which made Nasha extremely dissatisfied and still on the phone. Used words that required beeping.

"Beep, beep, I can't believe my ears. You actually agreed to such an excessive request?" Nasha's whispering reprimand came from the receiver, and she was letting people get out, followed by The sound of closing doors.

The footsteps came from far and near, and then Nasha's voice appeared in the earpiece again. The sound of heavy breathing could make her feel the anger at the moment, "I'm going to tear my face with them for these things. You actually Before I know it, beep ... beep beep, you beep promised their conditions! "

"Dulin, this is not playing games, this is about tens of millions of profits every year, this is not a small thing, this is a big thing!"

"What's more is that you made a decision before notifying me. I thought you were not the same as before, but you have not changed at all. I always know the truth at the end. You beep, beep beep, beep ! "

During a series of cursing and scolding by Nasha, Doolin always maintained the decentness and grace that he should have as governor of Empire Ambiluo, and he even lit a cigarette and waited for Nasha to growl until she stopped speaking.

"End of scolding?", Du Lin asked with a smile, Nasha didn't speak, "I was very moved, at least your attitude made me feel relieved to continue to give you the cable television group to take care of you."

"But, Ms. Nasha, you must not have seen some documents in the company's legal department in detail since you took office, right?"

This sentence is clueless, but it is indeed true.

Nasha has a little ability in business, but she really knows nothing about justice. Even if the files in the Legal Department are given to her, she has no idea what to look at and where to start.

The chief executives of most companies will not look through the files of the Legal Department in detail. To sum up in a simple sentence, that is, they have a specialization in the surgery industry, and professional matters are left to professional people to handle, and they will be shown when needed. That's it.

But Nasha also realized something at this time. In Du Lin's invisible office, her face turned redder. She was angered at first, but now she has a little shame.

"Looks like I guessed right, you didn't keep yelling at me ..." Du Lin laughed twice. "In fact, I prefer a more personal relationship. Too clear of official and private affairs will only make me and friends. Their relationship is hurt, but sometimes you do n’t want it, it ’s what others think is right. ”

"The patent holder of Cable TV is the 'Science Island Private Research Center'. Of course, the only wholly-owned shareholder is me, but the holder of this document is this laboratory."

"According to the licensing contract signed by Cable TV Group and Science Island ~ ~ Every time the TV signal route is used, a patent fee will be incurred ..."

Before Du Lin finished, he heard the laughter and scolding of Nasha in the receiver, "I know, I know! You will always be a bastard, Doolin, forever!"

He also laughed for a while, "Besides, our initial investment in laying the line also needs to be included in operating costs, as well as losses and maintenance costs."

"Cable TV Group Corporation is a mature commercial enterprise with a sound system and every fee is legal and reasonable. As the sole wholly-owned shareholder of this company, I need to remind you that it must be strict Act in accordance with the rules and regulations of the enterprise. "

只有 "Only in this way can we go further!"

当然 "Of course, after you see the new contract, you will know how to do it, right?"

The distinction between public and private is sometimes not really able to produce a positive effect, and the distinction between public and private may not always be negative.

Everything has two sides, nothing is absolute.

怎样 What kind of seeds the farmer sows in the field in spring, what kind of fruit will be harvested in autumn.

最终 At the end of every action, there will be corresponding results and the price to pay!

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