Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1106: Power is actually a kind of magic

The new ring line of the imperial capital has been determined, which is much larger than the initial plan during the reign of Magus, which directly increased the capital of the imperial capital by nearly three times.

According to some small news, the era when the northern nobles thought to belong to the old nobles came after Kubar came to power, and they did not want to stay in the northern castles all day waiting for mold, so under the strong demand of these nobles, the area expansion plan of the Imperial City New progress has been made.

These people are going to build a villa estate on the side of the imperial capital. They can live here when they are fine.

This made the original plan unworkable. Kubar planned a new urban plan directly on the north side of the imperial capital, which was affixed with the imperial capital. This place will be used to house the nobles from the north.

The ever-expanding imperial city circle has brought too many benefits to the residents of the imperial capital, and the worthless sections have become valuable. Those who own some farmland or manor owners are rolling up and down, and in a moment, some people get rid of Poverty.

这些 Among these vested interests due to the expansion of the urban circle, Ben Hain is among them.

Thanks to Bowers being his uncle-the relationship in this world is not as complicated as in the dream world of Doolin. Women are 婶婶, men are uncles.

He lived very moistly in the gap between the capital and the business circle of the imperial capital. In this fast-changing era, those who hold power will never lack followers. On the contrary, those who have money and no power will wave their banknotes all the time hoping to be able to Hold one thigh.

Ben Benhain is playing such a role, he solves these people's demands.

工作 This job was difficult to do in previous years, because the head of the cabinet is Magus, but the life has been much better in this year.

After gaining the leadership of the New Party, Bowers gained great popularity and power. Although this time the New Party lost to the Old Party for various inexplicable reasons, there are still a lot of people in the society who are optimistic about the future of the New Party and think that the New Party will be in After eight years, it will make a comeback.

In order to avoid losing again to the old party like the defeat that just happened, Bowers adjusted the direction of some new parties slightly. With the permission of the new party committee, he believes that it is necessary for the new party to establish more friendly and mutually beneficial relations with the society. Yes, the Chairman of the New Party Committee also agreed with Bowers, so the New Party and the capital forces cooperated slightly.

Coupled with the personal appeal of Bowers-as representatives of civilians in the New Party, so many members of the New Party who have risen from the bottom have supported him for so many years, giving him the status he has today, and he always gives back to these people something.

Someone once used very plain language to describe politics, that is, exchange.

什么 What I give you, what you give me back, this is one of the essence of politics.

Many civilian New Party members still live in small and remote houses, and they need to squeeze public transport with other people every day at work. Does this need to be resolved?

Some of them can only solve the family ’s food and clothing problem, and have not even enjoyed a better life experience. Do you need to help them?

The children and family members of some members have no source of life so far, and they lack core competitiveness in this society. Can they be changed?

In addition, in order to strengthen the cohesion and centripetal force of the civilians, it is necessary to regularly organize the activities of the civilians, not only funds, but also venues. This also requires someone to help them.

Mr. Lin Lin, in the final analysis, still has no money in his hands, which is also the biggest difference between civilians and aristocrats.

Those members of the aristocracy have a wealthy family, and in their eyes, money is often not money, or at most it is just money.

This is not like the members of the civilians. Money is not just money. It is also a "medicine" that can save the suffering of the disease. It is a "gospel" that can improve the living environment of the family. It is a "happiness" that allows the family to live a happy life. The "ladder".

In this case, Ben Hain's role was manifested. As the exclusive client of Bowers, he will help those capitalists who have money but lack political power to dock with Bowers for a while.

This made him extremely nourishing, no matter whether it was some officials or some capitalists, when he saw him, he would always call him "Mr. Ben Hain", instead of summing up all of him with "Ben" as in the past.

A sense of glory, a sense of promotion, and a noticeable improvement in social status feel like Benhain firmly attracted and filled him with motivation.

In the early morning, when Ben Hain yawned when he got up from the bed, he went into the shower room. A young **** the bed looked up at him and fell asleep again.

Benhain, who is in his forties, feels that he is at the perfect moment in life. He is full of energy, full of energy, rich in experience, and hard enough to back up. In the next ten years, he will become a dancing figure.

Thank you so much for his deceased 婶婶, otherwise he would not have had the opportunity to associate with such a great figure as the leader of the New Party.

I took a bath, changed a set of clothes, and drove out without even having breakfast. This morning, he and the manager of the hockey stadium have some things to talk about.

The hockey stadium outside the Imperial City was included in the city circle because of the expansion plan of the Imperial City. This was originally a very good thing. In the urban circle of the core city of the Empire, there is a wide field of hockey stadiums, which is only brought by the appreciation of the land. The change in wealth is enough to make shareholders laugh and wake up in the night every day.

But at the same time, there is still tremendous pressure.

The Social Service Bureau and the Land Resources Management Bureau believe that the nature of this land has changed, and they are gaining momentum to obtain signatures and seals from multiple departments, and they want to try to recover this land on the grounds of "change in nature".

豪 Some big business capitalists are constantly sending people to persuade the board of directors in the hope that they can eat into the equity of the hockey stadium at a lower price, but their taste is very ugly. The board of directors can neither refuse hardly but also sell the shares in hand.

In addition, some people who are walking on the edge of black and white want to knock on the bones from time to time. The entire board of the hockey stadium has been brain-wrenching for a while. If you can find relationships, you can find relationships and wave banknotes to attract those big names. Eyes.

Ben Benhain was attracted to this group of people.

The hockey pitch manager had previously promised him that if Mr. Bowers could preside over the hockey court and keep their property, they would be willing to put up a plot of land to build a private club for Mr. Bowers' disciples to organize activities and return every year Fifteen senior annual cards will be given away.

Now the price of senior annual cards has risen to 50,000, and 15 cards is 750,000. For a hockey field, the investment of 750,000 is equivalent to nothing, and the cost is only tens of dollars, but for others, it is 750,000.

In addition to these, they will also give Ben Hain some extra benefits in private. In addition to permanent membership, he will be given a shop worth 200,000 in the place outside the Imperial Capital Center!

For such bold friends, Ben Hain cannot refuse them, nor can Bowers refuse them.

At 8:50, Ben Hain appeared in the manager's office of the hockey stadium. After the manager locked the door, he looked at Ben Hain with a shiver of excitement. "My dear friend, the goddess of fortune noticed me ?"

As he talked, he opened the safe and took out a swollen handbag with 30,000 yuan of cash in it. He put his bag in front of Ben Hain, and Ben Hain picked it up, shoved it, and put it back.

"Sorry, the goddess of luck didn't notice a poor guy like you ..." The manager seemed a little frustrated when Ben Hain said this, but the words that followed made him excited, "but Mr. Bowers' eyes are on you, my friend. "

The expression on the manager's face changed very quickly. He couldn't help but stand up and waved his fist back and forth a few steps. Someone with a status such as Bowers was protecting their legitimate rights and interests. Even if some nobles wanted to annex their The industry is probably powerless.

At that time, even if some people feel dissatisfied with Bowos's approach, the New Party will actively fight, because in any case, Bowos is the leader of the New Party, and his decent cannot be defiled.

Ben Hain took a pen from his chest pocket, took the cup from the coffee table, and wrote a series of numbers and letters on the coaster, "Money into this account, you know what I mean."

Manager Qi nodded his head strongly. If he could only rely on a little money and things, it would be possible for Baobos to shield them from the wind and rain. This is definitely a ridiculous dream.

In addition to these money and things, they will also give 6% of the shares to Mr. Bowers for free. Of course, the external argument is that a financial management company provided them with the necessary help and bought a part of their shares.

In the name of a lover of Ben Hain ~ ~, the annual dividend will be credited to an anonymous account belonging to Bowers.

If you can say why the Imperial Bank can stand and face many challenges, then Bowers explained this with his own experience.

He would like to thank the Imperial Bank for maintaining an independent stance so that he can enjoy the benefits and convenience of anonymous accounts.

Manager Qiang Qiang held back excitedly and sat down again, asking in detail, "Then we ..." He smiled, meaning how to disclose the news.

Benhain was already in his heart, he waved his hand, "I remember you will host a national hockey tournament in May?"

The manager nodded again and again. Most capable hockey pitches regularly organize events to increase their influence, and they will also hold them.

Benhain smiled slightly. "At that time, you can invite Mr. Bowers as a special guest to be the first hitter of the opening ball."

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