Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1084: dead end

并不 The world is not all smart people, and a large number of people are active in this society as "fools".

Some are really stupid, but some are stupid. The business owner of the leather goods factory is obviously such a stupid person.

Facing the questions raised by the tax commissioner, he always smiled stupidly and naively.

The office building of the leather factory was temporarily borrowed by the investigation team. In the meeting room, the commissioner of the investigation team asked a question, "In the past six years, the price of all leather purchased by your factory has been double to five times the market price. Times, haven't you noticed these problems for six years? "

He glanced down at the material in his hand, and a look of sarcasm appeared in his eyes. "According to the report you handed to our tax bureau, your company will lose hundreds of thousands to one million every year, but you last year At the end of the year, he spent 450,000 in a neighboring state to buy a manor house and a large piece of land. "He looked up at the owner of the leather factory," can explain an enterprise that has been losing money for six years and has annual losses. How to make you richer? "

"I believe that businessmen all over the world are willing to make this money for a lifetime in order to know this answer."

The owner of the leather goods factory didn't have the slightest panic. He seemed very calm and asked the investigation team for a glass of red wine. "Is this normal? Isn't it? I ca n’t enjoy myself because one of my many companies is losing money Good life. "

The owner of the leather factory can be so calm because he believes that even if there are some small problems, these small problems will not eventually become a big problem.

The puppet merchants, or all capitalists, had two major backers before they could grow up as backers for others.

The first patron is called the Imperial Chamber of Commerce, while the second patron is the Imperial Central Bank.

The Chamber of Commerce is responsible for protecting their company's detailed operating conditions and all correct data. There will be no cheating in this part of the chamber of commerce, which is related to the credit of an enterprise.

目前 In the current society, the credit of enterprises is the most important thing for capitalists. As long as their enterprises have credibility, banks will give them loans as appropriate to help them get out of the shortage of funds.

At the same time, in a chamber of commerce, the creditworthiness of an enterprise represents a wider range of mineable resources and a wider market.

The Chamber of Commerce will promote the accelerated development of these creditable companies, and help them find in the Chamber of Commerce companies that complement each other and have the same credit to form an industrial chain, including helping them to promote products and to list on the market.

All of these require credit, so how does credit come from?

In fact, it is very simple. The operating conditions, legal issues, and the personal reputation of registered shareholders of a company are aggregated through these and more data intelligence, and a specialized agency of the chamber of commerce assesses the credit rating of these companies.

If there is a fraud in the quarterly report submitted to the Chamber of Commerce by some companies, and some data are fictional, once the inspectors find out, this company will be labeled as dishonest and then published in newspapers and magazines inside the Chamber of Commerce.

This is a terrible consequence. Once an enterprise has obtained such an "honour" and has economic dealings with this enterprise, the upstream and downstream companies associated with the business will immediately request a series of measures to recover funds, reduce trade volume, and increase risk deposits. Negative impact.

In the end, this company will struggle and gradually be eliminated by the brutal commercial society.

This is also one of the reasons why chambers of commerce can stand up to now. They did not do nothing, but did a lot of work, so that some small and medium enterprises rely on the chamber of commerce more than the natural consumption of society.

The simplest example is that a bakery is open for about three to five hundred a day during normal operations. However, if you are introduced to a medium-sized factory with many jobs through a chamber of commerce, the daily income of the bakery may be as high as Thousands or more.

It is because of this help that most companies will not provide false data to the Chamber of Commerce. In addition to being found, there is competition. After all, there may be ten bakeries, but there are only three or five factories. Who The better the business situation, the better the opportunity for anyone to negotiate this business.

So, can the leather goods factory recognize the detailed data obtained from the chamber of commerce?

It's not necessarily true, just like the leather factory business owner showed fearlessness. The data of the chamber of commerce is exposed. He may be more passive, but not too passive, because the Imperial Bank will continue to help him conceal the flow of funds. Happening.

There is a company that lost a million yuan this year, but in the annual report, they turned a profit of nine million, and did not cheat.

What's the problem?

Out of this, they obtained 10 million non-operating income from other places through "loans", "financing", "fundraising", "fundraising" and other methods, and this money will be incorporated into the mid-year statements of enterprises.

But because this money is not business income, it has completely avoided various taxes such as business tax, and only need to pay a very small amount of tax for this purpose.

This led to the company's annual loss in operation, but it was able to find funds from other sources to fill the pits of losses and create the truth of huge profits.

As long as these investigative teams fail to track the capital flow chain of the leather goods factory, even if the financial report of the chamber of commerce proves that they do have the problem of concealing the operation of the enterprise, it will not be fatal.

It's nothing more than paying the recovered taxes, plus a fine, and they don't even need to pay because they have been "losing money".

Under the circumstances that have shocked the Imperial Cabinet and the whole society, it only takes such a small price to be able to escape safely. In fact, it still makes money!

This is the confidence of the leather goods factory business owner who is calm and calm. He is not afraid of fines. As long as he is not sentenced, nothing can be solved by money and relationships.

The tax commissioner shook his head slightly. In fact, such a capitalist is the true look of an imperial capitalist. They can spend thousands of tens of thousands of tens of thousands of dollars to find some models and third-rate stars to add color to their party. Hundreds of thousands of people bought one and lost it, and maybe they can't go to the villa estate once a year.

They have countless unexpected means of profligacy to throw a large amount of wealth in their hands into the water, just to hear the sound of tong.

However, they will never think of squandering the money to increase the welfare of workers, nor will they think that if the tax is to be paid in full.

The former will make them unhappy. They will feel that these workers just waited for a week in their factory and did not know if they were lazy. They will have to pay them a large salary.

The latter will also make them unhappy. After all, every penny carries dirty blood, and they do n’t even want to be decent in some places for this money. Why do you have to hand over precious money now? To the Empire Revenue Agency?

"If you don't cooperate with our investigation, once we find more evidence in the next investigation, enough to prove that you are suspected of serious criminal behavior, you will not know if you can afford it." Faced with this For the capitalist who cannot splash the water, the tax commissioner can only tell him the seriousness of the matter by intimidation, hoping that he can feel scared.

However, the fact is that the capitalists who opened factories in the west were a little tougher than those in the south who wanted to see lawyers. He laughed and toasted up the red wine in the quilt. "I look forward to that day arrival!"

结果 The results of the interrogation were quickly sent to Du Lin. This was the first ticket issued by the Abiluo State Taxation Bureau. The amount was small, only 20,000 yuan.

From the "good" guilty plea of ​​the business owner and the positive "remedial" measures, he only needs to pay a small part of the tax owed before, and a fine can escape safely.

The capitalists outside were relieved. In fact, behind this incident, the Chamber of Commerce also exerted a lot of effort. They sent special staff to teach these capitalists how to respond to the inquiries and interrogations of the tax commissioner.

I admit trivial mistakes-the tax system in the state of Abilúo was essentially paralyzed before, and they didn't know how to pay taxes.

Absolutely denies any other possible suspected crimes-I didn't know about the empire's tax law changes until today. I have a positive attitude towards taxation, including payment of fines.

As for the others?

Sorry, I do n’t know anything, I did n’t do anything, and I ’m a fool. I always buy those low-priced raw materials at super high prices. After all, this is the west. It ’s not strange to have a fool entrepreneur. thing.

Dulin put the result aside ~ ~ looked at Gray, "This doesn't match what I want, you know what I mean."

Gray, who had been lowering his head, felt a heavy pressure suddenly dropped onto himself. He took a spit, his throat knot slipped, and explained astringently, "We currently define them as tax evasion at the most. Some people have come to teach them how to fight the tax authorities, and they have helped them legally. "

"This makes the investigation passive, unless ..."

Dulin lit a cigarette, turned his legs and looked at him, "except what?"

Gray secretly glanced at Du Lin and said arrogantly, "unless the imperial bank can assist us in the investigation and clarify the source of some funds."

如果 "If it can be proved that the funds outside the operation actually come from themselves, we can at least define their behavior as pre-conspired tax evasion or even tax resistance."

"This is enough for them to be tried by the law, and the Chamber of Commerce is also a cover crime."

Du Lin seriously thought for a while, then laughed, "I only want to deal with the Chamber of Commerce, but now I still have to deal with the Empire Central Bank?" Do not dare to hide.

"You waste!"

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