Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1083: Look back

新 In the new sharing contract, the film will be shown on the theater line and the cable TV on-demand at the same time, and the release period will be synchronized. In the process, the paid on-demand income will be paid according to the theater line sharing method.

The cable TV group's previous income will be cut by a large portion, from the original 50% share to only about 25%, which is equivalent to half of the revenue.

最低 Users who can afford to buy a TV and can install cable access are at least the middle class.

The middle class never waits for the pursuit of "cheap" and waits for the movie to be released after the release period to save a piece of money. They only chase the latest movie and then exchange ideas with friends as a topic.

The pursuit of fashion and the latest is the essence of these middle classes. They would rather be hungry, and they would not lag behind in some aspects, making themselves look more failure than others.

This is destined that the major part of the revenue of the film on demand business will be taken away by the production company, nostalgia can not support a large-scale market, the people of the production company are also very clear, so they use a non-existent In the future, in exchange for the more important now, this sale is very cost-effective.

No more sly fox, nor is it a good hunter's opponent.

Since Du Lin set foot in Tener City, he has considered as many comprehensive things as possible that may or may not happen to him.

The Empire State Administration of Taxation started tax investigation last year. Rani privately and Du Lin disclosed that someone quietly reported that Du Lin's industry may have a huge tax evasion.

Drani was a little panicked, and he had an anger with Du Lin. Du Lin gave him the answer that he mobilized all the elite tax officials and accountants of the State Administration of Taxation to publicly check the tax situation of all his companies over the years.

And to be truly transparent, anyone can participate in the whole process and can ask any question, whether it is rational or irrational.

In the process of tax inspection of all companies in Du Lin for more than four months, it is alarming that each account has a complete and strict tax payment certificate, and the first tax certificate can be traced back to Du Lin in Tener's gray business.

He even took the initiative to carry out tax payment processing for that kind of illegal operation. He couldn't find any trouble in this aspect, and even caused Du Lin to brush a wave of presence in the media. entrepreneur.

In addition, there are many other things that have similar processing methods, such as various authorizations. Even if it is more troublesome and wastes more time, Du Lin won't hold some patents in person.

On the one hand, it is to prevent some people from trying to drag him into the quagmire of justice through the patent case, and to litigate with him all day, on the other hand, to soften one hand and hard the other.

When he is happy, he can completely ignore the license fee and the actual costs, but if someone wants to turn his face and play with him, he doesn't mind letting them know how painful the empire's perfect law will be.

The purpose of the 26 major production companies is to pursue interests. Du Lin does not object to this, but their approach makes Du Lin a little unhappy and emphasizes that the person who really takes advantage is him, which is very offensive.

It's like you took someone's rice bowl and ate the food inside, and then told him that these foods are poisonous, and you took away his food so that he would not be poisoned.

I want both benefits and justice, so don't blame him for business.

Even if the representative of the six major productions had just left from him, he had foreseen that the chairman of the six major production companies would personally come to the state of Ambilo in the near future and begged him to let them go.

According to Du Lin's algorithm, for those movies that are already in the next release period, users will calculate forty-nine cents per on-demand. The production company can get about two to three cents of profit, but they need to pay an additional nineteen Points, the line loss and construction costs are very high, and the cost of resource occupation is eleven points, so make up a good account.

As long as someone asks for their old movie once, they will have to pay an additional 40% of the cost of Du Lin, do not want to play?

没 No problem at all, it is nothing more than policy changes. Those small production companies must be interested in the topic of "rise".

多少 How much more they took away from Du Lin, not only had to exchange it back, but had to exchange it back several times.

Solving this is not a hassle, and Du Lin set his sights on Mr. Gray's self-examination of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of Ambiloo.

After so many things in just a few days, how much Mr. Gray used to love the Chamber of Commerce, how much he hates the Chamber of Commerce today.

The Chamber of Commerce and the capitalists did not hesitate to discard the top of his branch as an abandoned son, and even wanted to put him in jail. All the feelings had long since disappeared, leaving only hatred and deep hatred.

He won't sleep peacefully without biting a piece of meat from these people.

What's more, when he stood on the side of Dulin with a clear banner, there was no retreat. If the Chamber of Commerce in Abilúo still existed after this change, those capitalists did not hurt their bones, which means that his doomsday is coming.

In order to ensure his own safety, there is no need to worry. His life can be as usual, he must bite these people to the native territory of Ambilo!

With such a jealous apostate, the ugly incident in the chamber of commerce cannot be hidden!

On the fourth day of the self-inspection by the Chamber of Commerce, the State Bureau of Taxation, the State Bureau of Investigation, and the State Bureau of Investigation of the Abilúo State received the report call from Mr. Gray. It also reported that some enterprises were suspected of falsifying evidence, tax evasion and resistance.

A wave of shock caused a thousand layers of waves ~ ~ Instantaneous uproar in the original capital society of the state of Abiluo, this storm quickly made the whole capital society's attention here.

This is the first time in 30 years that an empire has reached into a chamber of commerce, and a big bomb was dropped as soon as it was shot!

The first thing that happened was a local leather factory. The source of the leather factory's purchases came from fur buyers in various regions in the west. The larger factories didn't have the energy to save costs. They would give the work of buying scattered leather to others. To do, they are often handed over to the purchasers of these villagers, and similar people often appear in alfalfa towns.

降低 In order to reduce the annual tax standards in terms of taxation, those purchasers put together two or three pieces of leather into a "one piece" and sold it to leather goods factories at twice the market price.

The leather goods factory sells them after processing. Regardless of how much these shaped leather goods sell, they are losing money on their accounts.

Because their purchase price is very high, every sale of goods means that they need to lose money.

The color of spring will never be seen in the financial statements of each quarter. The deficit runs through the entire history of the leather goods factory's operation. It is even more amazing that the deficit is severe every year, and the leather goods factory can still operate, which is very amazing.

However, this time they had trouble because the big trouble came from the former "owner".

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