Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1092: Ling Yan

"He took out the set of business group again."

In the conference room of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce of the Imperial Capital, two rotating speakers and eight members of parliament are holding an emergency meeting. According to the rules and regulations of the chamber of commerce, the conference of the chamber of commerce presidents has at least ten participants. Decisions are recognized by the entire chamber of commerce.

For this reason, some members of the parliament resident in the nearby branch hurriedly rushed back to the imperial capital in order to participate in this meeting and study what the Chamber of Commerce should do next.

There is no doubt that the first sentence of the speaker pointed the core of the content of this meeting to Governor Dulin, who was far away from the state of Ambilo. The news of the establishment of a state-level business group in Ambilo has spread throughout the society.

The vast majority of ordinary people are not interested in such reports, just read the title and then look at other sections.

But anyone who has contact with business and has some knowledge of the economy and finance in the empire is surprised by Du Lin's decision.

From the first day of the birth of the business group of Otis, it is destined that the business group and the chamber of commerce will definitely stand on the absolute opposite side, especially on the site where Doolin is in charge.

In the words of Du Lin at the beginning, the business group was an internal civil business organization based on local and regional characteristics. This has, to some extent, duplicated the nature of the chamber of commerce.

What's more irritating is that Du Lin asked that members of the chamber of commerce not be members of the chamber of commerce, so he directly pointed out the theme and pointed directly at the chamber of commerce.

In addition, Du Lin's preferential support for business groups during the period of Otis's administration has made the scale and quality of local business groups in Otis far higher than the number and quality of Otis business chamber members.

However, Du Lin at that time also did so, and did not have the obvious idea of ​​touching the core interests of the chamber of commerce. He did not touch on the relevant powers of business registration and management, and supported the chamber of commerce by pressing the floor of the chamber of commerce. stand up.

At that time, the Chamber of Commerce also held a full-scale expansion meeting for this matter. After several discussions, they decided to temporarily maintain the situation in Otis at the time.

The most critical issue is that the most important economic sanctions of the Chamber of Commerce are not available. As we all know, the biggest revenue of Otis is the entertainment industry, the only place that allows the public to open casinos, and some additional industries make Otis ’main economic structure and Do not rely on the real economy and finance.

This makes the Chamber of Commerce have nothing to do with them. You can't send someone to guard at the station. You are not allowed to take the train to Otis.

They really have no way to Otis City, so they can only recognize it by holding their noses in the face of such a provocative provocation by Doolin. At the same time, there is a general consensus that Otis City is a special administrative city Particularity and locality.

This model cannot be replicated elsewhere. The influence of the Chamber of Commerce in the entire empire has been suppressed to the limit. Although they are very dissatisfied with Dulin's attitude, they do not feel any threat.

If the governors in other places dare to support local business groups against the chamber of commerce in accordance with the Otis side, they will be able to make those governors understand what is called "lack of supplies".

I just ... This time Du Lin started playing with this trick again, it was really speechless.

Even the consensus in the previous meeting was overturned. Du Lin recently began a large-scale inventory of the local business system in Ambiluo. All merchants could not escape paying taxes or even fines. Business owners go to stand in line.

Next, when both sides stood on both sides with clear flags, he would begin to use his unique weapon-the power to formulate local policies, to vigorously support the Ambilo business group, and to suppress the non-commercial businessmen.

The city of Otis is about to be staged again in the state of Abilúo, which is also completely unexpected to the senior officials of the Chamber of Commerce.

He Du Lin completely abandoned the physical enterprise in the state of Ambilo, and forwarded the vigorous development of the green tourism economy. He also proposed the term.

This made the Chamber of Commerce feel the full maliciousness from Du Lin again, because the powerlessness they had experienced once again emerged.

Tourism resources are land and natural scenery. The government of Ambilo has the first-hand resources, and does not require any processing plant to process. It directly sells such resources to tourists, and the Chamber of Commerce can't get started.

It is impossible for them not to let people travel to Abilúo, and it is impossible to cut down all the mountains and forests of Ambilo 奥, and they can only watch from one side.

They can't interfere with the local economic model, and the state of Abiluo does not need the resources of the Chamber of Commerce, which has laid the foundation for Doulin to dare to continue playing the business group's ghost tricks in Abiluo.

You have the ability to economically sanction me so that the factories here have no raw materials, so that the products produced by those factories cannot be sold ... Sorry, there is no heavy industry and no light industry. You do n’t need to buy a lot of raw materials from other places, and you do n’t need Broader sales channels.

只 Only the handicraft industry is needed here. Raw materials are everywhere, and tourists will not like industrial products. They are more interested in local handicraft products.

Lack of confrontational capital, seeing a large number of businessmen apply to join after the establishment of the Ambilo Business Association, the senior level of the Chamber of Commerce has a little anxiety.

Especially at such a critical moment, there was also a shooting. As a group of big men on the cloud, they took it for granted that these two things were not isolated incidents. There must be something to wear these two things in. together.

This is also the main reason for the meeting.

"We need to find a suitable countermeasure to face the challenges that may arise next." After the speaker spoke, he looked at his colleagues at the conference table and patted his forehead with some headaches. "In fact, except this one There is one other thing that I find a little strange. "

He asked the secretary to circulate the documents in front of each participant, and then continued, "Since February, many bulk trade cargo ships have been seized on the East Coast. Many entrepreneurs have applied for assistance from us. Hope We can help them solve these problems and resume work as soon as possible. "

员 Members of the Chamber of Commerce based in Nami Lindes glanced over the documents in their hands, and then asked in confusion, "We and the Coast Guard have always maintained a good cooperative relationship. Why should we detain our ship?"

The mayor of Nami Lindes has been disguised as a little fan of Du Lin, and was mainly frightened by the end of the former mayor Todd Interest Group, entangled in the overnight interest group of Nami Lindes for more than 20 years Du Lin was erased from this world. According to legend, Du Lin also dispatched a private army. The contradiction between the two was actually very common.

Badger is the rise of a city and the loneliness of a city. Isn't this a normal phenomenon, why should we use such terrible means to solve it?

At that time, his first thought was to be unwilling to be the mayor and not willing to go to Nami Lindes. Of course, because he hooked with Dulin through Harry's relationship, he turned himself into an admirer of Dulin, thus "Survived".

In fact, he scared himself, but he also gained a lot of inspiration and experience in his interaction with Du Lin. Under his command, Namindes has gradually become an important heavy industrial city in the belly of the empire. Found a way out.

For the sake of the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce arranged a member of parliament in Nami Lindes, and at the same time deterred to cover the Otis area ...

This is an internal propaganda statement. In fact, no one dared to stay in Otis. Heidler's midnight storm was vivid. In the face of such a murderer, who would dare to go to Otis to perform a show for Du Lin?

议员 The thoughts and attitudes of this congressman are also the thoughts of most of the participants in the conference room. The Chamber of Commerce can not only be strong enough today, but also inextricably linked with all aspects of this society.

Twenty-four years ago, due to the establishment of the International Sea Powers Act, the Empire also established a Maritime Police Station, which is responsible for security and maritime arrests in the empire's waters. The Coast Patrol is a department under its jurisdiction.

When the Marine Police Station was just established, the Chamber of Commerce donated 100 patrol boats to the Marine Police Department, and at the end of each year in the past few years, it has given away some benefits, donated some patrol boats or cars, etc., and maintained a good relationship.

This is because the main transportation lines on the east coast and some industrial cities in the north are still at sea, especially some heavy materials and machinery. Steam trains can't move, and it is easy to damage the track, so they are all by sea.

问题 In the impression of this MP, these problems are not problems at all.

Mr. Ye Ke's face did not show any ease in resolving troubles, but his brows were clasped tightly together.

He sighed ~ ~ It was not the coast patrol that arrested the ship, but the navy of the East Coast ... "

Du Lin hasn't had much contact with the Marine Police Station, and it can be said that he hasn't touched much. His approach is too wild and the level is too high. The navy route has been followed from the beginning, and the establishment of the Marine Police Department has also made contact with the Navy. Since then, he has no need to contact this small department.

Who dare to stop the navy ship?

Not to mention whether the opposing ship that intercepted the navy would collide, even if they cooperated with the work, maybe they turned around and sunk several "pirate ships" without printing the navy ship number, so Du Lin never lost Never thought about contacting these people.

The speech of Speaker 让 made everyone stunned. The resident member of Nami Lindes asked, "Isn't the Navy ignoring these things before?"

This sentence is not wrong at all. In the past, they certainly wouldn't care about it. They are almost going to fill up their stomachs. How can there be so much extra military expenses for their ships to burn money on the sea.

But now it ’s different. Not only has the gold master contracted the waters, they and the military have come back together again. Every year, they spend a lot of money on military expenses. How can we do nothing?

And, most importantly, didn't Mr. Du Lin say?

It is the duty of the navy to maintain security at sea and prevent criminal acts!

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