Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1105: Starting from 0

Ben Benhain, a very common name, but behind this name stands an unusual person, Bowers.

Ben Benhain was the child of Bowworth's ex-wife's brother. His ex-wife died of illness before a second marriage.

The second marriage did not affect the relationship between Boworth and his ex-wife's family members. On the contrary, they were more closely connected, all because of the fact that Boworth's current wife and family had more power than the first wife. Powerful, but not many people can use it.

This is back to the situation that Dudu had encountered before. Only pain can make people courage to find a way out. The enjoyment of abundance will consume people's will.

I have always had a huge guilt over the life of my ex-wife, so I am very kind to my ex-wife's family, which is a kind of conscience compensation.

His ex-wife's family has been secretly doing things for Bowers, and some of them have entered the core of the Bowers Group. Ben Hain is one of them.

Because of the death of Bowworth's ex-wife, most of these people's relationship with Bowworth is unknown to outsiders. They belong to the kind of people who won't be noticed. It also conforms to the principle that Bowworth uses them-as far as possible Hide yourself.

Of course, this kind of secret is just for most people in the upper class, who can't hide the same class of people as Bowers. People who know this matter have almost the same empire, and Magus is one of them.

Magus wants to support Bowers to take office to reduce the grievances among the civilians in the New Party and divide the civilians. Naturally, he also knows some discrepancies between Bowers and Durin. He told Durin these things.

What's more, even if Magus didn't say, Ben Hain, who had a little fame in the middle of the empire, had been walking on the edge of business and politics in the image of a broker, but he was not so famous.

I encountered Ben Hain once at Du Lin in Kaile Hotel, but the two did not have any relationship with each other at that time and did not say hello.

Two senior agents from the Imperial Bureau of Investigation were linked to Ben Hain, and the behind-the-scenes leaders who stood behind them knew it was Bowers.

Coupled with a bit of conflict between Du Lin and Bowers before, Du Lin has enough reasons to believe that Bowers is mobilizing the resources at hand to investigate himself, which makes Du Lin a bit outrageous. He does not like those who do not follow the rules. People.

According to the provisions of the Empire Charter, even if someone in the cabinet nodded in agreement to investigate him, he must go through the impeachment procedure to let him lose the post of governor before he is eligible to be investigated.

The agents started investigating Dufo during his tenure, apparently in violation of the Charter.

He must have been angry with him before he thought of using such a ridiculous trick, although he also did a good job of self-protection-if necessary, to cut off the Ben Hain line, it is enough to follow Get out of it.

Moreover, the cabinet will not be too aggressive in investigating and chasing after it, because other issues are also involved, such as abuse of power and malfeasance. At the critical moment, this is still the more important empire's institution. General Police Investigation Bureau.

Once it is checked, it is likely that a hole will emerge. The greatest hope of any regime in the early period of administration is to have a smooth transition period of power, so that the newly incumbent ruling cabinet firmly holds the power within the empire before it begins. Start a political struggle.

At this time, the cabinet will never agree to follow up, so it is obviously inappropriate to follow this line and let go.

The nature of puppet politics makes Ben Hain a small victim, but at most he is only detained, and through bribery of the Bureau of Investigation, they are allowed to investigate the serving government officials in violation of the rules, not to mention felony.

If there is a good enough lawyer to defend this Hain, he may be able to get out of prison in only half a year.

After hanging up, Du Lin immediately called Magus on the phone. After retiring, Magus had few chances to wake up in the middle of the night. He still missed the life he used to do. He sat in the study and connected Du Lin's phone, from his voice, Du Lin heard that he is in a good mood now and should be in good health.

"This is the second late night call within six months of my retirement. You are very lucky, boy." The old man laughed as he said, "Suddenly I can sleep until dawn and it is a bit uncomfortable, so late Is there anything wrong with calling me? "

It's not too late to say that it's not too late, but it's not until ten o'clock, but most elderly people like Magus, especially those with aristocratic status, have long been accustomed to start resting before eight thirty, by slowing down metabolism Delay your life.

Power, wealth, no matter how precious they are, they are less valuable than their own lives. This is almost the consensus of those who own property.

Du Lin sorted out his thoughts and said softly, "Bawworth used the people in the General Investigation Bureau to investigate me behind the scenes. What do you think I should do?"

At the moment he heard Doolin's words, Magus froze. He couldn't imagine that Bowers would make people investigate Doulin, but he thought that the two people were in conflict at the beginning of contact under his control. Heavily. During this time, he also heard that Boworth was blocked by Du Lin after running for the Chamber of Commerce. In many cases, the old thing is very good at work. The only flaw is that it is prone to anger.

Once in a state of rage, he often doesn't have to deal with his head. At the same time, he has long been the party whip of the New Party. Even if he did something stupid in the state of rage, he would not admit it, let alone admit it was wrong.

His work is also the main reason for his change of temperament, but he could be stupid like this, should it be said that Du Lin really mad him, and then made such a stupid decision, or should he say that he was so stupid ?

After thinking about it for a while ~ ~ Mugs suddenly laughed abruptly, "I'm all retired, what use can you make by calling me? What I say now may not be more than what you say So that ... "

He smiled and sighed, "Okay, I should go back to sleep, don't bother me if I'm fine."

Although Magus didn't say anything, but Du Lin already knew what to do. The purpose of this call was not to seek any help from Magus. In his mind, Bowers was not What a big trouble, the opposite is that the call was actually made by Doolin to Magworth for Bowers.

Magus later also wanted to understand and showed his attitude. Du Lin hung up the phone and thought about it. He picked up the phone and called Savi, "Please trouble me to go to the Imperial City and help me bring someone back."

Since it happened from Ben Hain, naturally it must end from there.

Now is not a good time to fight against Bobos positively. As soon as the old party came to power, the new party broke out. This will disappoint people with the new party and may cause more scandals. And Du Lin Identity is a bit sensitive now.

Secondly, even if he wanted to wage a political struggle to fight against Bowers, he lacked sufficient strength and background in his hands.

But a small role, such as Ben Hain, that has nothing to do with politics can start to be gradually cleared away.

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