Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1104: Incredible name

的 The two men who had been torn off their hoods waited for a moment, and adjusted their eyes to the sudden process from darkness to light, and looked at Dufo calmly.

They don't seem to be in a state of special fear, except for the moment when the accident happened, at least on the surface, they are still very calm.

Batu Buddha lit a cigarette and looked around. This is the storage room of the horse farm. He likes such a place very much.

What I like is not the strange smell of musty smell here, nor the fermented taste of the silage that has just been moved out of the winter, but it is convenient.

The storage warehouse in the horse farm is equivalent to the kitchens of the horses, a place specially prepared for them.

的 Horses like horses and horses naturally do not need any storage warehouses. Those cheap tool horses only need a bit of coarse material that is not too bad. Only healthy horses need a more complete breeding environment.

有 There are shredders, metal mills driven by 曜 Crystal Power, and various horrible tools for processing foodstuffs. A dreadful shimmer on the slightly dark walls.

"You are not Guarts!", When Dover said this sentence, he was very sure. He thought that the characteristics of the Ogdin were blond hair at that end, and the eyes and hair color of the Guarts were also prominent features. one.

Obviously these people are all Ogdin, which is different from Du Fu's initial guess. He thought that the Guartes were following him, but he did not expect to be an Empire.

Puppet empires, the Guarts, have a different name for the Ogdins. It seems to be a very awesome name, but with the disdainful tone, this has become an ironic title.

One of them, who looked in his thirties, suddenly smiled, "Bitch!"

Du Fu raised his eyebrows and inserted the cigarette that had just been smoked into the eyes of the man. The **** guy was about to shake his head and avoid it, and was firmly fixed by Ellis behind him. Live your head.

He closed his eyes in fright, and then pressed the hot cigarette **** against his eyelids. He issued a clenching of his teeth, his gums overflowed with bloodshot blood because of excessive pressure. He didn't shout and shivered.

He would like to thank his tear glands for secreting some tears to cool down the eyelids in time, but even then, he was not hurt lightly, the eyelids became red and swollen, and there was an irregular round white spot on it, which was a burn.

"I don't like your statement, and at the same time it also made me certain that you have received very strict training." Du Fu played the soot on his fingers, and his slender fingers were inserted into the pockets on the inside of his clothes. A wallet was pulled out of it.

The man could only open one eye with a hint of gloat, and the other looked at Dufo with a smile. Dufo looked at them a few times unexpectedly, but opened the wallet under their expectant eyes. .

"Empire ... General Police Investigation Bureau, senior detective?", All Buddha read the name of the document, and played their metal badges with a bang.

He smiled and met the eyes of the two, shaking the corner of the wallet and shaking it twice. "This is why you think I would be scared? Senior agent?"

In fact, this should also be the case. These are two senior field agents who are mainly responsible for a lot of detection and arrest work. It seems that their work is very dangerous, and they are almost on the front line at all times.

In fact, this is a layman's wrong judgment of this job. Except for the lunatic perverts, their work is not as terrible as imagined. They only need to take out their credentials and call out their duties. No sane person will hurt them easily.

As an agent of the two most dangerous parts of the empire, the Regional Police Department and the Police Investigation Bureau, these two departments are very united. Such a thing happened.

A rich child was fined by the patrolman for parking the car illegally. He was so drunk that he beat the unscrupulous policeman. After the incident was revealed inside the policeman, the rich son only left for a month and left. The Empire never came back.

The unity of the police allows him to trouble him, no matter where he is in the city or in any area, as long as the police officer appears.

As soon as I left the hotel in the morning, the police pressed him to the ground for a full body search. After the search, he had not yet had time to take two steps. There was no time to start, and several mounted policemen held their guns to get him out of the car, lying on their car hoods with their butts ...

The situation is the same here at the Bureau of Investigation, and it's better than ever. These agents, who have greater law enforcement power than the police, are almost unbridled, and even their superiors have closed their eyes on this. Just eyes.

The two men were caught by a gang while investigating a criminal clue. The gang members planned to put them in a concrete jar and sent them to the construction site. As a result, they just said their identities, and the gang members fled.

It didn't take long for them to catch their little boss that day and they were brought to them by their leader. The guy is still serving a sentence in the independent prison in Rold Kidd for a term of 100 years.

Confidence in his own identity, and the big man who led them to this trip became the backing of their fearlessness. They thought that they would soon be the main anti-passenger and let Dufo pay the price.

It ’s just that they overestimated themselves. Even if their status is very special, they may not be more honorable than a mayor. The handsome young man in front of them has participated in a lore to the mayor. What's more, behind him, the imperial governor recognized by the empire.

At the same time, they also underestimated the type of "criminals". How could a terrible gang be nourished in a place like the Imperial City, and even if they did, they would be completely strangled to the ground as soon as they showed a little sign, and it was impossible for them to grow and grow. Opportunity.

Conversely, the lawlessness and cruelty of gangs have increased exponentially, especially in remote areas, such as the Tener area.

Even if those who are used to living and working in the central area, even if they go to the local area to perform tasks, they will actually perform those local forces in the city. They are only responsible for leadership and command, and will not really go to the front line to fight in the local area.

差 Such poor information prompted them to believe that people with official backgrounds such as Dufo should better understand the consequences of hurting two senior investigators of the General Investigation Bureau.

In the face of the capital Buddha's look unchanged, even with a mocking question, the two seemed to realize something.

Before they had any further reaction, all Buddhas tilted their heads, "Give it off, man.", Ellis immediately made a distance, Dufoy directly took out the pistol from the waist holster and opened the insurance. The trigger was pulled continuously towards the one-eyed agent.

Several blood arrows were ejected from behind him. At such a distance, a small caliber pistol could easily cause penetrating injuries. The one-eyed senior agent couldn't believe it until he died. These people really dare to kill themselves. He didn't even have time to move out of his backstage ...

The other person began to tremble after a brief shock. His head was covered with sweat beads, his face was pale, and his lips were white. His blood pressure was rising rapidly, and his face showed an unhealthy ruddy, dry mouth from time to time. Licking his lips.

Ba Dufo inserted the pistol back into the holster around his waist, and threw the wallet to the ground, stepping on it with one foot.

Aerlis and two other one-eyed senior detectives dragged him to the forage grinder, and soon he will incarnate tens of millions into the belly of dozens of horses on the racetrack tomorrow morning.

Want to get evidence?

I first found the **** with fragments of his body before talking.

Listening to the friction between the metal and the bone in the ear, the soothing sound made the rest of the senior agent extremely disturbed.

Dufo lighted another cigarette and drank it into the detective's mouth, "You don't have to worry about killing you when I'm angry, because you are the only one left here, you can consider resisting ... ", he took the document from the senior agent's pocket and threw it to Airlis." Write down his name and go back to check where he lives and who is in the family. "

"No ... please!", The senior agent suddenly realized what ~ ~ the exit interrupted Dufo, "what do you want to know? I will cooperate very much, please, don't To hurt my family. "

Dufo reached out and patted his cheek, making Ellis whispered and he laughed, "If you had this attitude before, things would not be so bad, but I believe it here The horses will be very happy, and I heard that horse owners are not keen to add food to the healthy horses raised here. "

He made a joke, and laughed himself, "Well, tell me who made you come and why."

After more than half an hour, the Buddha left the racecourse with a gloomy face. After returning to the city, he called Du Lin as soon as possible, explaining the situation he encountered and talking about the core issues, he couldn't help but smile a little bit.

"You certainly don't know who they sent."

Dulin, who was not very curious about Dufo's tone, became curious, "Who? Aliens?"

The enthusiasm for aliens has subsided, but there are always several guys who firmly believe that aliens in this world are active in various newspapers and magazines, claiming that the entire planet and human beings, including social progress, are alien conspiracies. , Called on everyone to stand up together to fight the enslavement of aliens.

Ba Dufo also laughed a few times and said a name that really did not make Du Lin think.

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