Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1100: Outdoors

What is the life of a noble?

This is a point that many people are very curious about. Most young empires may be very wealthy about the concept of aristocracy. They like to exaggerately express their views in an offensive tone. In summary, they are rich. I also like to pretend ...

But this is not the entirety of the nobility. This kind of understanding is to minimize the nobility. If the noble is just that, they would have been eliminated by history for many years.

The aristocracy is a kind of background, a kind of background that is scary enough for many people to envy.

There was no trace of dust on the two, and the maids in dark blue maid costumes with white apron and lace skirts were washing the dishes for Doulin and Ophelia with the boiling spring water. Prepare today's lunch.

Take a deer and two rabbits.

In fact, there are more prey in the hunting process. This is the state of Ambiloo, the west of the west, and the wilderness in the wilderness.

There may be more animals inhabiting here than people have seen in books, but in order to ensure the safety of Doolin and Ophelia, the family security came from the north together-formerly known as family knights, they were expelled Those aggressive prey, only put the meek and non-dangerous prey into the hunting circle, and then drove in front of Ophelia, so that she could shoot these prey with ease.

They brought a total of sixty guards for this purpose, and a knight captain, now called the security captain.

杜 After Du Lin came up with the concept of "illegal private armed forces", some big nobles in the north immediately realized that this was by no means what Du Lin thought. This was likely to be the routine of Magus.

For this guy who is called a traitor in the aristocracy, the big aristocrats know him too well. He always set a trap quietly, and then waited to take someone's hand kindly and guide them to step in.

So it ’s not just the Timamont family that is being “privately armed”, but even the nobles have begun to change quickly to adapt to the times, although this is very helpless.

Although these ideas are not actually from Magus, it is Doolin himself.

So a group of knights became security guards, and the result was indeed a bit ridiculous. After the smile, only 怅 was left.

No matter how many generations of sediment and power a family has, it cannot resist the crushing of the wheels of the times.

I don't want to be crushed into pieces, the best way is to become a small part on the wheel, and then roll out together.

Apart from the maids, cooks, and knights, even a steward of an idle manor appears nearby to arrange some things during lunch and the next trip.

They found a flat grass field, and the green buds in the spring had just been drawn out, with a touch of tender yellow in the tender green, which made people feel better.

The servants cleaned the leaves and other things on the lawn, leaving only tender green buds in the tender green, and then arranged a small dining table and umbrellas on it, and a large group of people were slightly further away from them. The place prepares everything they need for lunch.

乐 A musician plays a melodious violin, and the beautiful music adds a romantic atmosphere to spring.

Du Lin sat under the sun-shade umbrella and drank a cup of black tea with a hint of ice. Looking at the girl who always made the mind calm, she asked a question with a smile, "Is it necessary to exaggerate like this? ? "

This time Ophelia came to Doolin's "Spring Outing" team of more than a hundred people, and the total cost of travel and miscellaneous costs would be 70,000 or 80,000 yuan.

Even if the Empire's various industries increased their salaries again at the beginning of this year, this amount of money was enough to make many people desperate, but it was only because Ophelia wanted to come and see Du Lin, and it just disappeared.

Ophelia lowered her head and stirred the stirring spoon in the cup. She was a little embarrassed and explained after a while. "My mother didn't want me to lose face. She said you are now the governor here, and I am yours. If your wife is too simple, it will make you look down on you and me. "

She looked up at Du Lin, her expression a little serious, "I don't want anyone to say that we are inappropriate, so I agreed with her request." Her face was a little smoky, and her hand covered slowly. Climbing up to Hongxia's cheek, "Did I shame you?"

"No!", Du Lin shook his head, "Of course not, you know, I'm out ...", Ophelia suddenly smiled, Du Lin immediately realized the fresh saying circulating in the society, I came from a farmer's family and he laughed.

笑 Laughing, she said, "It's just that I have never experienced such a life. Maybe I will try it once, but I don't think I will accept it too easily."

"Only this time!" Ophelia hurriedly explained, "Because this is the first time I've been in Abilúo, so I need to have a few appearances. In the future, there will probably only be family knights and me. Maid and a maid captain. "

In fact, Du Lin is not disgusted by these. Many people, including him, once thought that the privileged class is a cancer of the whole society, because these privileged classes build pleasure on the pain of more people.

人们 In the past, people always said that the nobles would abuse their servants, beat them with whip dipped in salt water, or give them no meals, don't give them clothes, and let them work hard without giving them money.

In fact, these things began to spread after being vilified. As a member of the privileged class of the current empire, Du Lin deeply felt that the enjoyment of the privileged class was based on their dedication to this country.

A person cannot become a privileged class for no reason. He always needs to do something for the people and do something for this country, so that people will support him and give him power.

For example, Alfonso's bad guy, he jumped from a non-religious fellow club president to the local mayor, and Du Lin also heard that he likes to be lively and always holds some parties in private, but he hurts Anyone anyone?

Yes, he hurt some people, some with jealousy and ugly people.

In fact, the locals have a very good perception of Alfonso. He made a chaotic area with almost no rule of law clean like a chest wrap in Virgin's arms, not only white, but also with a hint of fragrance.

It became a forbidden area for gangs and criminals. People would not hate him and hate him because of the profligacy and fun that Alfonso sometimes showed, otherwise it would not be necessary to vote for him.

He is like the people who are serving them around here. This is their job. This is not slavery, but employment.

The Timamont family gives them a monthly salary much more than they do in society. What they need to pay is their own value, which is reflected in this moment.

Of course, it cannot be denied that there are indeed a handful of rubbish-like characters in the privileged class. Even the sun, which is considered to be bright, will have sunspots, not to mention the material world.

So most hatreds of privileged classes often come from hatred of poverty and wealth, hatred of society at the bottom of society, hatred of incompetent people at the builders.

Dulin is not used to such a pomp, does not mean that he is disgusted.

午餐 Lunch soon appeared in front of them. The chefs from the north speak a bit weird northern accent, and in some auxiliary words still use Odin, instead of lingua franca, which may show their identity.

Although he is only a chef, he is also a noble chef.

"This is today's main meal, grilled deer steak. I paired it with some rabbit leg meat, and local Ropp stems ...", the housekeeper introduced today's lunch to Du Lin and Ophelia Let the chef start serving.

In addition, there is an appetizing soup and a snail as a side dish. After the spring, you can find many large wild snails, as big as a fist. The chef is very interested in this and collected it in person. Ingredients.

Appetizing soup and side dishes are not mentioned. When Du Lin saw the main dish, he was a little disappointed because the portion was too small, about a hundred grams of deer steak plus a rabbit leg, and some messy side dishes and sauces. Is the staple food.

However, in terms of exquisiteness and taste, it is absolutely impeccable. After all, it is a nobleman's cook. Even if it is not so delicious, it will become delicious after the nobleman prefix.

After lunch Durin and Ophelia held hands for a while in the mountains and forests. Thanks to the knights for creating a very good atmosphere for them. In order to avoid disturbing Doulin and Ophelia, they were expelled with cold weapons. A few aggressive predators ~ ~ each knight is very dedicated.

Just as they were leaving, Ophelia suddenly asked a question, "You know what, Melissa dropped out of school."

Du Lin snorted and looked at her with an eyebrow. "Why did you drop out suddenly? What happened?"

Ophelia shook her head, "I don't know, I asked her, she said nothing, and then disappeared. If you can, I hope you can help her when necessary, she is one of me. Friends, although we have only been together for about a year. "

Du Lin naturally agreed to this small request, and the girl immediately revived and began to talk about the situation over the welfare home.

Because of the support of Ophelia Angel Charity Fund, now that orphanage has become the best orphanage of the imperial capital, none of them.

Many elderly people are even willing to spend money to live in old age. Just because there are not enough places, people often call to harass the dean, hoping to put some people into the welfare home.

Under the dual blessing of the foundation and the concept of Du Lin, the welfare home is quickly becoming an example, a template for this industry, and a place where people who are loyal to the goodness of charity gather.

连 Even some foreign charities will go there to visit and study with a learning attitude.

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