Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1101: untitled

The orphanage of the Emperor Capital has now been renamed the Angel Charity Welfare Institute, which is simple and straightforward. If it was not Ophelia's strong opposition, Du Lin planned to hang her name up.

When the society is ushered in huge development, it will often bring great shock to people's thoughts, and even subvert some people's understanding of the world, thus generating some negative thoughts.

Simply put, some people are confused when facing a rapidly developing society, especially some elderly people.

的 The rapid development of society is indeed a very good thing at the national level, but it is not a good thing for some people who cannot keep up with social changes and development and are obviously on the verge of being eliminated.

Especially some elderly people who are about to be incapacitated and incapacitated. They have saved their life savings in the past and may not be as much paid today as a worker for three to five years.

They were unable to sustain their next life and could only be trapped in fear of the future, but at this time, the emergence of the Ophelia Angel Charity Fund and the establishment of the social security bill promoted by Doolin gave them survival. Hope.

If this is not the case, Magus would never agree with Doolin to put the name of the charitable foundation in the words of Ophelia. He did it.

It's not just empty talk about old age, maybe at this time, at present, no country can really do it, but the determination shown by Du Lin tells everyone that even if he can't, he will leave. On the way to achieving this goal.

Of course, charity is giving, but it is by no means blind and foolish. Old people who can enter the Angel Charity Welfare Institute need to go through a strict review mechanism.

机制 This mechanism will not embarrass anyone who is helpless and in need, but it is enough to stop those who are trying to deceive and enjoy these benefits.

This is also the reason why there are many foreign charities to learn from, because so far, the Ophelia Angel Charity Fund has got rid of the initial stage of relying entirely on social donations to ensure that the welfare home can operate normally.

Some commercial investments have achieved great success. The internal hematopoietic system has been completed. The next step is steady development. There must be a part of the children who have grown up from the orphanage to use the orphanage as a real home.

When they enter the society and have a sufficient basis of life, they will also nurture the welfare home for so many years, even if there are only three or five yuan per month, seven hundred eighty or ninety yuan, countless such children for charity, but also Will become the basis for more people proud to survive.

At that time, when Du Lin and Magus talked about making the welfare home, he said-"Can't let kindness be completely covered by the cold society. We need to make people understand that there is a warm side here, not just cold. Side "

Several welfare homes or dozens of welfare homes may not be able to solve everyone's problems, but their existence after all tells those people that the empire will do its best to accomplish this goal and not give up anyone as much as possible.

When talking about the children and the welfare home, Ophelia has an endless topic, who has caught a prank and who has caught some affection between the two children who have fallen in love early, and the old man who just arrived Can't fully adapt to it.

After returning to the city for dinner, the troupe of the opera company happened to come to Abiluo. As a rich man and aristocracy used to spend time, the two naturally bought tickets and watched this more than two Hours of opera.

These operas made Du Lin feel a little boring and lethargic as always, but many people think so, but now there are few new opera scripts that can shock people, which has caused most opera troupes to repeat it countless times. Old opera.

This is also the main reason for the opera from the peak to the trough, lack of innovation, lack of vitality, how many people who come to the opera to watch the opera really come to the opera?

In addition to wanting to look closer to high society, most of them are only interested in those actors.

Coincidentally, Du Lin saw the actress, Cofila, who was struggling to perform on the stage. It should be called this name. Once he went to work in the capital, Kevin invited him to watch a unique scene. .

Nowadays, he feels a little funny and nostalgic today. It has been so long since he blinked, and he even started to have "remembers".

Of course, this is just a small stop in his life journey, not even a break.

Ophelia spent five days in the state of Abilúo. Du Lin was always walking around with her. The girl reluctantly left when she left. If not, she would really like to live here.

After all, she is Du Lin's wife.

按 After touching the girl for a while, the train disappeared at the end of the track, and Du Lin looked back and returned to the office to deal with the backlog of work during this time.

The Chamber of Commerce elected a principal to become the branch president of the Chamber of Commerce of Abilúo, and then restructured the organization of the chamber of commerce, but generally there is little work to do, and the leisure person can grow up. Mushrooms ~ ~ The newspaper reported that after the Chamber of Commerce is under the supervision of the state government, many capitalists have understood that if the big companies in Ambiloo do not stand up and resist, their resistance will be meaningless.

Rather than continue to tie the relationship to the chamber of commerce, instead of being more proactive in the arms of the state government, this has also promoted the continued expansion of business groups.

It seems that although the non-ferrous metal group company has not registered as a member of the business association, but they have not become a member of the chamber of commerce. Under the direction of Doolin, the Abiluo State branch has registered the "tax information" directly with the government.

Yes, it is tax information, not corporate information. Even if some people at the senior level of the Chamber of Commerce have objections, there is no way.

It is foreseeable that the good days of the Chamber of Commerce are coming to an end, as evidenced by countless times in history. When a male lion cannot fight back, it is destined to become a hyena's full stomach.

Besides, Mr. Gray was re-admitted to the hospital because of the disease. As to when it will be cured, the doctor does not know.

的 The ad hoc group from the Imperial Police Investigation Bureau only sighed and returned without success. It seems that the curtain has come to an end and it finally subsided.

But ... Some things will never be so calm forever. Just under the calm sea, the turbulent undercurrent is the real protagonist.

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