Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1093: Face to face

"The navy ... the ship detained?", The resident chairman of the town of Stley dismissed it in disbelief. "Why does the navy detain a merchant ship. What reason do they use and want money?"

The speaker's head was getting more and more painful, but he was old enough and had seen many injuries. This pain was not enough to show his painful expression, but there was a hint of impatience in his tone.

It ’s like this. Even when you are uncomfortable when you are uncomfortable, you will vent it in a unique way. Impatientness is one of them. Most people will feel this way.

Even if they care and greet them, they will feel very irritable. This has nothing to do with psychology and age. It is purely a physiological and natural phenomenon.

It is like when people are happy, dopamine is secreted in the body, and when they are unhappy, dopamine is secreted.

"They detained these ships for smuggling and suspected theft ..." He pressed his temples. "It has nothing to do with money. The people I arranged to communicate with the Navy also hinted that they could make some slightly excessive demands, But they all refused. "

"They told the liaison ... they just wanted to maintain the dignity of the law!" When speaking this sentence, the speaker's expression seemed a little exaggerated. Those navies used to be too clear about them, and now they have learned to maintain the law. Dignity?

What a joke!

Everyone started to talk to each other. The navy didn't want the money, and they detained these freighters. Obviously someone was instructing behind this.

After discussing for a while, we closed our mouths and looked at the speaker.

After a brief headache, the speaker obviously felt much better. He snorted softly and said, "At the end of the previous year, Du Lin participated in the meeting of high-ranking navies. Through the news returned by some of our participants, Du Lin contracted Dong The remaining capacity of a naval military base off the coast. "

一 As soon as this sentence was spoken, everyone immediately understood why the Speaker would associate the business group with the seized freighters and put it out at this emergency meeting.

He took a light sip of scented tea and refreshed himself. "I think it is very likely that the incident of the cargo ship being detained is related to the business group. Gentlemen, this is why I called you together. Du Lin is very likely to Make very excessive moves that infringe on the interests of everyone present and not here, and then use these seized freighters to put pressure on the chamber of commerce to force us to recognize his behavior. "

The rotating speaker has experienced too many things in his life. He can see the nature of the problem at a glance, just like the contradiction between Dulin and the General Chamber of Commerce of Abilúo. He also acutely discovered the purpose of Dulin and then immediately Choosing to dig out the carrion cut off Du Lin's chance.

He thought that Du Lin should stop here in this matter, but he did not expect that Du Lin was still lingering, which made him a little bit annoyed and afraid.

Because he has a good relationship with Doolin, and the naval base where he has contracted the remaining capacity, there is one on the west coast.

Compared with the more developed railways, the east coast of the railway is everywhere, and the transportation on the west coast is mainly by sea. It is too difficult and expensive to develop a transportation railway between the mountains and mountains, and the main transportation capacity in the western part of the west is still shipping.

Once Durinka owns the freighters on the East and West Coasts, huge pressures will accumulate on the head of the chamber of commerce. For many years, the chamber of commerce can attract capitalists to become members and unite around the chamber of commerce, relying on these things.

First, help small, medium and micro enterprises find cheap raw materials, and then help them find product sales channels, so that these small, medium and micro enterprises form an independent commodity economic cycle.

From the birth of a raw material to its becoming a commodity and entering a family, almost every part of it has been intervened by the chamber of commerce. Even the members of this family go to work, the chamber of commerce has a certain say.

Second, together with the Imperial Bank of China, small and micro enterprises are given low-interest or even no-interest financial assistance to help them get out of the shortage of funds and invest in some potential enterprises.

最 The most difficult part in the development of small and medium-sized enterprises is the difficulty of solving the funding problem. It happens that the Chamber of Commerce can help them grow quickly and find good products for them. This has made many members of the small and micro-enterprises very loyal to the Chamber of Commerce.

Third, when members of the Chamber of Commerce encounter difficulties and need assistance from various quarters, the Chamber of Commerce will use its superior resources to solve the problems for these members. Whether it is a trouble that can be reported or a trouble that cannot be reported, they can help solve it.

After all, not all businessmen can be called entrepreneurs or capitalists. There are always some micro-enterprises, or businessmen who simply call the shop owner ca n’t afford a lawyer and lack sufficient relationships. At this time, the chamber of commerce stood up.

These three policies completely tied the capitalists of the empire to the chariots of the chamber of commerce, because as long as they operated enterprises in the empire, they could not escape the influence of the chamber of commerce.

Even if some people are unwilling to join the chamber of commerce, they will quickly become obedient in business competition. The reason is simple. Your raw material prices are higher than others, and the sales channels are not good. Recognize.

Du Lin made more decisive shots this time than before, directly holding the key of one of the three major policies of the Chamber of Commerce.

Once the settlement is not timely and the trouble is not resolved as soon as possible, these capitalists will suffer heavy losses.

They do n’t say anything, but they do n’t necessarily feel that the chamber of commerce is not responsible, especially if someone deliberately reveals that the reason why they suffer these losses is precisely the reason for the chamber of commerce, what do these people think ?

They don't feel that they should hate Dulin, because these people are completely incomparable with Dulin, they can only blame or even hate the war between the Chamber of Commerce and Dulin, but they are implicated and suffer huge losses. The object of their hatred is the Chamber of Commerce.

One or two people cannot have such an idea, even these people have such an idea is not terrible, anyway, they cannot leave the circle of the chamber of commerce.

The real terrible thing is that at the same time it is trying to prove itself and set a regional business group example for other places! !!

In the past, they had no right to choose, but now they have it, and people have heard it with their own eyes. They have seen with their own eyes the unparalleled policy tilt given by the local government to business groups. All kinds of support are like money being thrown out.

With more choices and more contrasts, even if Du Lin didn't take the initiative, under the general trend of the old party's governing, those aristocratic rulers may not think about this question-why I do n’t try ?

When more and more governors have such an idea, when this idea becomes the main trend, the chamber of commerce will face the disaster.

We have better choices. Why should we be restrained by the Chamber of Commerce?

In fact, think about it the other way around. The three major policies of the chamber of commerce really seem to help the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. On the other hand, think carefully. This is not necessarily the way that the chamber of commerce restrains these small and medium-sized enterprises. Even some large enterprises must Affected by the Chamber of Commerce.

Compared with commercial groups, which are more welcomed by the governors, policy-supported groups make selection less difficult.

The lawmakers in the conference room are all in silence. The youngest of them are in their forties, and they can already think of how terrible the Chamber of Commerce will be when all things are linked together. disaster.

At this time, a business meeting member broke the silence, "Are we contacting Dulin?"

"What do you mean?", The speaker glanced at him.

The man shook his head. "We are here to guess what Doulin wants to do, so just ask him."

After the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the only youngest member of the council, in fact, was also 45 years old, and embarked on a journey to the west with two assistants.

As said at the meeting, instead of guessing and guessing, it is better to turn passive into active. Actively talk to Du Lin what he wants, at least grasp the context of the development of the matter, and not be too passive.

On the other hand, Mr. Gray, who was heavily protected by agents of the State Bureau of Investigation in Ambiloo, finally woke up from a coma. The first sentence after he woke up was the same sentence he said before the last coma, which was "I want Surrender. "

Mr. Gray was then secretly transferred to the State Investigation Bureau building's monitoring room, which was used to house dangerous felons, to ensure his safety.

What he said after that, no one knew, but people soon discovered that the General Police Investigation Bureau sent a team of 21 elite agents to the Western State Bureau of Investigation. There are rumors of major cases flying around.

On this occasion, the members of the Chamber of Commerce arrived in Ambilo.

The three of them went to the Chamber of Commerce first to look at ~ ~ The door was closed and they didn't see any trace of normal operation. They didn't tell the local president to come to the headquarters and chose to observe quietly.

When the public opinion became more confusing, they decided to meet Du Lin.

"People at the Chamber of Commerce?" Du Lin, who was working, looked up at Dove with a strange glance.

What is strange is not Dove, but what she said.

Honestly, this is the second time that the Chamber of Commerce made him feel unexpected. At the first time, he thought that the Chamber of Commerce had to drag things down in order to maintain the system of the Chamber of Commerce. Messiness made his plan fail.

This time, the plan he launched is still being fermented. It ’s been a while before the curtain is actually unveiled. People from the Chamber of Commerce have actually come and they are still willing to meet him.

This also made Du Lin aware of a problem. After rising to the national level, most people are not fools.

Even if he has a lot of experience and accumulation beyond this era, it is impossible to achieve the "one person alone" level in this world.

After looking at the documents in his hand, he was no longer interested in continuing to read them. He clamped the pen in the document, closed it and placed it on the left hand side, stretched his body, and nodded his head. Order food and drink, I'll be here in a minute. "

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